Chapter 7: Kai's Rescue

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"Well what now Azusa?! You're in control." Konuha asked seeming unmoved

"Is that a question?!! You already what I'm planning to do!" Azusa said with a crack in her voice

Nina smiles, "Then lets our Kai back!" she exclaims

They all head back to where it happened

"Everyone look around for any signs of where they may have gone." Azusa ordered

"I hate to be the one to say it, but what makes you think that he wasn't killed?" Wolf questioned

Azusa quickly turns to him and grabs him by his shirt, "Don't you dare say that!! He's alive, I-i know he is! He wouldn't die here!"

Nina walks over to Azusa, "Azusa calm down, anger won't bring him back. Wolf watch your words, you know they've been a lot together." Nina says

"I apologize for my pessimism." Wolf says

Azusa lets go of his shirt, "I-I'm sorry, I'm just...torn. Never thought all of this would happen...le-lets just find Kai." Azusa said in a quiet tone and her head down

"Hey guys, check this out!" Konuha said

They all gather together around Kai's great sword.

Azusa's eyes widen, "His sword?! Uh, lo-look for tracks." She said with a quivering voice

Nina uses her dragon like sense of smell to try and sniff out Kai's scent

"Guys over here, this is the last place he was." Nina said

They all gather where the Omega Hudren burrowed under ground with Kai.

Azusa kneels and touches the ground, "The ground feels hallow." She says

She stands up and steps on the hallowed ground and almost falls through before Konuha grabs her arm and pulls her up.

"Whoa, thanks...but I think that's where we need to go. " Azusa said

"You sure?! We don't even know what's on the other end of that hole!"  Wolf said

"With or without you I'm going to get my brother back." Azusa said grabbing his great sword and jumps down the hole

"I'm with her." Nina said jumping down right after

Konuha shrugs, " Kai put her in charge." He said jumping down

Wolf sighs, "Guess I have no choice." He said jumping in

Getting to the end of the hole, they all end up at the entrance of the Hydren Base

"So you all came." Azusa said

"Yep!" They said together

"Okay, I'm going to head in alone since I can see sense where Kai is when he's close enough. I'll leave his sword with you all, it'll weigh me down." Azusa said dropping his sword

The others nod

"We're to see everyone as hostile are we not?" Wolf asked

"Correct." Azusa answered

Azusa takes her blade out and turns it to now form and makes arrows form as she shoots down four archers on nearby watchtowers and two guards on the other side gate.

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