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Everly just stood in front of the open door for another long moment before reality hit her. Not even a second after that passed when she walked out the door and watched as Sam entered Pierce's room. The Kai boy stood in the hall, still confused by everything that happened. It wasn't long before he noticed Everly staring at him before he sent her a sympathetic look. The two of them just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before the sea prince followed Sam inside.

The Jones girl stood there, unsure what to do at first. Her whole world seemed to be crashing down around her and she was helpless to stop it. A shaky breath passed over Everly's lips as she returned to her room and closed the door behind her. Thousands of thoughts bounced around in her head as she made her way across the room and out onto the fire escape. Her eyes were locked on the clouds above her, hoping they would remind her of a happier memory. One where everyone she loved was still with her and nothing could hurt them. But she couldn't find a single one. Because whenever they were all together, they were in danger. And whenever there was peace, not everyone was there.

Everly's eyes studied the clouds in the sky for another moment before they closed. She leaned her head back against the wall behind her and let her fingers trace over her bracelets. The Jones girl did her best to calm her emotions as she let her thoughts go to the one person who truly brought her peace. Felix.

"Hey, Lost Girl!"

Everly jumped at the sound of the new voice before her eyes flashed open. Confusion flowed through her veins as she looked down at the sidewalk below, only to find Will looking back at her with a childish grin on his lips. The Jones girl couldn't help but match his smile before opening her mouth to speak. "What do you want, Knave?"

"I'm going for a walk in the woods," the Scarlet man told her before holding up the two cups in his hands, "care to join me?"

The smile on Everly's face did nothing but grow as she climbed down the ladder. As soon as she landed on the sidewalk next to him, the two of them began their walk around Storybrooke. It wasn't long before they found themselves walking down a trail in the forest. Their voices never seemed to stop as Everly tried not to trip over numerous rocks in their path. Will couldn't help but laugh at her actions before gently nudging her in an attempt to get her to fall.

After playfully shoving the Knave, the two of them continued to walk side-by-side down the trail. It wasn't long before the Jones girl found the courage to ask the question that was bouncing around in her head. "How are things going with you and Belle?"

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