Chapter 6

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The sun always woke me up. Blinding light would constantly disturb my dreams, my sweet slumber. Sometimes grateful for it, sometimes it was an annoyance. This morning I woke up confused for somewhere around forty seconds. I glanced around my surroundings and heard a mans breathing next behind me. The bedroom was unfamiliar and I didn't have pants on. Being a bit shaken, I quickly turned to my side to see a perfectly sleeping Jack. His features looked so soft, so delicate. I didn't dare do anything that could wake him. Gazing at Jack was like gazing at the night sky, nothing really ever changed besides maybe a slight flutter of his eyelashes, or his eyebrows would furrow often. It didn't get boring though, couldn't get boring. Jack acted so tough, confident and steady when he was awake. Of course that was his personality. When he was deep in slumber though, God what a feeling it gave me to be able to see him so vunerable. Reality set in, and I knew I could no longer just stare at Jack forever. I sat up and slid out of his bed as quietly and gracefully as I could then grabbed my romper off of his couch to change into. In Jacks bathroom I pulled my hair up into a ponytail because it was a mess, and once again splashed some water onto my face. I cherished the last seconds of wearing Jacks clothing before I slipped it over my head and stepped into my romper. Dashing out of the bathroom I reentered Jacks room and set his shirt neatly folded onto his dresser. Now where was my phone? I didn't see it anywhere in here so I must've left it in the kitchen. Before heading to find my lost item I take a peek at Jack once again. Every inch of me wanted to crawl back into that bed with him and lay there for hours. The reasonable part in my head told me to keep searching for my phone and head home soon. I tip toe into the kitchen and see my phone on the counter, knew it. After swiping it from the counter I turn around to make my way back to Jacks bedroom. I didn't want to wake him but I didn't want to just leave without telling him goodbye either. My head bumps into an unknown object when I'm looking down at my phone reading through the five text messages I had from Eve. All were unpleasant. I snap my head up to see what I could've possibly damaged and my eyes meet with none other then Johnson. Great.
"What are you doing here?" blurts Johnson.
"I was hanging out with Jack." I answer simply. Play it cool. Act like nothing happened..nothing did happen. I was making excuses in my head for something so innocent.
"Oh, overnight?" Johnson asks me, walking with heavy steps over to the refrigerator.
"Uh, yeah.."I trailed off, awkwardly wiping my phone screen. Johnson nods his head and laughs.
"Thanks for being quiet." he then says, and my head perks up and I look at him. Surprise grew on my face.
"No. Oh my God no. We didn't..I mean nothing happened. We didn't do..that." I quickly answered. My stomach had gotten all twisted and my face was hot.
"Okay, cool." Johnson notes and turns back to what he was doing. I nodded my head and licked my lips. Should I say anything else to him? I decided against it in fear it would just make the whole situation worse, so I just turned away and walked off to Jacks room. When I entered Jack was laying in his bed still but awake now, on his phone. He looks at me when I come in and smiles softly.
"So it wasn't a dream." Jack says, sitting up and stretching with his arms upward. I shake my head in agreement and smile back.
"No, guess it wasn't." I say back, sitting down on the edge of his couch. Jack throws off the covers he was under and stands up out of bed.
"I'll be right back." he says and leaves the room. I suppose he wanted me to stay here. I sit in place and go through my social medias. I always got a bit of nostalgia when I saw all my old friends posts of them hanging out together. That used to be Eve and I with them too. I wait for Jack for around ten minutes until he finally comes back into his room.
"Hello there." I say to him, he raises his eyebrows at me playfully and walks over to his dresser.
"What do you want to do today?" he asks me. I didn't realize he thought we were hanging out today. I didn't care. I wanted to but I just wasn't sure if I should go home and figure things out with Eve. Not a big deal. She could wait. Here and now was Jack, and I wasn't going to give up some him and I time for Eve right now.
"Spend the whole day together with you." I joke, and he nods instantly.
"Sounds perfect to me." he replies and pulls out some jeans from a drawer. I nod my head and then the thought occurs in my head that I did not it want to wear the same outfit. Hopefully we wouldn't go out in public.
"Could we just like have an inside chill day? My hair isn't the cleanest currently and my outfit is from yesterday." I say to him, laughing a little. Jack looks me up and down.
"I think you look hot." he says, and I immediately blush and look down. Stop. Say something back. Say something confident. Say thank you.
"Says you." I spout and do my best to smile at him sweetly but not too innocent.
"That's all you but whatever you say." He answers. Suddenly he lifts his shirt over his body and throws it on the floor. His back was turned to me and I didn't miss the chance to look at him. He was very muscular. He knew his way around the gym, maybe he didn't go to the gym. I didn't know. He kept himself in shape though, and it payed off. I look long enough to see him pull a new shirt over his head and then turn around to face me again.
"I'll be right back again." he tells me and grabs his jeans off of the dresser. I watch him walk away and shoot Eve a quick text. Won't be home all day, it got late and I decided to sleep over at Jacks place. Hanging around here awhile longer. I hoped she wasn't too angry. Whenever we fought, it only lasted for a short period of time. I think the longest I could remember we stayed fighting for was four days. We both gave in so quick and couldn't handle the silence between us, so naturally the anger faded and we were back to telling each other our stupid little stories.
"Anyways, I'm fine with staying here and kicking it. I'm also fine with going in public with you. I mean we're just friends so stories that any paparazzi make up about us won't matter and can be denied." Jack says when he comes back into the room. I felt a slight pang in my heart when he said we're just friends and it made me annoyed with myself. We were just friends and just because I thought he was attractive and anything I ever wanted in a guy didn't mean we should magically start dating. Then the thought of publicity crossed my mind. I didn't realize that yeah, whenever I go anywhere with either Jack there will be images on the internet. People will take it and make stories up about how I'm cheating on Jack with Jack. I laugh to myself about the dumb thought.
"I think we should just hang out here." I tell Jack and stand up from the couch.
"Okay, I'm hungry. What should chef Johnson be forced to make for us?" asks Jack as he grabs my arm and pulls me into the kitchen along side him. I think about it for a minute. Pancakes were simple. Waffles were twenty times better and didn't require much more effort.
"Do you own a waffle maker?" I inquire. Jack nods his head.
"How could we not?" Jack answers and pulls it out of a cupboard. "You call JJ over. He will listen to a pretty girl instead of me telling him to make breakfast." Jack insists, plugging in the waffle maker. I roll my eyes and call for Johnson.
"What do ya need?" he asks walking into the kitchen.
"Can you please make us all some waffles?" I ask and bat my eyes at him. He puts his hand on his chin and pretends he's thinking hard about it.
"Hmm..I suppose so." Johnson answers and finds some waffle mix.
"Yay!" Jack and I cheer in harmony.
"Question is, blueberry or chocolate chip?" Johnson questions us.
"Chocolate chip." chirps Jack. I shake my head and stick out my tongue in disgust.
"Blueberry." I sternly say. Jack laughs at me. Both Jacks actually.
"Chocolate chip is the way to go." Jack says, giving me a duh look. I shake my head.
"Blueberry is. Blueberries are fruit and fruit is healthy so healthy is best." I say in a matter of fact tone. Johnson nods his head and Jack just pouts.
"Blueberry is good, chocolate chip is better. Chocolate is made from a cocoa bean so isn't that healthy?" Jack says, leaning on the counter for support. I mimic his action.
"Jack, please blueberry?" I whine like a child.
"Lexi please chocolate chip?" Jack mocks my tone. I cross my arms and stick my tongue out at him.
"Johnson make blueberry waffles." Jack instructs. I give him a ha ha face.

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