My eyes were covered. And I felt a cool breeze on my skin, implying they left me in my underwear. I wasn't really worried about that. I was more or less pissed off that Ethan would do this to me. Oh just you wait, ima kick his god damn sexy ass. Wait... did I really just mentally call him sexy at a time like this? I continue to listen, content with holding my seemingly unconscious position.
I sat there for about 10 minutes until I heard something. "HELLLLLLOOOOOO AAAAPPPRRIIILLL!!!" The loud, boisterous voice immediately made my ears bleed. "RISE AND SHINE MY LITTLE BITCH!" As soon as the word bitch leaves his mouth I start fuming. I slowly become aware of the state my body is in. I realize my legs are bound to each other and so are my wrist. I adjust myself and use my core to push myself up. I sit up to feel my butt against the uncomfortably cool floor.
"Nice job! Now, pull apart your ropes and take of that mask for me." I have never wanted so badly to kick this man's ass. And also Ethan's. The feeling of being so fucking blood thirsty but unable to act on these hungers was enraging.
I pull my hands apart as I hear the ropes slowly rip apart. As I hear them snap and I feel my hands be released. I whisper to myself, 'why didn't I try to break myself out already.' I take off the blindfold on my and look at my surroundings. There sat a small bedside table to the left of me, with a lamp resting on it. And a pair off black heels next to it. On the right side there was a camera angled enough to see me. With what looked like an intercom next to it. And right in front of me... a door. I slowly take mental notes by where everything I placed and how it's location is all coordinated. I know I am probably being extra with this but I always am in attack mode when it comes to these situations. I continue to look around to see that the walls were barren and the color was a old ugly faded red. And then I finally look at my body ready to see my naked and bruises on my body. But that wasn't what I saw... what I saw was much worse than being naked.
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(Pretend this in on the floor and she is wearing this.)
I stare at my body as if has this lingerie attacked my body. I have never been a girly girl, and the only two people who has seen the girly side of me is Mel, and Ethan. Ethan wasn't even on purpose, he just saw me in a dress drunk and when I'm drunk... I don't even wanna know how I act. I sat there staring as I internally died more and more. Then all of the sudden the intercom continues. "Ok!! Now that you have settled and woken up... I'm going to tell you the rules..." I sat there for about five seconds before he continued, "Alright! Soooo for you to get the antidote for your precious leader Smokey, you have to be a seductive stripper!!!!! Ya ya I never really said there was an antidote but I decided you could try and go out like a hoe like I have had other people go out or save your precious leader. 'You could tell he had a huge smile on the other side of that intercom. Damn I wanted to kill him already' but April that's not all, oh no oh no, you get the privilege of seducing me, 'you hear him whisper to himself, pause for dramatic moment' AND YOUR BELOVED ETANNN! Ah yes the man who helped set this whole thing up! But not continuing, the rules! Rule number uno, you may NOT have any weapons on you! Yes, we already know you don't have any because we cleaned you out ourselves but its good for you to know! Now rule number twoooooo, no backing out! Now I make this a rule because most people just try to lunge at me and fight me, so you have to do this or we won't just kill you, but your leader. As I have men waiting with him in the hospital ready for my call to kill him. Now rule number THRESSSS!! (I know that's not how u spell it i don't know how to spell in Spanish and I'm to lazy to google it) YOU CAN NOT TRY TO TOUCH ME! If you do that also means instant death! Ethan I don't care about but I am not an option. Now that we have the rules, let's have some fuuuunnnn!!!" I hear the door click and I get up to open it as I hear the intercom turn back on, "HOLD UP! You have to wear the heels too!" I drop my shoulders and walk over to the black heels. I look at them and realize there mine. I knew they were because they had my emblem at the time in the heel. But I hadn't seen these since the gang was a lot smaller, my mission was I had to go to a party to kill off a gang leader to take the number three spot. I then mentally reminisce the wonderful time I had when I was killing that gang leader with Smokey. I stopped zoning out and grab the heels, as I grab them I remembered there is a small knife underneath the toes. I remember putting it there so that I would always have some form of protection in case a situation like this went down. The intercom blast out, "You like them?? Ethan says he had snuck into your house and grabbed those so that you have a small piece of you before you die!" I internally scream by those words. But then mentally jump for joy knowing I could kill him off. I put on my shoes and get up. I hear them clicking to the sound of the hard floor as I push against the door. I then see a dark tinted room. It had a couple lights angled on a pole. Then a small light above Ethan and Big C. I walk to the pole and stand staring at it. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but I had to try something. The music begins to play and I sit there intaking the Spanish music. (The song above. I legit listen to it all the time also if u want to listen to it while reading this part skip to :36 that's when the song actually starts) I listen to the lyrics and begin moving my hips Despacito Mami yo sé que te va a gustar I move myself to the beat. Knowing the words I say them to myself. I grab the pole and lunge my body into it. I Really no idea what the hell I was doing. But I let my body take over and just let loose. I closed my eyes. Swinging my body across and latching my legs around the pole. I use my core to hold myself up releasing one leg out and leaning back. I hear a light whistle and open up my eyes. And see Ethan sitting in a chair next to Big C. Ethan is smirking at me. God what the hell. Why would he do his to me. I hope he burns in hell.
I continue to dance on the pole. The song had changed to some weird EDM song. I had walked down and walked past Ethan. I came behind him rubbing my hand across his chest. I saw his dick getting bigger by the second. I walked in front of him and ran my hands across my body. I circled him one more time. And as I did Ethan pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. I was confused at first but then noticed it was two throwing knifes. I grabbed them and he winked at me. I looked at it and read it. It said, 'throw one into his shoulder. I'll deal with the rest.' I then quickly put it behind my back confused on what was going on. I then glossed my hand behind Big C's chair without touching him. As I passed behind him I moved the knifes to the front of me. I had came around and swayed my hips. Looking back to see Ethan and Big C staring at me. I worked my way back to he pole. I go up to it and walk around it. Mentally trying to calculate where to throw it. I had gone around one time then the second time was my chance. I came around and had he knives in my hand. I threw one knife and hit him in the shoulder. Ethan then jumps up and pulls a gun to his head. I rush down and see Ethan signal some people. Two guys I've never seen before close the doors and cover the cameras. Ethan then says, "Why the hell are you after us?!" He says with an angry tone. Big C stares at us with wide eyes and says, "I don't know what your talking about!" Ethan looks at him intensely and says again, "Why the hell are you after us! And don't give me that I don't know what your talking about bullshit!" Big C was shaking. And then a smirk grows on his face. I was standing next to Ethan. And he grabbed me and had his arm wrapped around me. Big C smiles and says, "You think I was after you guys?? Ha! That's a fucking joke! I am trying to destroy Blood and Guts! Starting with your leader!" He begins laughing and I remove Ethan. I pull out the other knife and move Ethan's gun, holding the knife ready to strike. I then say, "Don't fuck with me! If you knew anything about Blood and Guts you would know I'm the fucking leader bitch!" He looks at me and starts laughing. He then says, "Ok your a fucking joke. How the hell would a whore like you be the leader of Blood and Guts?" Ethan's steps up and says, "Because her parents originally created Blood and Guts. And they raised a woman who can kick any mans ass. She has more balls than you do." Big C continues to laugh and I adjust my knife holding it up to throat saying, "Don't fuck with me little bitch. Where the hell is the antidote. I am about to cut off your head and carry it around your whole base. I wouldn't even keep it as a trophy because your so much trash." He then uses his good arm to pull something out of his shirt. It was a purple bottle and I snatched it. Without hesitation I pushed the knife into his throat killing him. Ethan stood there and then says, "Reaper what the hell! I needed to ask him more questions!" I turn to him. My eyes filled with anger and aggression. I then say, "I would kill everyone in this god damn building if I could right now. Counting even you. Give me your shirt. I'm going to go save Smokey." Ethan rips off his shirt and hands it to me. I throw it on and turn and start walking. He grabs my arm and pulls me into him. Kissing me harshly. The kiss was passionate but messy. I didn't want to kiss him right now. Smokey was my top priority. I pushed him off and say, "Smokey is my top priority don't fuck with my feelings right now. Ok." I walk out and rush to my bike and start riding.
God dammit. She looked so hot. I wanted to throw her in the ground and fuck her right there. She's pissed off at me because of the trick I played. I didn't think she would be so mad though. I really do hope she's not mad at me for too long. I sat on the ground. Thinking. And looking at Big C's lifeless body. One of my workers comes over to me and says, "E do you want us to take over this gang?" I nodded and he went his way. I'm going to give Reaper this base. Like hell I would want it. I legit just had watched Reaper go on a killing spree. And my long two months of communication with him just went to dust. I think she thought I wanted to kill Smokey. I only wanted to have Reaper to be a stripper. Cause I know she wouldn't do that for me if I asked. Damn am I a horny bustard.
I rush to the hospital with Ethan's shirt covering my body and I'm in heels.
I get to the hospital and make my way up to his room. I burst in to have two males standing there next to him. I guess they weren't kidding about being ready to kill him. They leave the room when they see me. Eyeing me up and down. I felt so disgusted by there stares. I rush to him. He was coughing and his heart rate was going down more and more by the second. I didn't want to lose him. I shove the vial into his mouth and force him to swallow. He begins to cough and I panic. My hands were shaking as I became more and more nervous. All of the sudden he goes to the side and pukes. He sits himself and looks up at me saying, "Damn Chipotle didn't last long..." I bursted it laughing and hugged him. Tears came down my face as a wave of relief washed over me. "I'm so happy your ok.." I say as he hugs me back. Smokey shrugged his shoulders on what I just said but simply ignored it.