The girl who sank in her own mind...

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I heard her say a story once.

I asked her "Who is this story about?"
She answered,

"About me, about you, about everyone."

"Tell me this story,"

"It's about a girl who had everything yet had nothing.

She had brains and grades,
She had no friends or romance,

She was alone,

That fear consumed her,
Until she went in a darkness,

No light can shine through.
No rescue will come.

So she sank in the depths of her own mind.

Couldn't escape.

She tried to swim,
But her demons were dragging her down.

They told her,

"No escape for you."

"No love for you to go back to."

"No family, no friends."

So she let them.

She let them drag her to the bottom.

She gave up.

And as her last breath left her,
She said,

"No one will even remember me..."

She was right.

Years after and years before, she was still forgotten,

Never remembered.

The darkness she is in wasn't outside.

She sank in her own mind.

In her shriveled up heart.
In her always wet eyes.
In her cold hands.

In her happy lies she lived.
When she heard the truth,

She just sank.

   And she is never coming back.

Cold Hands, Cold Heart Where stories live. Discover now