Chapter 19: Training Day

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What did I get myself into?! I thought to myself. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day at work. I had to admit, I was attracted to the idea of being a WWE Superstar, but I couldn’t shake the idea of failure from my head. My entire life I’d never lived up to any of the expectations set out for me, I disappointed everyone I’ve ever cared about, and they made no bones about reminding every chance they got. I was drowning in shadows. I was made to believe that I was worthless, and all those voices kept playing back in my head.

“Are you alright Liz?” Wade asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” I smiled faintly “Just waiting for these last few minutes to be up” I chuckled.
“I know right” he laughed.

It’s crazy how time slows down when you’re thinking, those last five minutes felt like an hour. Once I was finally released from work I packed my things and headed out to my car but not before nearly missing a silver sedan that stopped right in front of me.

“You ready!?” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Oh gosh” I moaned under my breath.
“Dean sent us” Finn Balor smiled from the window. “Wanted to make sure that you didn’t chicken out on us” he teased.
“We’re supposed to be taking care of you as our own, so let’s get going child!” Sami Zayn joined. I groaned even deeper.
“…But what about my car?” I asked, hoping to get out of the situation. Just then I heard the gear shift and my soul nearly left my body, I was so dead in fear.
“I’ll drive” Finn hopped out of the sedan.

Seeing as there was no way out of this, I put my head down in shame and held out my hand, transferring the keys to Finn.

“It’s the small, cream coloured one on the left” I sighed.

“We got your gear from home” Sami said handing me a small bag once inside the gym.

I returned feeling extremely exposed in my shorts and sports bra, but that embarrassment quickly turned to fear once I looked to the ring and seeing how hard everyone was going.

“This is going to hurt” I said with a sigh.
“Not much” Finn laughed.
“We’ll start you off easy” Sami assured.
“Pray for me” I said to no one in particular.


“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sami asked playfully.
“Tell that to my aching legs, I’ve never done so many drop kicks in my life” I told him.
“Count your blessings babe, not many people can pull that off as quickly as you did” Balor added.
“Keep this up and you’ll be signed in no time” Sami smiled.
“Is there a way that involves less pain?” I teased.
“Meet back here tomorrow and we’ll tell you” Sami teased back.

“So how was training?” Abbey smirked.
“I’m glad that my pain amuses you so” I exaggerated the sarcasm in my voice. “I’m going to shower” I said dragging to the bathroom.

I was neatly tucked in bed when Dean rang my line.

“So, how was training” he said with what I could tell was a smile on his face.
“I’ll let you know as soon as everything stops hurting” I joked.
“I know it’s a bit early but, are you at all persuaded to sign?”
“I dunno” I started. “…..maybe”
“Well it’s not a no”
“But how exactly did you think you’d be getting me to sign when you send two of the silliest guys on the roster” I joked
“I knew they wouldn’t intimidate you” he laughed.
“Well, don’t tell Balor but, I kind of liked training”
“Awe” he smiled.
“It’s something about channeling my energy, I felt free”
“It can be kind of therapeutic at times” there was a long pause. “I’ve got to go, call you tomorrow?”
“Good morning”

I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow.

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