I watch them walk out I could feel Ethan's aura that screamed anger.
What the hell was going on? Ethan known Grayson broke into my house.
Why the hell is he pissed at me?
20 million questions flew into my head at that moment. And before I knew it. 20 million more will come to follow.
I turn to Smokey as he looks just as surprised as I am. Ethan wouldn't talk to me like that unless he had a reason to, and most of all I was talking to him about his health. Not some stupid act of selfishness. Than I give him a reason to act like that.
I feel a hand wrap around my arm as Smokey drags me up the stairs. "Smokey I can walk." I say to him. He let's go of my arm as we quickly make way to what now is Smokeys office, it was once mine.
He slams the door and says "what the hell is wrong with Ethan." He says right off the bat. "You expect me to know!" I saw throwing my hands up in confusion and frustration. I go and prop myself onto the couch as I see Smokey open the liquor cabinet and grab a bottle and two glasses. "No thank you." I say as he looks at me. "You sure, seems like you need to take a load off more than I do April." He says "I'm ok, I am probably going to leave in a bit anyways." I say as I huff out a breath loudly.
"Ok, April we need you right now. Some people are beginning to believe we're not as strong as we used to be. We have softened up a bit. Every since those stupid twisted twins came into this gang."
I look at him as he chugs the drink down. "Look, I'm going to street race tonight. I know you hate when I do it cause I can be an easy target but I'll shit those stupid assholes who say we're getting soft." I say to Smokey in a monotone voice.
"Fine, but you know if you get caught by the police your fucked. Having be your going to be wearing your Blood and Guts stuff. Guessing that you will be motorbike racing." He says as he throws himself into a chair.
"I know Smokey, also I need the keys to my muscle car." Smokeys eyes grow big as I say that." Your taking your car now..." "Yes, it's been a while but I think it's a good time for me to make a comeback. Thank you for taking care of her for me."
I hear him open the drawer and I hear a pair of keys jingle. "Who you bringing?" He asks me as he throws the keys my way. I snatch them and say, "I'm thinking I'll go by myself." Little did he know I'm going to bring Ethan with me. Fucker is going to have to talk to me one was or another.
** After Smokey and I talked I finally left his grasp and lectures and slowly made my way to the secret garage Smokey and I made for my baby. I love my motorbike and all, but this car is a piece of my heart. I started built it with my dad when I was young then when they died I left it for a couple years, and then I started getting into street racing and finished rebuilding it. It's a sexy ass car.
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As I throw myself into the car I smile. I put the key in the engine and heard it roar. Music to my ears.
I begin to pull out and was about to make my way home. As I'm driving out I see Ethan and Grayson. As I slow down to watch them. I see Ethan yelling at Grayson and pushing his hands into his chest. I watch as he keeps pushing Grayson harder and harder. As he almost fell over. I go as slow as my car could go as I see Grayson throw a punch. I press the gas and flip towards them. I drive by them and stop. Rolling down my window I yell out "FUCKERS THIS ISNT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW!" As Grayson looks at me with wide eyes. I stare him down and look at Ethan who is looking the opposite way of me. I begin to drive away as I watch them in my review mirror.
"GOD DAMMIT GRAYSON!" I yell out as April finished scolding us. She acts like she's our fucking mother sometimes. "WHY DID YOU SAY GOD DAMMIT GRAYSON! THATS YOUR CRAZY GIRLFRIEND!"
"FUCKWAD DONT CALL HER CRAZY!" I turn to him and yell out. "SHES THE ONE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL AND YOUR FUCKING DEFENDING HER!" "GRAY LIKE I SAID IM NOT FUCKING KILLING HER BECAUSE YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM NASH AND ALL THOSE FUCKERS! ITS NOT MY GOD DAMN FAULT YOU DECIDED TO LEAVE ME FOR A MONTH AND GO HANG OUT WITH THEM!" Grayson's eyes grow wide as he puffs up his chest and says, "if your not going to kill her, than I'll just have to do it myself." As Grayson turns and starts sprinting away. "GRAYSON DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I can't sprint in my condition and he knows that. He's a fucking little bitch.
I've been so stressed out after Grayson visited me.
The nurses finally left me alone after they kept talking to me about my injures and telling me about Reaper sitting in the hall waiting for me.
As I was about to fall asleep I hear the door creak. I mentally was like "fuckkkkkkk" thinking that it was another nurse to keep me awake. But it was someone much worse.... my brother.
"Hey." He says walking towards my bed. "Why the hell are you here?" I say angrily "Wow you and your girlfriend are so alike!" He says laughing. "You talked to April too!" I didn't want to see him. After all the things he's done to her I wanted to rip his head off. He begins to wave his finger slowly as it points to me. "We have a job to do. Now you need to get over this 'faze' your in with her. And kill her." I clenched my fist as he says that "No." I say to him "No.." he says laughing. "No isn't an option E." "It is now, cause I just said it." I spit out to him. "Ethan. They are going to kill us both if we don't kill her soon. You know we're always on watch. They know you two spend so much time together. I don't care what you two have, but END it." He says that final sentence and begins to make his way out the door. As he finally leaves I unclench my hands to see them with cuts from my short nails piercing my palm. "Son of a bitch." I say quietly.
"What the hell am I going to do..." I say to myself as I throw my palms into my face.