College Football AU ~ Fluffy ~

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40 seconds left on the clock. The Lions .vs. The Purple Beatles. 36 - 36. The lions have possession at the 50 yard-line. Hunk, the center, hears Lance, the quarterback, yell the play and Hunk snaps the ball to Lance and so the play begins to run. Lance has literally no one to throw it to, all of them are surrounded. Lance was too, but he had to keep running to make sure their rivals wouldn't get to the championship, again.

Keith starts a cheer as Lance runs over the 20-yard line.

"Ten yards, ten more yards,

For our team, it's not hard!

Give me a T-O-U-C-H-D-O-W-N!

Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!"

Lance gives his all just to make the touchdown as Keith cheers him on.

"And Lance makes it! Touchdown, Lions! The Lions are going to the championship game!" The announcer yells of the speakers. All of the players, coaches, and cheerleaders run to the middle of the field to congratulate Lance. Keith was standing on the far side of the field where the end zone was. Keith took off into a full sprint to be the first one there. Lance smiles and opens his arms as Keith jumps into them. Lance, being the cutie he is, kisses him as he spins him around before the entire team comes and puts Lance on their shoulders, throwing him in the air. Lance was smiling the entire time as Keith was watching and cheering for him. After about 45 minutes of the team celebrating Keith was sitting on the trunk of Lance's old beat-up 1966 Ford Mustang. Lance finally walks out and sees his long time boyfriend since 9th grade. Now in their senior year of college. Keith hops off of the car quickly and runs to give Lance another hug.

"Congratulations, baby," Keith yelled as he was pulled into a hug, and then a kiss.

"If it weren't for your cheer I wouldn't have made it," Lance assured as he let Keith go. Keith was smiling and blushing.

"I mean, I knew I was good, but damn, not that good," Keith chuckled and kissed Lance again.

"Ew, get a room," Hunk chuckled. Lance laughed in between his kiss as he quickly flipped out his middle towards Hunk.

"You better be glad that you both are my friends, or else y'all would be dead," Hunk yelled as he walked to the other side of the parking lot.

"We love you too, Hunk," Lance yelled in response. He looked back down at the purple eyes of his boyfriend and was thinking about what he and Pidge, a sophomore, were talking about. Pidge was a lot of help because she had the brains and creativity that it would take to plan something like this.

Lance was going to propose to Keith at the half-time show at the championship game.

That night Lance took Keith home and every single time he glanced over at Keith that one thought ran wild through his mind, and so it did for the remainder of the two weeks until the final game was about to go on. Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro, the coach, had planned the whole scenario. Pidge and Hunk went to each of the ticket booths before they opened to tell the cashiers the plan. The cashiers would tell everyone that came to see the game that they needed to point towards the cheerleaders towards the end of their performance. The boards had been passed off to the cheerleading coach, Allura, and hid underneath some of the cheer bags before Keith could see any off it. Everyone knew, but Keith was still oblivious. Time came and Lance was more prepared for the game than any other play because he was going to win this game for Keith, even if that meant he had to carry the whole team.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road," Shiro yelled to the team. All of them looked at Lance and nodded, knowing what they had to do. They had to win this game. At all costs. Like their lives depended on it. Shiro had talked to everyone on the team and asked them if they only listened to him once then it needed to be this one thing. They had to win. For Lance.

The game started and everything was going better than they planned. The Lions were winning by a landslide. There was no possible way that the opposing team could even catch up. Lance, of course, wasn't having to carry the team as much as he thought he would have to. The buzzer rang loudly throughout the stadium and Lance's heart started pounding. The Jumbo-Tron came on and centered on the cheerleaders as they got into formation. There were a few cheers and a dance at the end. The dance was done to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by ACDC. At the end Keith was given a solo. Keith ran to the center edge that was in front of their teams side, the way the cheer was facing.

Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT

Done dirt cheap

Neckties, contracts, high voltage

Done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds

Do anything you wanna do

Done dirty cheap

Dirty deeds

Dirty deeds

Dirty deeds

Done dirt cheap

When he got there he finished the part of the cheer he had too as the cheer leaders were behind him, Pidge and Hunk waiting there if something went wrong, or if Keith got hurt. Keith did more than enough back-hand-springs to get to half field then turned around to run into a 'full twisting double pike'. As he was running the cheerleaders they had already formed the 4 pyramids and held the 4 signs behind the top's backs. When he finished his stunt the crowd was pointing behind him. He looked confused as Lance was walking to his position and as the top cheerleaders held up their signs. The music ended and Lance tapped on Keith's shoulder. Keith weirdly turned around and looked around then read the signs that were being held





By the time he finished reading, there were tears streaming from his eyes and a hand over his mouth as he looked down to see Lance, who was on one knee.

"So. Will you marry me?" Lance smiled as he held up a blue velvet box and opened it, and Keith thought that is was the most beautiful ring he had ever seen in his life. Keith nodded his head quickly and said yes. Lance stood up and was greeted by Keith jumping into his arms for a hug.

"I love you so much, Lance," Keith's voice was muffled as he said this into Lance's uniform. He didn't care how sweaty or stinky it was. He was too happy to even think about such a thing.

"I love you so much more, Keith." When Lance set Keith down, he slipped the ring on his finger and pulled him into a kiss. The crowd went wild and it took a couple of minutes for them to calm down, but when they did the football game resumed. The last half flew by as Keith watched Lance the whole time. Even when he was on the bench in parts of it. Sometimes, he would even forget the moves for some of the cheers, but the rest of his team didn't do or say anything about it because they knew he was going to act that way. They won, of course, which made Lance's day even more so that he was now engaged to his high-school sweet heart.

And that, my friends, is how Lance carried out Pidge's perfect plan.

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