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Me and Hayley have grown closer since then, I could tell her everything. I've felt like I was lying to her all these years.
"Wait! You guys kissed?!?? Annie! Omg this is great!!"
" shhhhh moms home!!"
" your gonna have to tell her sooner or later"
"Well... I've settled on later"
"What? You gave me 2 options, sooner or later, so I picked later."
"Fine" " but your telling them in at LEAST...2 months"
"...fine" I knew I had to agree with her or she would tell my parents herself. Which would take some of the pressure off I guess but I want to be the one to tell them. I looked at my watch and it read 1:50 pm.
"Shit!" I grabbed my things from her room and ran for mine. She (ovc) followed.
"We're are you going to in such a hurry?!?"
"I have a... date?" I questioned myself because Katie never implied it was a date but in my mind it was.
"Awwww" she said as I blushed then shooed her out of my room. I giggled at her cute high pitched voice. I quickly turned around and ran to my closet to pick out an outfit I chose a maroon tee shirt dress and some converse. I threw on some mascara and put my hair into a messy bun. My mom went to leave to bring Hayley to gym today and dad went on a business trip a few days ago. Telling Hayley really came in handy because Hayley told my mom the classic: hey can you stay and watch this time?? Because it ALWAYS works.
That gives me about 3 hours to hang out with Katie at a coffee shop down the street

Secret love {a bratayley flipping katie fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now