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A few days had passed since they met Pierce and he seemed like a pretty decent person. He had been hanging out with them almost every day, even though none of them really ever invited him to. But none of them had anything against Pierce hanging out with them. To their surprise, they never really questioned it. Mainly because he wasn't talking to anyone else in Storybrooke. Which should've been a red flag to Everly, Sam, and Katherine, but they chose to ignore it. The only thing that drove the Jones girl crazy was Pierce's constant flirting, but like everything else, she chose to ignore it.

Just like every other day, the group of teens decided to take a walk around Storybrooke since there wasn't much else to do. They were determined to find places in the town that they had never been to yet. After about an hour of exploring Storybrooke, the four of them decided to head back to Granny's to get something to eat. They just sat in silence as they ate their food, none of them knowing what to say. At least that was until Sam finally broke the silence surrounding them. "So, Pierce, why don't you tell us more about yourself. All we know is your name."

If Everly wasn't paying attention, she would've missed Pierce's body tense. However, he quickly shook off his emotions before looking away from his sandwich to meet the Jones boy's gaze. "There isn't much to tell you. I never had a permanent home in Storybrooke. I would always wander around town but never had a permanent place to stay. I had to rely on people kind enough to let me stay with them."

"So, no family?" Katherine questioned while the Jones siblings continued to watch Pierce with unreadable looks on their faces.


Everly tuned out the rest of Sam's interrogation as she and her redheaded friend continued eating her food. The Jones girl tried her best to hide the smile threatening to form on her lips, amused by how her brother's questions aren't getting him anywhere with Pierce. Everly couldn't help but admit how much the Kai boy was like the rest of them, and yet still so different. And ever since they met him, the Purest Heart sensed something off about Pierce, but she could never figure out what it was.

"So, Everly, do you have any plans for tonight?" Pierce asked with a giant smirk on his face, causing the Jones girl to look up at him while taking another bite of her burger. When Everly didn't answer and continued to stare at him with no emotion in his eyes, the Kai boy's smirk grew even larger. "I'll take that as a no. So, since you're free, how about you and I go out tonight?"

Everly simply chewed her food for a moment longer before swallowing and opening her mouth to respond. "Not gonna happen."

"Please," Pierce said as a more sinister look appeared in his eyes, "for me, Sunshine."

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁴Where stories live. Discover now