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"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach announced as we all took a key and went to our rooms. Lydia stopped, so Allison and I did too. "Lydia?" Allison called Lydia out of her trance. "I don't like this place." She muttered. "I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night." I chuckled. "A lot can happen in one night." Lydia stated before walking off, me and Allison right behind.

I put my stuff in our room before announcing that I was going to get something from the vending machine. I walked down the stairs and found Boyd and Stiles standing there. "Yo. Hey" Stiles greeted me when Boyd punched the number into the vending machine. "That was the same thing I was gonna get." He laughed when Boyd's Reeses cup moved, but it suddenly stopped so Stiles handed me his money before stepping forward. "Oh, hang on. You know what? I got a patented method for this. Don't worry." He assured Boyd but Boyd had other plans. He just punched through the glass, took his reeses and left. Stiles and I shared a worried look before helping ourselves to the junk. "It wasn't us." I whispered to Stiles before running back upstairs. I went to shower but the towels were disgusting. "Hey guys!" I called from the bathroom, hiding my naked body behind the door. "Yea?" Lydia sat up along with Allison. "Do you think you could get towels?" I asked, putting on my best puppy face. Allison laughed before pulling Lydia up with her and leaving the room. I grinned in victory before jumping into the shower. The water wasn't very warm but it wasn't too cold either, it was still uncomfortable though.

I heard the door open and opened my eyes, "Lydia, Allison, did you get the new towels? Lydia.." I trailed off when no one answered and moved the shower curtain. I jumped back a bit when I saw Scott standing there. "What are you doing?" I yelped, covering my body with the curtain. "Looking for you" Scott answered. "You found me... In the shower. Slightly naked, if you didn't notice." I chuckled awkwardly. "I've seen you naked before." Scott mumbled and my cheeks flushed, "Okay, well... remember, we're kind of not together anymore." I reminded him, even though it hurt me to say it. "We're still friends, right? We could just be closer friends. Maybe... it could even fix things between us." Scott explained whilst stepping closer. "Scott. What are you doing? Are you okay?" I asked, looking at him with my yellow glowing eyes. Luckily that gesture seemed to get him out of his weird state. "Yeah, I was, um... sorry, I don't remember." He shook his head before averting his eyes and leaving.

I decided to just use the towels that stank and quickly got dressed. Just as I stepped out of the bathroom Lydia and Allison walked in, looking slightly traumatised. "Everything okay?" I asked them, sitting down on one of the beds, my two best friends joining. "They count the suicides in this place." Allison said and I rose my eyebrows, "Well...how many are they?" I asked. "198." Lydia mumbled. "198?" I repeated in shock. "Yes, and we're talking 40 years. On average, that's... 4.95 a year, which is... actually expected. But who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does that? Who?" Lydia asked, throwing her arms all over the place. "All suicides?" I asked, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. "Yes. Hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping, both-barrels-of-a-shotgun- in-the-mouth suicides. I don't know about you, but me, I..." Lydia trailed. "Did you hear that?" Lydia asked and my heart started racing. "Hear what?" Allison asked, crossing her arms. I decided to use my werewolf powers and concentrated on my hearing but it was too no use. "Lydia?" I asked, standing up. "Oh, my God, oh, my God." She started freaking "Oh, my God." She hugged herself and looked around. "What is it, Lydia? What happened?" I asked. "Did you hear that?" She asked us with tears in her eyes.

"Hear what?" Allison asked. "The two people in the other room... they shot each other." Lydia whispered before running out of the door. "Lydia." Allison called out before we quickly followed her. "Hello?" Allison and I found Lydia knocking on a door. "Lydia, what are you doing?" I asked her, cautiously stepping closer to my best friend. "Hello?" She called again before turning to us, "It had to be right here. It was a guy and a girl, and, I mean, they sounded younger, but... they were here." She whispered and I nodded. "We believe you. After everything we've been through, We believe you." I assured her, Allison nodded along with me.

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