Chapter 9: The King Returns

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After the group feel as they have trained enough, they all begin they're journey back to the kingdom.

And right now they are passing through the Kingdom of Unknown Power.

Walking through the kingdom Kai stops and says, "Oh wait, before we leave there's something I have to do."

Kai runs inside the inn and immediately Emerald sees him and says, "Hey handsome, it's been awhile."

Kai chuckles, "Yea too long, you still wanna come with me back to my home?"

Her eyes widen and she smiles, "Give me a couple seconds!" She goes to the back of the inn and someone else walks out taking her spot at the front and she comes out with a bag of things, "Ready."

They both walk out and rejoin the others and they continue for a couple days and they arrive at the Village of Forgotten Warriors and say hi to Laveric.

A few more days after that they reach the tree entrance to Konuha's Kingdom.

"Hey Konuha, we made it back to your Kingdom." Kai said

"Kingdom!? Where all I see is tree and wildlife." The King said

Nina pulls the 'branch' revealing their home, "This Kingdom."

They all jump down the tree into the Kingdom.

Looking around just as Kai did before in amazement, "Wow, this is incredible. All this, underground and this close to home." The King said

Azusa's stomach growls and she asks, "I'm hungry guys, can we go and eat?"

"Of course, follow me." Wolf said

Everyone but Konuha and Nina go to eat, they go to get a report from the guard they left in charge.

After they finish eating and they get their report they all leave and head to Kai's home , upon returning home Kai, The King, and Azusa see that everything had changed. In order to find out what has happened they go to the castles throne room to see that the royal messenger had overthrown the queen and took the Kingdom as his own.

Sitting relaxed in the throne he says, "Oh what an unpleasant surprise, the King and the two brats have returned and you brought some friends."

Infuriated the King yells, "What is the meaning of this?!"

He snickers, "You've been gone for almost a year now 'your highness', I saw my opportunity and simply took it." Saying as he eats a grape

Frantically looking around Kai says, "Where is my mother!!?"

"Being held in my sleeping quarters until she is ready to become my queen." He said

"As your King I demand you stop this act of rebellion this instant!!" The King yelled

"I'm the King now, so I don't take orders from you anymore. Now leave my Kingdom and don't come back!!" He says as he snaps

The guards that were once Kai's friends are now forced to throw him and everyone else out of the Kingdoms gates.

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