Ignore the Pain

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Since i didn't update for a while, I decided to write two parts... But this one isn't as long as the other one.

It had been a long time since the Galra had been defeated and Shiro had come back. This particular day, the whole team was having another game night, and once again, they didn't invite Keith. Ever since all the fighting ended this had been happening a lot. It's like they forgot that he existed. Every time they had a meal or actually did something together, no one paid any attention to him. So, he decided that he would just stay in his room and eat and do things by himself. It's like he never came out of there besides to just get food, and he rarely did that.


Well, that's because he though he wasn't worthy of eating the same food the rest of the team did. This time he hadn't eaten in almost a full month, but it finally got unbearable so he finally went to get something. The only thing he got was a piece of bread. If he'd have eaten anything else, it would've made him sick. When he took the first bite he froze because he heard footsteps walking through the kitchen door.

"Hey, buddy," a sleepy Lance mumbled as he walked to the refrigerator. Keith's eyes got wide as he figured out that the person was Lance. He quickly stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth then got up.

"What are you doing here at three in the morning," Lance asked as he sat beside Keith.

"Just, uh, eating a snack," He avoided eye contact as he got up to leave.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later, man," Lance yawned as he sat down at the table. When Keith got up the winced at the pain of his weight on his wrists as he stood up. Lance gave him a weird look, but went back to eating. Until he saw a drop of blood fall beside the table when Keith got up. It took a little bit to finish what was eating, but when he did, he decided to go check up on Keith. He thought he might've gotten a nose bleed or something.

"Hey, man, you good in there?" Lance asked when he knocked on the door. He heard a faint sniffle and metal clanking to the floor. For some reason, Lance just so happened to be carrying his bayard, he quickly whipped it out and shot at the door lock. The sliding door opened and what he saw inside was terrifying.

"Holy quiznack," he whispered as he ran to Keith's side. The gasp was Keith taking his last breath. The metal clank was his activated bayard, closing on the floor, covered in blood.

Keith had finally had enough of people 'not caring for him', so he decided to do the only thing he thought would be better for the team. He had cut both of his wrists wide open and was laying there, fading away, on the floor.

"Just keep... Having... fun..." Keith choked as his eyes closed. He was still breathing, but who knows how much longer he had.

"Hunk! I need your help," he yelled as loud as he could to the neighboring room.

"What! What happened?! Are the Galra back?!" Hunk screamed as he ran to the door, "Oh my god." His was horrified.

"Hunk! Get over here and help me! I have to get him to a healing pod. NOW!" Lance began to cry as Hunk ran to his side and scooped Keith up in his arms as he was just a scared as Lance.

"Allura? Coran?" Lance tried to yell at them because only an Altean could open the door. It just so happened that Allura and Coran were in the main room discussing some sort of business about other planets. When they heard the call, they turned on the camera system and saw Lance and Hunk, holding Keith, in front of the healing pods. They were afraid as they saw blood seeping out of Keith. Coran ran ahead of Allura to the healing pods and opened it as quick as he could. Hunk gently laid Keith inside as they all hoped it wasn't t too late. A few more tics passed as Pidge and Shiro finally showed up.

"What happened?!" They both asked in unison.

"We happened," Lance choked through falling tears as he was on his knees in front of Keith's pod, "It was us. W-we never included him. Thinking b-back, I knew, but I always thought he w-wanted to be alone, b-but I guess that w-wasn't the case." He began to cry harder as the thought of him causing Keith to do this made him feel like he cost less than dirt.

Pidge came up behind him and placed her hand on his back, "It's you who saved him though." She reassured him then Hunk joined in.

"Yeah, man. If you wouldn't have checked on him then he wouldn't come back. You saved him," He smiled with compassion and placed his and on top of Pidge's. The two of them hugged Lance in a effort of comforting him. He wiped his eyes after he returned their hugs.

"Thanks. You guys have always know how to cheer me up. Especially if I've been rejected by my "love interests", He quietly laughed and stood up.

"You guys can go ahead and sleep. I'll keep watch until he wakes up." They all weakly smiled then went to get some sleep, including Coran and Allura. Lance sighed then went to sit back on the pod.

"Hey, buddy. I know we've all been a bunch of asses to you, but even though I treat you worse than the rest, it's for a good reason," he sighed, "I've always admired you. Always. At the Garrison you were the best of the class. I got pissed when you dropped out because I never got to tell you how I really felt. I really like you. I have ever since I first saw you walked out of that simulator." Lance continued to talk about why he liked him and everything he wanted to say, but never got the chance to. He talked. And talked. And talked. Until he finally talked himself to sleep. He was laying there in front of the pod like a dog at the foot of a bed. Waiting until Keith came out. Three days passed of Lance sitting there talking to himself and barely eating because he wanted to be there when Keith came out. At the end of that 3rd day he fell asleep, crying.

"Please come back, buddy," he finally dozed off, but the moment he did, the pod opened. He didn't budge with the noise, but after the noise, Keith fell out and landed on top of Lance.

"What~?" Lance whined, not realizing it was Keith who fell.

"Lance?" Keith groaned. Lance tried to sit up as quick as he could but it took a lot of strength because Keith had fallen on his back. But when he did, he wrapped his arms around Keith as tightly as he could.

"I love you, too," Keith whispered as he also wrapped his arms around Lance, "How did this happen?" His question stood. "I wasn't supposed to be here anymore." This drew tears from Lance as he pulled away.

"You left a trail of blood... I thought you had a nose bleed or something, so, I went to check on you, but when I got there I heard metal hit the floor. I heard it a got scared so I had my bayard on me, because why not, and shot the lock. You were on the floor, and the bayard was closing. I yelled for Hunk and we brought you here and I waited here for three days. I talked to you and told you everythi-" Keith stopped him by initiating a kiss. Lance was surprised, but pulled Keith closer.

"I know," he pulled back, "I heard everything." Lance smiled as he pulled Keith in for another hug.'

"I love you." They both said in unison.

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