Chapter 6

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  I wake up and reach over to shut of my alarm, eyes still closed. I keep missing though. Wait a second my alarm isn't going off. I open my eyes and sit up. Well this is definitely not my bed and my home. Then as if in a rush all of last night hit me like a bus.

      Okay,okay,okay,okay, that didn't happen. I didn't stumble in Malfoy's house and accidentally told him my feelings/non feelings for Ron.

      "Back to last name basis I see?" I snap my head to the doorway to see Malfoy leaning against the door frame, smirking.

      "I said that out loud didn't I?" He nods. I sigh, and fall back against the bed. He chuckles and comes over and sits on the end of the bed.

      I roll over and bury my face into the pillow. "I don't want to go to work." I mumble.

      "I'm sorry?" Malfoy asks.

      I lift my head,"I don't want to go to work." I slam my head back down. I feel his hand rub my arm soothingly. This is not the Malfoy I know. Well, used to know.

      "I called in saying that you were sick. I had a feeling you wouldn't want to go in." He says.

      I lift my head again. I look to him in disbelief. "In total honesty,"I said,"I could hug you right now."

      He grinned and held out his arms. I rolled my eyes and sat up to hug him. It felt weird but......nice. I think I liked it.

      I lay back down, but then sit back up. I got of the bed in search of my shoes.

      "What are you looking for?" Malfoy asks. I look at him. "I'm looking for my shoes so I am go home. I don't want to bother you any further."

      He shook his head,"I don't mind you being here. I have to go in the office today anyways. You can stay if you'd like." I simply looked at him in disbelief again.

      A few years ago, I would have never believed this is Malfoy.

      I nod,"Okay, thank you so much Mal-Draco."

      He grins,"You're very welcome Gra-Hermione." He mocks me. I laugh and gently push him. But being the dramatic man he is, he pretends I threw Thor's hammer at him and falls of the bed.

      I would've rolled my eyes and walked away, except that he grabbed my arm in the process and I fell with him.

      I landed on him and we just looked at each other for a few minutes until he broke the silence. "Well this is cozy." I laugh and roll my eyes. I try to get off of him but I end up tripping and falling back on top of him.

      "Please, Hermione, try to contain yourself. I know I'm irresistible but seriously now." He smirks. I push him to the floor and stand up.

      "Dream on." I tell him. "Don't have to, I already know." He says, standing up off the floor.

      I jump back into the bed,"Don't you have work to be doing?" I ask.

      He shrugs,"Yeah but I don't have to be there until..."he looks at his watch. His eyes go wide. "Ten minutes! Where'd the bloody time go."

      I laughed as he ran out of the room. "Have fun!" I yelled to him. I heard him say something but I couldn't understand. A couple minutes later I heard the sound of him leaving. I sigh, what an interesting morning...

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