Chapter 10: Poor Baby

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AN: sorry if this chapter sucks, I kind of tried to add a bit of a roadblock type of thing into the story. Also setting up something for Seth.


Seth was doing rehab at a nearby medical clinic so I decided to stop by on my day off before running some errands.

“Hey” he said hugging me.
“How’s the knee?” I asked.
“Still hurts like a mother” he laughed taking a seat.
“Dean says you’ve been doing pretty good with your rehab” I said.
“Yeah, the doctors say I’m healing fast. Speaking of Dean, how did the date go? I’m sorry if things took a detour because of” he pointed at his knee.
“Why does everyone keep apologizing for that. You guys are best friends I’d expect nothing less” Seth laughed.
“I guess you’re right” he said.
“And if you must know…” I began “We had a great time at this little restaurant not too far from the arena…”
“Did you kiss him?” Seth teased “You guys were mighty close on that porch” I laughed.
“No, we did not kiss, and since when are you so interested in those kinds of details?”
“Rehab isn’t always pretty…”
“I can see that” I teased at his messy bun “What have they done to my poor baby” Seth laughed. I began to finger through his hair before I ‘fixed’ his bun.
“Let’s take a picture” he said “Of our matching buns” he laughed.
“Ok” I said. He took the picture and captioned it Twins! Gaining tons of likes on his social media. Even though we follow each other on social media he didn’t tag me in the photo for fear of the ‘trolls’ and nobody has time for them. At
At moment Seth got an encouraging text from Dean saying: ‘Kill it today, you got this!” Seth sighed.
“You miss them don’t you?”
“I miss everything, I hate not being able to get in that ring every night”
“Well then I guess you’re just going to have to ‘kill it’ today” I teased as the trainers came in.

I had just made it home with some groceries when Abbey pulled up from work.

“How’s Seth doing?” she asked.
“His knee still hurts but the doctors say he’s healing fine. Seth’s thinking he could make it back by Mania” I told her.
“I hope so” she said opening the door. “I’m so tired” she sighed.
“Me too” I said putting the bags on the table. We began to put the groceries away.
“I am starved” she groaned.
“There’s pizzas in there somewhere if you want one” I told her, putting the milk in the fridge.

Once we got the pizzas we turned on Smackdown LIVE!. Dean seemed a bit off tonight, he was still the ‘Lunatic Fringe’ but I could tell something was on his mind. Knowing I should be heading to bed, I decided to call him after the show, hoping it wasn’t too late and he wasn’t on a plane or something.

“Hey” I heard him sniffle, I could tell he’d been drinking a bit more than usual.
“Hey, how ya doing, everything ok?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s fine” I heard his voice crack on the ‘fine’
“Dean….don’t lie to me” he sighed, took another sip of his drink and said.
“My sister…she lost the baby” my heart dropped.
“I’m so sorry” I said. She and her husband had been trying for months now to have a child, they started to lose hope for a while before they finally took a positive test. “They’d been trying for so long” Dean sniffed and took a hard swallow of his drink and said.
“Hey, Liz, I gotta go, talk to you soon okay?” I knew I shouldn’t let him off the phone due to his fragile state but I know there’s no use in fighting Dean about it.
“Yeah…” he hung up and I dialed Roman.
“Hey” he said.
“Hey” I started “Keep an eye on him will you?” I said.
“You know?” Roman asked.
“Yeah…” I sighed. “Just, make sure he’s safe”
“Yeah, always”
“Thanks, Ro” I told him.
“Anytime baby girl” he said

I checked my bank account to see if I left any money in there, logged into Amazon and put together a nice package to be shipped to the arena that WWE would be hosting at the end of the week. After a bit of worrying I finally caught some sleep, work is going to be a nightmare.

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