His Property

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Yuki's POV

I woke up with a washcloth over my head. I attempted to sit up until I heard a voice say, "Don't get up."

I glanced to my left as Shu sat in a chair. "Shu-kun... What... happened?" I asked, my voice sounding weak. "You collapsed, so I brought you to my room. You have a fever." He mentioned. "Fever?" I repeated, weakly. I've never gotten a fever before.

"Where's... Yui?" I asked. "Don't know," Shu got up and walked over to me. "You shouldn't go moving around. Your fever will go down soon." He said. I did as he said and stayed in bed, falling back to sleep.


"Is she dead?"

"Where did she come from?"

"She's... pretty."

I opened my eyes as I was surrounded by young boys who looked around my age. "She's waking up." A blonde haired boy said. "Are you okay?" A boy with gray hair asked. "Where... am I? How did I... get here?" I asked.

"You're in our house. We saw you collapse on the ground in the town. From the looks of it, you had a fever." A brown haired boy said. I blankly stared at them until I saw something pointed sticking out of the blonde boy's mouth.

I reached up to him. He seemed to flinch slightly, but stayed where he was. I gently placed the tip of my finger on his bottom lip, making him open his mouth a little. I gently touched his tooth and noticed it was a fang. "You're... vampires." I said, unfazed at the fact.

"So what if we're vampires? Is that a problem?" The brown haired boy said with a frown. I slowly shook my head. "I don't mind that at all." I said, emotionlessly as I placed my hand down by my side. "What's your name?" The blonde haired boy asked.

"I am... Yuki. Yuki Mizushima." I said. "It's nice to meet you, Yuki-chan. My name's Kou, and these are my brothers, Yuma, Azusa, and Ruki." He introduced. I gave a nod so they knew I had all their names. "Judging by your clothes, you're homeless, right?" Kou said.

"Kou, don't make assumptions." Ruki said. "No, he's right. I am homeless." I said. I sat up and looked down at my lap. "Yeah, I thought so. That's surprising because a girl like you is too pretty to be poor." Kou said with a smile.

"That's very kind of you to say. Excuse me, but I must be going now. Thank you for nursing me back to health." I said, getting up. I walked over to the door until Yuma stopped me. "Oi, where are you going?" Yuma asked. "I... I don't know." I said.

"Ne, why not stay with us?" Kou suggested. "No, I couldn't. I don't want to become a burden to you nice people." I said. "It'll be no trouble at all. Please, stay with us." Ruki said with a kind smile. "You... honestly wouldn't mind if I stayed here?" I asked.

"Of course not. We insist." He said. I smiled softly at them. "Thank you. Thank you so much. And in return, you're allowed to drink my blood any time you want." I said. "Wow, you're really nice." Kou smiled. "A new little sister... I'm so happy..." Azusa said with a small smile.

Sister... My new family...

(End of Flashback)

I opened my eyes, gazing at the ceiling. "Why did I dream of that just now?" I asked myself. I guess it's because I miss them. I have to go home. Since was feeling better, I got out of bed and went out to the rose garden to see if Yui was there. "What are you doing out here?"

I turned around as Shu stood there. "I'm looking for Yui. I thought she'd be out here." I explained. "I told you to stay in bed," Shu grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I'll have to punish you for disobeying me." He said with a smirk. "Punish?" I repeated, my face emotionless. Shu lowered his head near my neck and bit down, drinking my blood. I didn't push him away as I let him drink from me.

"As long as you're getting your blood sucked, you don't care who it is, huh?" Shu said. I didn't answer. "I'm making it hurt, yet you don't show any emotion." Shu mentioned. "I'm used to having my blood drunken by Mukami, so this is normal to me." I explained, emotionlessly.

"What a slut." Shu smirked before drinking my blood again. "Watashi wa..." I began. "I am loyal and devoted to Mukami. Your words do not affect me." I mentioned. "Admit it. You like having your blood drunken from others." Shu said with a smirk as he looked at me.

"You're mistaken, Shu-kun. I don't enjoy it."

"You're lying. If you say it, I'll suck as long as you want."

"I... I want to see my cousin. Right now."

I tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed my hand and raised it to his mouth. "Quiet. Such insolent prey." He said before biting my hand. I stared at him emotionlessly as he drank my blood. He let go as he let small droplets of my blood trail down my fingers.

"You're prey of the finest quality." Shu said. "Was that a compliment?" I asked out of boredom. He smirked and licked the wound on my neck from the puncture wounds. "You're my property. I won't let them snatch you away. You belong to me and only me." Shu said.

"Shu-kun... I can't be yours. I'm devoted to Mukami." I explained. "Shut up. You're not their puppet anymore. Don't worry... I'll make you forget you were ever theirs. I'll make you forget everything about them." Shu said before biting my neck again as he began to drink my blood.

No... I don't want to forget about Mukami. I want to go back.

I want to go home.

I want to be with my family.

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