Chapter 5: Inner Power

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"Azusaaaa!!!! We've  been walking for two days, do you think we are close to anything.?" said Kai about to faint

"Maybe.Wait!" She said

They all stop walking and Azusa kneels down, licks her middle & index fingers to check for wind, then touches the ground & forms a bows with infinite arrows, shoots an arrow in the air & it is stopped in mid-air.

"Just as I thought ." Azusa said disintegrating her bow and arrows

"What is it?!" Konuha asked confused

"And how come your arrow stop in mid-air!?" Wolf asked just as confused as Konuha

"Haven't you noticed that there is no wind blowing in this specific spot-" Azusa said as Kai interrupted her by saying

"Sooooooo hungry!!!" Kai said falling to ground

"Ooook, I was saying, there must be a-" Azusa said as she stops talking & a hidden kingdom is revealed to them all

"Oh, its a hidden kingdom." Nina said

"Well lets go in & see if this is the place we are looking for." Wolf said no longer confused

"Just what I was thinking,but can someone carry me?" Kai said too hungry to get up

"I got him." Konuha said picking him up & putting him over his shoulder

"Alright lets go." Azusa said

They all walk though the kingdoms front gates

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Unknown Power!!!" a gate guard said

"I think this is the place!" Konuha said excited

After they finish admiring the kingdom, they walked toward the to castle, but are stopped in-front of the castle.

"Halt citizens!! What is your business here?!" a castle guard asked with an assertive tone

"We wish to speak to the king about something very important." Azusa said

"Hey Azusa, i'll take Kai to the inn so he can eat." Konuha said

"No! I'll take him, you stay here just in case something goes wrong." Nina said

"Good idea, you would be much more helpful, no offense my queen." Wolf said bowing slightly

"Of course." Nina said

"Alright someone take him & remember he is my best-friend so if anything happens to him be ready for the consequences." said Azusa warning Nina & Konuha

"Understood." Nina & Konuha say becoming a little scared of Azusa

Konuha puts Kai on Nina's back and she carries him to the kingdoms inn.

"Kai...Kai wake up, its time to eat." Nina said slapping him awake

"Huh what! Where am I?!" Kai exclaimed panicking

"Calm down!! You're at the inn in the Kingdom of Unknown Power. I carried you here." Nina said

"Oh okay, thanks. Now lets eat! My stomach feels like it's eating itself" Kai said starving

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