Chapter 5

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For the next two weeks Malfoy and I have been training our hardest. It's been: wake up, get ready, go meet Malfoy at Malfoy Manor, go to the training center, train, lunch, train some more, go home.

Sometimes though, on our break, we just sit and talk. And as much as I don't like to say this, but I like talking to him. He understands, well, everything. Harry and Ron understand but they're just trying to put the past behind them and forget. Harry with work and Ginny then Ron with girls.

Even though we called our relationship off, I can't help but feel disappointed every time he stares at a beautiful woman or talking about his latest catch with Harry. I still love him I think.

At least that's what I think. Hmm.

Anyways, I'm walking to the Three Broomsticks to get a late night butterbeer when I hear some giggling in a dark alley. I take out my wand, for pre-caution, when I hear a,"Oh Ron!"And I almost trip.

      I can't take it anymore, and tears overflow. I walk a little further to see if it's actually him. I see flaming red hair from behind pushing a blonde bimbo against a wall.

      I choke on a sob and aparate away before they could see me.

      When I get to where I wanted to be, I bang my fist on Ginny's door. I keep going until she opens it. Not giving her time to speak I start ranting, tears flowing down my face,"I can't take it anymore Ginny! I try to act like I don't care but it's hard! He flaunts around with all these beautiful girls like I don't matter anymore! Why aren't I good enough!?"

      I collapse on the door step and sob my hardest. Then I hear,"Granger?!" I look up through my blurry eyes and see Malfoy.

      "What are you doing in Ginny's house, Malfoy?!" I yell. I stand up but end up falling and he catches me. I don't even care anymore, I bury my face in his chest and sob even more.

      I hear him sigh, then he picks me up bride style and carries me in. He sits on a couch and starts rocking me. Weirdly, it's comforting. I calm down and look at him.

      "S-sorry, I m-meant to go to G-Ginny's place." I said. He shakes his head,"Don't worry about it Granger. Just answer me one thing."


      He puts a stray piece of hair behind my ear,"How long has Weasel been bothering you like this?"

      I shake my shoulders and bury my face in his neck again. He pats my back,"Why don't you tell him?" He asked.

      I shook my head furiously. "He won't care either way." Malfoy stands up, and places me on my feet. He steps back, grasps my shoulders, and looks into my eyes.

      "You deserve so much better than him. You are a strong, beautiful, even caring woman. Don't let a weasel like him make you think anything less of yourself. Got it?"

      I stare at him, not comprehending that Malfoy is saying this but also because I don't believe him.

      "Got it......Hermione." He says my name so gently. Like he's been waiting to use it. I throw my arms around his neck and embrace him. He surprises me further by hugging me back.

      "Thank you,"I say after I pull back. "I needed that." He nodded. "I should probably go now." I said. I turn to walk to the door but stumble as I catch myself.

      Malfoy grips my arm,"I think you should stay here, I have a spare bedroom."

      I look at him and scoff,"You have multiple spare bedrooms Malfoy don't try to lie." He smirks.

      I look around then I nod at him. He leads me up to a room with a bunch of statues in it. I turn to give him a "are you kidding me look?" He laughs, actually laughs, and says,"I'm messing with you Granger follow me." I grin and follow.

      I'm thinking about how beautiful his laugh is, that I don't notice he stopped, and ran into his back. He looks at me concerned, I just shake my head.

      He opens the door and we walk in. It's beautiful. Queen sized bed with purple silk sheets, I just wanna throw myself on their and go to sleep.

      "Mickey!" Malfoy says. I turn to look at him weirdly when a house elf appears. "Mickey, can you please fetch me one of my shirts?"

      "Yes Master Draco." He squeaks then vanishes. He comes back with a grey shirt then bows and leaves. I look at Malfoy confused.

      "Here,"he holds out the shirt,"Sorry I don't have anything girly." I laugh and take the shirt.

      He looks around then at me,"My room is just down the hall if you need me. I guess I'll leave you to it." He starts to walk out.

      "Wait!" I call. He turns around,"Thank you for everything....................Draco." He looks taken aback but then nods and leaves, closing the door behind him. I sigh and change into his shirt. It goes to my mid thigh and smells of him. N-not that I know what he smells like.

      I crawl into bed and close my eyes. A little teleportation mishap and it got me into something I would have never of guessed would happen.



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