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A day had passed since what happened at the cliff, which felt more like an eternity. Sam and Katherine stood with the Author and Rumplestiltskin as they lowered Cruella into the ground. Everly and Pierce decided to watch from a short distance away. They wanted to show their support for the Jones boy, but they also knew that he needed a little bit of space. It wasn't long before Sam and Katherine were making their way toward their other two friends. The four of them let the silence surround them as they walked toward the cemetery's exit, only for Everly to spot Emma watching the scene play out in front of her from a long way away.

"I'll catch up with you," the Jones girl told her friends. It wasn't until she received nods in response from all of them that she began making her way toward her sister. However, after she reached her, Emma was the one to get a word in first.

"I don't want to hear it."

A wave of annoyance washed over Everly as she stared at the Savior before opening her mouth to speak. "Too bad because you're gonna hear it."

An irritated sigh passed over Emma's lips as she looked over at her sister, only for the latter's blood to run cold. Everly was shocked to see a hint of darkness in her eyes. "I said, I don't want to hear it."

The Swan woman just stared at her sister for a moment long before turning and making her way toward the gate to leave the cemetery. Everly watched her go until she found the courage within herself to call out to Emma, forcing the latter to stop in her tracks while keeping her back toward the Purest Heart. "Was having a boy witness his mother's death worth it?"

Emma stood there for what felt like an eternity before finally turning around to face her sister. "Henry's safe. That's all that matters."

Everly couldn't help but scoff at the Swan woman's words, earning a confused look from Emma. "I get he's your son, but that's a little selfish. You could've found another way, Emma. There's always another way. And now Sam may never trust you again."

"Never trust a person who hides who they are," Emma retaliated before turning her back on her sister and walking out of the cemetery.

Everly watched the Savior walk away until she was out of sight. A long breath passed over her lips before she forced herself to walk toward the gate. The Jones girl was surprised to find Pierce waiting for her on the other side, expecting him to be off somewhere with Sam and Katherine. Everly simply sent him a small smile as the two of them headed to Granny's in the hope of finding a moment to relax before something else happened.

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁴Where stories live. Discover now