Chapter 5

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"I don't want to, can't we just stay in tonight?" I whine to Eve. She never took no for an answer, she was to persistent on going out every Friday. I on the other hand wanted nothing more than
to sit on the couch and eat ice cream, catch up on the new episodes of whatever it was I wanted. But as usual, I lost the arguement and ended up going out with Eve. Wherever it was she wanted to go, we went. Tonight, she was desperately trying to get me to agree to go back to the club we went to the first time we went out. I was hesitant because of course we were still underage and also that was where I ran into Jack. Not that I didn't want to see him, I love seeing him. At the same time, I didn't want him to see me. I hadn't hung out with Jack since he last dropped me off at my house when Johnson and I hung out. Jack and I had been messaging a lot though.
     "Please please please!" pleads Eve, folding her hands in front of her face and shaking them back and forth.
     "We aren't of age, what if it's a different bouncer there?" I reason, shaking my head. I feel my short brown curls bounce around.
     "What if he is? Please? We never do anything." Eve lies, biting the side of her cheek. I cock my head to the left and huff.
"Well, let's see we went out last Friday, the Friday before that and just about every Friday before that too. We don't get out?" I exaggeratedly say. Eve just shakes her head and I watch her blonde hair fly around.
"Not enough for me. We can't miss a weekend of going out. Our schedule will be ruined!" yells Eve, her voice filling the apartment like a lightning strike fills the sky.
"You know what fine, I won't win. Let's go get ready. Just so you know I'm not dressing up very much." I give in, as always. Eve jumps around and yells in excitement.
"Fine by me, I'll be dressing up a lot. Lots of guys in that club." she winks, and hurries off up the stairs. Once I hear her door slam behind her I drag myself up the stairs and into my own bedroom. Sifting through my wardrobe, I pull out my black silk romper with lace trim. I wanted to look presentable, but not uncomfortable. For my shoes I throw on some open toe black leather booties. Good enough. My hair was already curled so all that I needed now was a little light make up. Stumbling to my bathroom, I grab my bluetooth speaker along the way. If I was getting ready to go out somewhere I didn't want to, then I might as well make it a fun time getting ready. I shuffle my playlist and Green light by Lorde plays first.
     "Finally ready?" I ask Eve who descends the stairs in a skin tight tan leather skirt and a white tank top.
     "Yes, it takes awhile to look like this." Eve motions towards herself. I roll my eyes and throw my bag over my body.
     "Okay miss perfect, let's get going I don't want to be out late tonight." I groan and point towards the door. Eve grabs her keys from the counter and we leave the house, locking the front door behind us. It seemed that she always drove when we went places but of course it was her idea so she could use her own gas for it. In the car my phone goes off, it was Jack.
     "Who's calling you?" wonders Eve.
     "Oh just Jack." I tell her, clicking to answer him. "Hey." I say to Jack now.
     "Hey Lex. What's up?"  Jack answers on the other line. His voice always had a chilling effect on me.
     "Nothing much, I'm being dragged to the club with Eve. What are you doing?" I ask him back. I'm nervously fiddling with my seatbelt and biting my lip.
     "Shit. She got to you first tonight?" Jack curses, and I hear him move from wherever he was.
     "I can always change plans. I'd rather see you." I confess. Eve slaps my arm and looks at me funny.
     "Would you do that for me?" Jack wonders, and I hear a hint of happiness in his voice. It makes me feel warm inside.
     "Of course. Where do I meet you?" I say without thought. Eve glares at me and I can tell this might turn into an argument between us. But what about the time she left me at this very club to hook up with some guy she didn't know? She'd get over this quick.
     "What club are you on your way to? I'll pick you up there." Jack says.
     "We are heading to the one we ran into each other at awhile ago. I can't remember the name." I giggle.
     "Okay, I know which one you are talking about. I'm going to leave like right now, see ya." he briskly tells me. Jack hung up before I could say okay, or goodbye. Setting my phone down, I look at Eve. She was gripping the steering wheel pretty hard. "Are you mad?" I ask her, even though I knew her answer.
     "Not at all. Just ditch me and go fool around with some famous guy." she coldly says. It felt like a kick to my stomach. I hated when she snapped at me, I hated when anyone snapped at me.
     "I don't fool around with him. What the hell are you talking about?" I raise my voice at her. She shakes her head and laughs a little.
     "Oh please like you don't. Don't act so innocent. He's going to use you so hard and don't think you can come to me crying about it." she spits at me. She really shouldn't have been so mad about this. I go out with her every weekend, I hang out with her everyday. It's not like I was ditching her all the time to hang out with him. I hadn't even seen Jack in a few weeks.
     "First of all, I haven't done anything with him besides that one time we kissed. That's it. Second, what is your problem? You've left me to hang out with boys before, and I do stuff with you all the time. Everyday to be exact. We live together calm down." I say in a quieter tone. She sighs and turns into the club parking lot, finding an open spot.
     "Just have fun, let me know if you are coming home or not." Eve gets out of her car and waits for me to get out as well so she could lock it. Without another word, she leaves me outside to go wait in line for the club. All alone, I begin to feel a little nervous waiting for Jack. I had never been out alone in LA yet, not at night at least. I felt scared alone, but more so in the dark anywhere I was. After what felt like hours I see Jacks Jeep zoom around the corner and park on the curb. A very sharp looking Jack gets out of the vehicle and makes his way over to me. Okay, well he wasn't dressed up all nice but he looked good to me. Sharp. Jack had on a plain grey shirt and black pants, paired with white shoes. He engulfs me in a hug and I smell his cologne, I wouldn't feel safer anywhere else but here.
     "I missed you." Jack says with his chin resting on my head, still wrapping me in his arms. I didn't know how he was so confident. I feel like if I were a guy, I wouldn't go around hugging someone attractive, or I suppose even now me being a girl I don't do that. I definitely did not mind, I loved his hugs. He releases me unfortunately and we get into his car.
     "Where are we gonna go?" I ask, buckling up. Jack was staring at me and I begin to blush.
     "You look so good." Jack smirks and my cheeks heat up even more, if that was possible.
     "Stop it." I shyly say, and I feel awkward. I should've said something like you too or at least thank you. Of course I didn't, I did what I was best at and made it seem awkward.
     "We can hang out at my place? If you want." Jack confidently says as he starts his car and buckles up himself.
     "That would be great." I tell him. I wasn't sure exactly what he meant by hang out if we were going back to his place. I wasn't at all worried about being forced into anything, if I told him no I felt he'd respect me. Johnson lives with him there anyways so there was no worry. Jack and I make small talk for the short drive to his house and I couldn't help but stare at his side profile for the whole drive. I knew he knew. I didn't care. I couldn't take my eyes away from his eye lashes, and how they touched his skin when he blinked. Or his mouth and how he'd lick his lips every so often. It was art. He was art. He only looked over at me once that I noticed, and that one time I glanced away fast because I didn't want to lock eyes. I knew my face would be red as a tomato. Once we were at his house, he led me into his bedroom and we sat on the couch he had in there. Everything in his room intrigued me. I felt like a child in a room full of candy. Maybe it was because it was full his things. Things that was a small part of who he was. His desk was full of open notebooks, pens were strewn over them. That was the only messy part of his room, and it made me curious. I was curious if there were stories living inside any of the books, or maybe poems. I knew ninety percent of his writing must've been songs, but if he was a song writer he must be good at writing? Perhaps he keeps a journal and writes all his thoughts and feelings down. Then again, his songs were journals.
     "What are you thinking?" Jack asks me, bringing my attention back to his eyes. My heart always melted when I looked into the brown galaxies. I was so mesmerized I forgot to answer his question. What I suppose to say though?
     "I was just wondering what kind of songs you have written in your books." I tell him. He nods his head and stands up.
     "You can see. I'll sing one for you." Jack offers. I nod my head and realize I'd never really heard him yet. I was excited. Jack grabs his book and brings it back over to the couch. After clearing his throat, he begins to sing for me. I was amazed all over again. I knew what he sounded like but not live, not this close to him. He had that laid back voice, it didn't sound like everyone else's though. It was throaty, and attractive and my new favorite sound. Over all, above anything else I'd ever experienced. Jack Gilinsky singing, I could listen to it forever. Anything he wanted.
     "You're amazing. I mean, you really have this unique voice. You sound so good. I love the verses also." I comment once he finishes. He smiles and nods.
     "Feels more special hearing it from you. I have millions of fans around the world who tell me, I didn't care so much until just now." Jack answers, moving his music back over to his desk. I smile to myself as I watch his movements.
     "Besides the fact that I'm not a fan." I note, standing up myself.
     "Aren't a fan?" Jack questions, craning his head to look at me.
     "A friend." I say quietly. Jack began to shift his body toward me and slowly creep toward me.
     "You like my music?" asks Jack, still steadily making his way toward me. My heart had begun to pound now. I nodded my head slowly. "Then, I suppose you are a fan?" Jack breathes. He was very close to me now, we were practically touching. I wasn't sure what was going on.
     "In that case, I'm your biggest fan." I say. I felt out of breath, I felt like I was being crushed by the weight of his eyes staring at me so close. He never looked away though, not the whole time. Thirty seconds felt a lot more like thirty minutes of us standing there. Then our moment was over. All too quick. I felt relieved, disappointed, and nervous all at the same time. I wished he'd come back to that stance, or pull me into a hug. I wished he'd kiss me again like before.
     "Are you hungry? Want a snack? Maybe ice cream?" asks Jack, turning the handle of his doorknob to head out of the room. I turn on my heels and follow him to the kitchen.
     "Ice cream sounds cool." I mention, wondering what kind he had.
     "Ice cream is cool." Jack laughs. I feel embarrassed about my unintended pun. My cheeks turn red.
     "Yeah, I guess so." I say, twiddling my fingers trying to calm myself down.
     "What's wrong?" Jack says with a tone of worry, or wonder. I look up at him. Now he thought something was bothering me. Nothing was but of course my weird habits made him think I was upset. How could I be, I was here with him.
     "Nothing. Nothing at all, I'm sorry. I just act funny when I'm nervous." I confess, letting out a breath I didn't know I was keeping. Jack smiles at me, and lightly touches my arm.
     "Why are you nervous?" He asks, running his fingers up and down my arm. It gave me chills, made me more nervous and it was hard to concentrate. Why did he do this?
     "I don't know." I answer, it comes out as a whisper.
     "Do I make you nervous?" questions Jack, cocking his head to the right slightly.
     "I think so." I shyly tell him, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. Jack smirks and takes his hand away from my arm. He gracefully walks to his fridge and opens the freezer side.
     "Cookie dough or chocolate?" calls Jack from behind the freezer door.
     "Cookie dough." I say back. Jack swiftly swoops the ice cream out of the freezer and sets it on the counter next to me.
     "There are spoons in that drawer right there, could you get two?" says Jack, pointing to the drawer closest to me. I nod and grab two spoons. Jack brings two blue bowls over to me and pops the lid off the ice cream carton. After loading our bowls with heaps of the cold sugary dessert he puts the ice cream back away and I follow him over to the counter.
     "So tell me more about yourself." I tell Jack, taking a bite of cookie dough.
     "You know a lot. We text so much." he replies, with a mouth full.
     "I know that, but I want to know more." I say.
     "How about you tell me more about you? I know a lot too but I also want to know more. So I insist, ladies first. Tell me little things that no one else really knows or cares to ask. What's your favorite name? Do you like your mother or father better? Tell the truth, do you still sleep with a stuffed animal every once in awhile? I do. Do you sing in the shower? What is your thoughts on religion? How old were your parents when they had you? Tell me everything." Jack says, with a sort of light twinkling in his eyes. I wanted nothing more then to tell him everything, anything I could. So I did, and he did too. I told him about how when I was six years old I lost my baby tooth on a Disneyland ride and I cried because I wanted to keep it forever. He told me about the time him and his mom went to the grocery store together and he thought that celery was pronounced salary, so he'd say it like that still today. I told him how my little brother didn't like peanut butter and jelly unless we actually put peanuts in it. We talked for hours on end. Until it reached 3am.
      "Well shoot, it's really late." I state, rubbing at my tired eyes.
     "I think you mean early." Jack laughs, his voice was raspy, tired.
     "I should go?" I say as a question.
     "No, stay." Jack pleads, and I nod my head.
     "Okay." I agree.
     "You can sleep here, Ill give you my bed. You can wear a shirt of mine or something to sleep in.
     "I don't know.." I trail off.
     "Okay cool lets go get you all set up." Jack tells me and we stand up and walk to his bedroom. I shake my head smiling at his persistence.
     "Here, wear this. You can change in the bathroom right there. I'll get my bed all made up for you." Jack throws me a black shirt. I nod my head and walk off to the bathroom. After slipping my romper off my waist and putting Jacks shirt over my head, I look in the mirror. My face was all shiny and my hair wasn't nearly curled anymore. I run the water from the sink and try to wash my face as best I can. Good enough for one night. Jacks shirt went down to mid thigh, so it wasn't any shorter than most dresses I wore. I walk back to Jacks room and see he's thrown on sweatpants and left the same grey shirt he was wearing before on.
     "Thanks." I shyly say, putting my folded romper on his couch.
     "Of course, I'll just be in the living room if you need me." Jack starts to walk away, but I stop him.
     "Wait Jack, you don't have to sleep on the couch. Your bed is big, why don't we both sleep here?" I quickly say. He smirks and shrugs his shoulders.
     "No problem with that." he tells me, turning off his light and walking over to the bed. We both climb into the bed and lay down. I'd never felt so awkward in my whole life. All those other times I felt out of place, this was definitely more awkward. I felt like we should be cuddling? Was that a requirement of a girl and boy to sleep in the same bed? We were both laying on our backs and staring at the ceiling. I could see Jacks eyes from the light that shone through his window. The moon lit up his eyes and made them look silvery. I saw him smile. He noticed I was looking.
     "Goodnight Lex." Jack yawns, turning into his right side.
     "Goodnight." I answer and turn into my side. Our backs were touching and I used his breathing that started to slow and become softer and softer as he fell asleep as a lullaby.

Unexpected //Jack Gilinsky Where stories live. Discover now