Chapter 13

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"Turn your alarm off." mumbles a sleepy Jack beside me. It was going off wasn't it, oh shoot. Work. I needed to get up now and get ready.
"Let me out of your grasp then." I tell Jack. His arms were locked around me and I had already tried to wiggle away. He wouldn't loosen his hold.
"No way." I feel him shaking his head against the back of my head. He was squished against the back of me, pulling me as tight to him as he could. He snuggled his head against the crook of my neck and it gave me goosebumps because I could feel him breathing.
"Jack, I need to go to work in probably like twenty minutes." I protest, trying to wiggle free again.
"Or you could stay here with me and kiss me all day." Jack suggests. Sounded dangerous, I wanted to stay.
"Jack, really we shouldn't have done this." I tell him. He finally lets me free and I sit up.
"I know." he quietly replies.
"Jack, I should tell you. I really deep down don't regret it, oh my god I don't regret it. It was so, so perfect. Honestly I mean how can I ever fall asleep again without you? I just really feel bad about Matt and more importantly Madison." I tell him, stepping out of my bed. I clicked my phone screen on to check the time. I had an hour surprisingly.
"I know." he says again. He sounded sad, I was sad. I didn't want him to be sad, I didn't want him to leave my house upset.
"Are you sad?" I ask.
"Not at you." he sighs, sitting up and running his hand through his hair.
"Who are you mad at then?" I ask.
"Myself. Matt, maybe even Madison."
"Why would you be mad at anyone you just mentioned?"
"Myself because I hurried you to make a choice in the beginning, Matt because he's got to you now and Madison because she got to me and so I can't just leave her without notice." Jack shakes his head and sighs very deeply.
"Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"Stop feeling bad, it doesn't even matter. Here's what we have to hold on to, our friendship and last night. We have that and the fact that we will continue to make cool memories as friends and maybe one day if Matthew and I aren't together and if you and Madison have broken up, we could be together. It's just not for us right now, even though what's going on right this second seems to scream a different story." I say.
"I want you to break up with Matt."
"Break up with Madison."
"I have to give Matt a chance, I can't be like that. I really do have some feelings for him." I tell him. But I was confused.
"And for me?" Jacks eyes get big as he asks the question.
"More for you." I sigh.
"Why are you so damn confusing? What do you want?" he pleads, standing up off the bed and placing himself right in front of me.
     "I don't know I just-"
     "Oh my god! Make your mind up!" Jack screams. Eve would definitely know her was here now. I felt a lump in my throat and tears sprang to my eyes, I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be with Matt and I did want to be with Matt. How could I explain yet again to Jack that I wanted him so desperately that I just couldn't have him?
     "I uh, I have made up my mind." I say, sniffling. He looked like he felt sad that I was crying, but he seemed irritated.
     "I don't want to make you cry." he sighs after a minute or so passes. His hand grazes my skin as he wipes away a tear. I tried my hardest to stop, they just kept falling though. Jack pulled me into his arms and held me for a long time. Until I was silent. Until I knew that I was late for work and I heard Eve downstairs doing stuff.
"Thank you." I say, pulling myself out of Jacks hold and looking into his eyes.
"For what? Being belligerent?" he questions.
"No, for holding me. For letting me be weak." I sigh, sitting on my bed. He sat next to me.
"You aren't weak. You're smart and courageous and beautiful." he smiles, patting my thigh. I shyly look down as I feel my cheeks heat up. I blushed so much, over the tiniest things.
"Thanks." I mumble. I didn't mean to always sound rude, or quiet. Sometimes when I thanked people, especially when I was being shy, I looked like I didn't mean it. Or sounded like I didn't mean it. I never intended for it to be like that, it just happened.
"I thought you had work." Jack states. I nod my head and look back up.
"I do, or I did." I say, looking at the time on my clock. I was over thirty minutes late for my shift now.
"I should've just let you get up and do your thing I'm sorry." Jack sighs. His pouty lips made me feel not so angry, they tugged at my heart wistfully.
     "It's okay, I'll call and go in late. My boss has been pretty lenient with me. I mean I've never missed a day besides my designated days off and once I ran into Madison and broke some dishes, she was cool about it though." I tell Jack. He starts to laugh and I give him a confused look.
     "You ran into Madison, and broke some dishes?" he questions, still giggling.
     "She didn't tell you?" I ask, widening my eyes.
     "No." he shakes his head. I felt almost embarrassed over the story, I didn't want him to think I was really clumsy.
     "Well it happened right before I left for Thanksgiving, it was so bad." I confess. Jack sauntered after me to my closet as I pulled out my work outfit.
     "You wear that to work?" he asks, with a sheepish grin growing on his perfect face.
     "I do." I peep. I always had something that embarrassed me. Clumsiness, ugly work outfits, blushing constantly.
     "That's adorable." he yells, throwing his hands up in the air. Jack was so tall I worried he'd hit his hands on the ceiling fan, I almost thought he did.
     "No, it's so disgusting." I roll my eyes.
     "It's really not, put it on. I bet you look so hot." Jack comments. I watched as his eyes grazed over my body and he licked his lips.
     "I'm really hot in it. So hot that I sweat and become stinky." I joke. I didn't really sweat off my perfume or anything. I never sweat enough to smell bad, at least I hoped I didn't.
     "Yum. Your sweat sounds fantastic." he kids.
     "Jack that's gross!" I shout, throwing one of my socks at him.
     "Your feet are so tiny." he tells me, looking at my sock in his hands.
     "Your feet are so big." I huff, making my way to the bathroom to change behind closed doors. I hear Jack humming a tune as I wiggle my pants on and squeeze my shirt over my head. Every time I did so my hair got really frizzy, I hated the material of this work shirt with a passion.
"Hurry on, come out! I want to see you." whines Jack from the bedroom. I imagine him sitting on the bed anxiously awaiting me to walk out, then I envision him laughing at how silly I look.
"I'm coming, be patient." I retort, flipping my hair and gathering it all up to put into a pony tail. I take a quick glance at myself I the mirror, usually I looked really tired. Today I looked refreshed, like I'd slept for days. That wasn't the case at all, I don't know how much sleep I got last night. I was comfortable though, and soothed. It made for a good nights sleep. All I did was quickly swipe on mascara and chapstick before reentering my bedroom. Jack was sprawled across my bed again when I came out, and he quickly shot up to look at me.
"You do look so cute." he gushes with a sweet smile planted on his face.
"Stop." I blush, looking at the ground.
"Come over here." he commands. He had a confusing and daring look in his eyes. His eyebrows were scrunched and harsh looking, you could see the vertical dent in between them.
     "Why, what are you gonna do?" I smile, narrowing my eyes in question.
     "Come here." he repeats. I take the two steps to him and he pulls me swiftly onto his lap. I couldn't understand how it happened so fast, or how I was just suddenly straddling him with each leg on either side of him. His hands rested lightly on my lower back, and I felt almost embarrassed to be sitting on top of him. Jacks eyes constantly flicked from my eyes to my lips.
     "We can't." I whisper weakly.
     "We could." Jack answers. I shake my head.
     "We really can not Jack." I whine. Jack didn't care. He was oblivious to the fact that if he eventually started kissing me I'd melt into him and change my mind, he was dangerous. He was addicting. He was like in the movies  where there was a hurricane or something and people would just keep looking and stay still. They couldn't leave it be, it was too incredible to look away from, too luring to run from. No matter how much I knew it wasn't what we should be doing, if Jack initiated the kiss I would continue it and it'd go on for awhile.
     "Baby girl, come on." he whispers. His head was tilting dangerously close to my neck, and his hot breath was giving me a burning feeling in my heart. Baby girl. Being called that by him made me feel drunk, feel wasted.
     "Jack." I plead. My voice was telling him no, but the way my body was reacting to his breath was telling him yes. Yes, I wanted him to do this, yes I needed to get to work, and yes, we were terrible people for doing this to Madison and Matt.
     "Please." he whispers, his lips were almost connected to my neck already. I sighed the deepest sigh I ever had, and that was Jacks sign to move in. The moment that he left sloppy wet kisses down to my collar bone and fumbled around with the hem of my shirt I was squirming around and breathing heavily. I couldn't take much of his teasing I had discovered, it was no fun for me. He had too much power, too much of an effect on me. I grabbed his face and connected our lips instead, I didn't want him to be leaving any more marks on my skin that I couldn't cover up. Our lips continued to smash together until I finally just couldn't breathe. My head was buzzing and my heart had been pounding intensely.
     "Okay, okay. We need to stop." I mumble into the kiss. Jack respects my wish, and pulls away. We stared at each other for a minute, and I admired his features.
     "One more kiss?" Jack asks, giving me a pouty look. I lean my face in to kiss him, and I felt awestruck by how he made it sweet and long lasting. The only other times we had kissed it was so aggressive and hungry, so lustful. This felt real, and beautiful and miraculous. Every time we connected our bodies and souls it was beautiful, and memorable. This just felt special.
     "Okay Jack. I really got to call my job and tell them I'll be coming in late. I should've thirty minutes ago before we started this." I say. He lays his back on my bed and I crawl off of him in search of my phone. Jacks face was home to a small smile, it rested perfectly on his lips and I adored his smile lines and how he was fiddling with his fingers as I waited for my boss to pick up. I was really worried that she would be mad, this was so irresponsible of me.
     "Hello?" she answers. She didn't sound mad.
     "Hi, its Alexis. I'm so sorry. I woke up late this morning and I'm just now getting in the car. I am terribly sorry, I know this is so bad." I blurt out. I hear her sigh in the other end, and it made my stomach twist into a knot.
     "Listen, don't worry about coming in today. We have plenty of help around here, I can't say that next time it happens there won't be a consequence though." she answers.
     "Are you sure, I really can come in." I say quickly.
     "Yes I'm sure, just settle in. I know you just got back and everything, take the day and we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." she encourages.
     "Okay, well uh call if you want me to come in later or something?" I ask, I felt bad that she was giving me a free day off.
     "No, just make a day up sometime later. Goodbye Alexis." she laughs, hanging up the phone.
     "What'd she say?" asks Jack.
     "Well she told me to just take the day off." I tell him.
     "Really? That's sweet." Jack yells. He jumped up from the bed and his eyes got all big and happy.
     "Yeah I guess." I say, turning away from his gaze and going to the closet to change my outfit.
     "What are we gonna do?" wonders Jack. I heard him come up behind me.
     "We are going to hang out with everyone. It really shouldn't just be us alone anymore, we aren't safe together." I mention. I didn't know what I wanted to wear, there were so many things to pick from. November LA wasn't too hot to wear long sleeves or too cold to wear shorts and a t-shirt.
     "Let me pick your outfit." Jack tells me, moving me aside and looking in my closet.
     "Okay." I nod. I watched him carefully eye everything hung up, which were shirts, hoodies and dresses. His hands reached to grab a hoodie. It was my grey partially oversized one, and it was a good choice. It was plain besides the stitched 'shadow hill" in white on it.
     "Okay, good choice." I nod. It was so cozy.
     "Do you own pants?" Jack asks.
     "In my dresser." I laugh, motioning to the black dresser underneath the hanging clothes. Jack opens the top drawer and sees bras, then quickly slid it shut.
     "Sorry." he mumbles, his cheeks turning a light pink.
     "Is little Jack blushing?" I gasp.
     "No, shut up." Jack retorts.
     "Why are you blushing Jack? Never seen a bra before?" I tease. He rolls his eyes.
     "Of course I have. It's your bra. I'm imaging you in only that." he says. Now I was blushing. He kept opening each drawer until he found my pants, and then pulled out a pair of light wash skinny jeans.
     "Okay, I'll just go change into this really quick then." I grab the pants from him.
     "I'm gonna pick your shoes too." Jack says excitedly. I giggle and close my bathroom door. I wasn't going to wear any shirt with my hoodie, I never usually did. I strip myself of my ugly work attire and slide into my pants, then slip over my blanket like hoodie over my head and onto my tiny frame. I left my hair as it was, and went back into my room.
     "Here's outfit of the day." I remark. He turns away from my closet and peaks at me.
     "Not too shabby. You look cute and comfortable. You should let me pick your clothes out every day." he comments.
     "Probably." I state. Jack dressed really nice, I really would let him dress me everyday if he actually would.
"I think you should wear these Vans." he states, throwing me the black and white choice. I nod my head and slip them on along with my socks.
     "Wanna call J or should I?" questions Jack.
     "I'll do it, I love Johnson. You call Madison, too. I don't want to seem distant from everyone else." I note.
     "You mean you don't want me to distance myself from Madison." Jack coldly replies.
     "I guess, yeah. I'll call Matt. We'll make it a party!" I try to excite him. This situation was weird, a minute ago I was on top of him, trying to catch my breath as he fumbled around with my clothing trying to keep himself sane and now, now we were talking about calling the people we should've been doing things like that with in the first place.
     "Yeah real fun." he huffs. I didn't want him to be mad, I just wanted to make things seem normal. As normal as they used to be, with the only difference being that Jack and I are talking again.
     "Okay, text her." I inform. Clicking around in my phone to find Johnson's phone number. It rang three times before he answered.
     "Alexis! What up?" he cheered into the phone.
     "Hey Johnson, not much. Do you wanna hang today? I was talking to Jack about it and wanted to invite him and Madison, along with you and Matt?" I asked. I knew he'd say yes, usually he did. Unless he had plans, or I suppose if he didn't feel good. I never noticed Johnson get sick, or anyone I'd met really.
     "Dude, yeah that'd be sick! When?" he beams.
     "Let's say like thirty minutes? We could meet at that one breakfast place or something." I offer. I hadn't been there since he brought me awhile back, and I was craving something sweet, like a crepe of some kind.
     "Perfect, I'll head that way soon." he answers happily.
     "Sounds good, bye J." I hang up the phone. One down, one to go. I find Matthews contact and click call, he answers almost immediately.
     "Hi there."
     "Hey Matt, what are you up to today?"
     "I'm sitting down, what are your big plans for the day?"
     "Well, I was calling to ask if you wanted to hang out? Johnson, Jack and I think Madison would be with us too." I ask.
     "That doesn't sound too bad, Jack will have Madison to keep his eyes on so I'm down I guess. When and where?" he asks, I could just see his anxious face. I didn't necessarily like how he commented about Jack, nothing that I could do though.
     "I'm spacing out on the name, but you know Johnson's favorite breakfast place? In like thirty minutes?" I wonder.
     "Yes I do. Sounds good, see you then beautiful." Matt bids his goodbye. My heart didn't flutter when he complimented me. I appreciated it, I liked compliments. I just didn't get that totally out of breath, heart stopping kind of reaction.
     "Madison is down. I take it so are the guys?" Jack asks, walking up behind me. I had somehow wondered off all the way downstairs. I didn't realize it, ever. I just naturally wandered around while on the phone, I felt strange sitting in one place and doing it. I wanted to roam. If I was in a small space, I'd walk around in circles. It could get tiring and often I'd find myself out of breath from walking and talking at the same time.
     "Yeah, in like probably twenty minutes now we should be there. I don't know how rides are working, if we want to go together or?" I ask him.
     "Together. I don't want to make you drive." Jack quickly answers. I nod my head and watch him surf through my fridge.
     "Jack is here? In the morning?" Eve peeps from the living room.
    "Oh my God Eve, you scared me!" I yell. I had completely forgotten there was another human in this house.
     "I've been awake for over two hours, no one has come in or out. That has to mean.." Eve trails off, making the connections.
      "Eve, shut the hell up. Don't make any connections, don't think of anything." I threaten, more jokingly than seriously. If she even thought we did anything, she would never tell anyone.
     "Did Jack spend the night?" she wonders aloud. Jack seemed unfazed by everything going on, he still rummaged through my refrigerator, in search of whatever he desired.
     "Eve, seriously stop." I warn.
     "Did you two like, did you guys have sex or something?" she asks as if it were no big deal. At the same time that I yelled no Jack yelled yes. And Eve starting jumping around hysterically.
     "You really did?" she pesters.
     "No, I was joking we didn't. I came over to hang out because I was bored and I fell asleep laying on her floor. Don't make things a bigger deal then they need to be. We haven't even met, how come?" Jack covers our tracks, running from the kitchen to the living room to introduce himself formally to Eve.
      "Because Lexi likes to hide me away." she lies.
     "Because Eve likes to go on the run all the time and hook up with various boys instead of hang out with me." I defend myself.
     "Well I'm Jack." Jack shakes Eves hand.
     "Eve." she replies.
     "Okay well Eve, I don't know what you are going to do, but Jack and I are going to breakfast with Matt, Johnson and Madison." I inform her. It was kind of an unofficial invite.
     "I'm going to hang out with Michael." she says.
     "Okay, I don't know who he is. Later we have some talking to do." I tell her. She nods her head in agreement.
      "We should probably go, everyone else will be showing up soon." Jack tells me, tugging on my arm.
      "Put your shoes on then you lazy bum." I point towards his feet. He was wearing black socks, his feet really were big. All man feet looked the same to me.
     "I think they are at the front door, let's go." he drags me.
     "Bye you two!" shouts Eve. I nod my head back at her and Jack doesn't do anything.
      "See we are going out the door and to my car." Jack jokes. He was still escorting me towards the elevator, he had put his shoes on so fast at the door I was actually amazed.
"Wait really? Your car? How could I ever have guessed that?" I joke around, playing a dumb girl act.
"I think you could have, you're pretty smart." Jack comments, shrugging his shoulders towards me.
"I just thought of something. So you and Johnson live together, don't you think he's suspicious about your whereabouts last night?" I ask. I had completely forgot about that. Johnson would surely suspect that he was with me, especially since we are showing up together.
"I told him I was going to Madison's, don't worry so much." he informs.
"Okay but you didn't go to Madison's, you came to my house. You spent the night and my house and I'm riding with you. That's a dead giveaway." I panic.
"Okay how about this? I drop you off like a street down, and you can walk in saying that Eve dropped you off or something because she was going out somewhere anyways. To make it even more discrete I'll call Madison right now and tell her not to leave, I'll go pick her up after I drop you off. There, problem solved." he insists. It was more complicated then it needed to be, but it would work. Hopefully Johnson wouldn't ask about Jack being at Madison's last night though, because then his confusing plan would be all for nothing.
"I guess so." I sigh. I felt like the shittiest person in the world. I basically helped Jack cheat on Madison, and I cheated on Matt. Matt and I weren't as serious as Madison and Jack were though. Jack and Madison had been steady for awhile, and Matt and I only just classified us yesterday. Things happened so fast, life turned around so quickly.
"Why do you look so upset?" Jack questions. He had just got off of the phone with Madison, and started up his Jeep.
"I'm just thinking about how I'm an alliance to you in cheating on Madison. And you're an alliance to me in cheating on Matt. I feel really horrible about this Jack." I say, I felt like crying. I had never been cheated on, but I'd seen it happen to people and I understood that it made people feel so bad. It made them feel like they didn't matter, and that was never the case. Madison was so amazing, any guy would gladly take Jacks place for her, but she chose Jack. And Jack chose me. Matt chose me, and as much as I told myself I wanted to choose Matt, I chose Jack.
"You don't think I feel bad? I feel awful, I have never cheated on anyone. I bet I could say the same for you. I just need to break it off, get away from her. I can't be with her anymore after knowing you." Jack answers.
"You weren't with her when you met me." I snap, looking out the window and watching the cars pass by as we sit at the red light.
"Yeah, but you didn't want to be with me and it was too soon, I know. So I took my chances and got with someone who did at the time. I thought it was okay because she was cute and happy, but not like you. And I've realized that to the maximum right now okay, I'll do it. I'll break up with Madison for you, I'll do it today if you want me to." Jack raises his voice.
"I don't know. I still think I should give Matt a chance." I look back at Jack.
"Why? Do you want him?" Jack asks me. His eyes pleaded for me to say no, and so did my heart.
"Maybe I will if I at least try it out." I sheepishly reply.
"But who do you want right now? Who are you sitting with in the car, who held you in your sleep last night?" he scoffs, looking at me with question. I shake my head, looking back out the window so I wouldn't have to face his stare.
"Jack, can't you just let me be?" I ask, sounding more hurt than I intended.
"I want to give you time, I don't want to push you around and make you decide things you don't want to okay? I'm sorry if I sound pushy a lot. I just want to know that you would at least consider leaving him for me. I want to break up with Madison, I want to be done with her." he says. I look at him, and watch as his eyes flicker from me to the road.
"What happened suddenly that made you change your mind? How come you went from totally despising me to this?" I question. He shakes his head and kind of laughs.
"Despise you? How could I? Ever? I hated myself for being an asshole to you, for pushing myself onto you and then being rude about rejection. I was hurt in the moment, and then I let it cloud my mind for awhile longer than it should have. And then I used Madison as an excuse to stay away from you, and then you know what? One night I just woke the fuck up. I sat there on the couch by Madison and I was like, what the hell am I doing? It clicked that I needed you, as desperate as that sounds. I feel like we live in a time where everything is staged. Everyone is fake. I was fake with Madison and faked my feelings, and I was scared to put myself so out there and be happy even if I couldn't get what I wanted. I realized then that, I needed to try and be okay with you taking time. I can't deny that obviously I'm not very good at space, I'm not very good at keeping my desires to myself around you, and I get that it's not okay for me to do when you have a boyfriend. But, my God the way you melt into my kiss and tremble when my hands graze your bare skin. It's beautiful. I haven't felt so weak when I was with Madison, I can't feel the same." Jack breathes. It sounded so effortless, it sounded so natural as if he were breathing. His speeches he had been giving me lately always astonished me.
"Jack." I say in awe. I felt like crying.
"But don't give me and answer, don't tell me to not break up with her. I'm doing it, I'm doing it tonight. You do whatever, try it out with Matt. I want to be available when or if you two don't work out. If I can't be your first option, please let me at least be your second?" Jack pleads, it almost sounded like he was getting emotional. If he cried, I'd cry and I wouldn't be able to stop. I was already blinking back the tears threatening to spill any second.
"I promise." I choke out. I couldn't cry, I wouldn't.
"Okay, thank you." he smiles over at me. Then our moment was over. Then Jack clicked on the music and hummed along, bopping his head to the beat. I sat still trying to catch my breath, wiping away stray tears that happened to sneak through my guard. I was looking outside so Jack couldn't see me crying. Why was I choosing Matt, he wasn't my first choice. Jack was, and Jack was breaking up with Madison. For me. All I was doing was pretending that I wanted to work out with Matthew, even though I didn't anymore. I did yesterday, when Matt picked me up from the airport. I did when I laid with him on the couch, and when he drove us to the restaurant. But then, I sat next to Jack at lunch. Then, Jack spoke to me again, and I saw his smile and heard him laugh. We halted to a stop and Jack let me out so that I could walk to the restaurant, Jack told me to be careful and that he'd see me soon. I had composed myself fully now, and felt better about myself when I saw Johnson greet me at the front door.
"Hey you!" he happily remarks.
"Hey." I answer, giving him the most meaningful smile I can pull off.
"Matt is inside saving a seat for you." he wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"Oh yeah?" I try and blow it off as cool.
"He told me that you are dating now, I mean I saw you holding hands yesterday and assumed but he went all into detail about how happy he was." Johnson gushes. A giant smile was plastered on his face, and it made my head hurt. Matt being happy because of me, when he shouldn't have been anymore.
"Oh gosh." I tell JJ. I didn't want to talk about Matt, myself, and happiness in the same sentence anymore.
"Jack and Madison should be here soon, he texted me awhile back saying he was going to pick her up." JJ tells me, though I knew just where Jack was.
"Okay, cool. Let's go in?" I ask. He nods and brings me back to the table.
"You look cute." Matt smiles as I sit by him. We had a booth that fit maybe three people on each side. The seats were comfortable. I liked the color of them, they were a cool mint shade. They reflected the tables own dark brown nicely.
"Thanks." I smile at him, he kisses my cheek quickly like he was embarrassed to do so in front of Johnson.
     "You two, love birds." Johnson winks at us from across the booth. It kind of made me feel sick.
"Oh shut up Jack." Matt whines. I felt like Matthew was acting distant, like maybe he knew about yesterday. How could he though.
"Oh stop being a baby Matt." Johnson remarks. I space off as they go back and forth, teasing each other. My head wasn't all here. What I was really wondering was if Jack acted happy picking up Madison. I wondered if he kissed her and told her she looked pretty, because that's what I'd want him to do for me. And Jack was a good boyfriend, I guess. From what I'd seen, how he treated Madison was perfectly fine. More than fine, he treated her like gold. But if he actually would break up with her, like he said, I wondered if he'd be kind of cold and distant from her today. I guess we would see once they got here.
"You look really out of it." comments Matt directly to me. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that Johnson wasn't at the table anymore.
"Yeah, I'm just pretty tired today." I mumble. I was actually feeling tired this morning, but more so just not in the mood anymore to be around everyone.
"Is everything okay?" he wonders aloud, grabbing my hand underneath the table. He intertwined them and rested our hands on his thigh.
"Everything is just fine. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and then I woke up late for work. My boss just ended up giving me the day off but I'm still stressed about it." I say. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't full truth.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Everything will be okay." he offers. I try and smile positively, hoping to assure him that I didn't wish he was Jack right now.
"Yeah." I agree. Johnson came back to the table with Jack and Madison. Jack and I locked eyes and he gave my a small smirk. It made me feel out of breath suddenly.
"Hey Lexi! It's so nice to see you!" Madison cheers. I smile sweetly and watch as she slides into the booth next to Jack. She sat in the middle of both Jacks. Madison seemed so body confident, she was always wearing something cropped. I didn't know if I thought she was too pushy about her body or if she was just embracing herself.
"Yeah, been since we last knocked into each other!" I joke around. She laughed her perfect girly laugh and smiled with her radiant teeth. Jack was delusional to want me and not her.
"That's right! I hope your boss wasn't too hard on you." she says, picking up a menu and opening it.
"Oh she wasn't, she was sympathetic." I tell her. I watched as she intently read through the menu. Madison was very fit, I was jealous. I didn't have abs or anything, I mean neither did she. She just seemed a lot healthier I guess. I wondered if she'd get some healthy omelette or something sweet and fattening. Some girls were just naturally little, like me. I wasn't too skinny, I wasn't near big. I was grateful for the fact that I didn't need to work out to stay healthy, well to stay a nice weight at least.
"Well, what is everyone going to order?" a waiter walks up. I didn't think anyone had enough time yet to pick it out, but surprisingly everyone snapped their heads up and began to speak the food they wanted. I myself decided to just get blueberry pancakes like last time, to keep it plain and simple. It came with bacon and hash browns anyways. I ordered some orange juice to go along with it.
"Can I tell you something?" Matt whispers in my ear.
"Sure." I nod.
"Well, I saw Jacks Jeep outside your house last night." Matt responds. He didn't say it angrily, he didn't say it happily. He said it like he was telling a secret, one that I thought was gonna be kept. I thought it would've just been between Jack and I. But now, now I'd need to lie and say we just talked and nothing more. This was the part where I should've came clean to Matt and told him I changed my mind. Instead, I did the total opposite.

Unexpected //Jack Gilinsky Where stories live. Discover now