HA SIKE YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS A CHAPTER!! I have already been the worst author in the world so I decided to be even worse!!! Actually... I'm not the worst cause 11:15 hasn't updating in like 2 months soooooo. OK IM THE SECOND WORST AT UPDATING AUTHOR IN THE WORLD!!!
Ok... NOW PLEASE DONT CLICK OFF AND BE LIKE, "omg she's hasn't updated what The Fuuuuccc- fudgcicle"
Ok, now I can explain why I haven't updated! Ok... I can't. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT! WERE GOING TO USE WHAT EVERY OTHER AUTHOR HAS USED FOR AN EXCUSE!
Finals are coming up. And I need to study... sorry guys ;/ give me a couple days to catch up.... I will totally be posting some time this day, maybe even hour... because I have soooo much done.
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So much....
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Ok, for realzies, ha realzies... OK, I haven't updated because me being me, haven't had a single FUCKING THOUGHT come into my head for the next chapter. I legit haven't posted in TWO weeks.
I'm surprised you guys haven't commented "LIZ GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER AND UPDATE!!!!" Cause if I were you I would've.
Welp. Fun times over, don't expect a chapter out for a couple days. Cause I am a stupid fuck who can't write for shit and looks at her keyboard for two hours unable to process what I'm doing.