Chapter 4: Bonding time

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Mias had been watching her intenly. The rising and falling of her chest beneath the covers, the soft whimpers she made in her sleep, the little movements in her face as she slept. His eyes roamed over her milky white legs as she had kicked the covers away. Her blonde hair almost resembled golden thread as it lay sprawled over his black pillow. Ofcourse he had brought her back to his room, surely she would reward him gratefully and the guestroom was an unfit place to do so. He piped up with an eager smile as he saw her eyes flutter open. She blinked several times before letting out a loud groan and hiding herself under the covers.

“What the..”, Mias muttered.

Elle had woken, hoping to find her dinky moldy apartment and preferably no Mias in sight. As she came to focus she couldn’t suppress a loud groan of frustration when her eye landed on Mias’ face. As quickly as she could she scrambled under the covers, knowing there was no other place to go.

“Sod off Mias”, she growled from underneath the covers. She was in no mood to interact with Mias.

“If you want to play I can play”, he smiled pulling the covers of her.

Elle shot him what she hoped was the foulest of glance and jumped of the bed. She was thankful to see that this time she was indeed dressed, a gown instead of pants, but still dressed.

“I don’t want to play, not with the likes of you”

Mias crossed his arms across his chest, looking at her with an unimpressed smirk on his face. So this little hellion wanted to play, well he would give her a play.

“Do you like the gown Elle?”

Elle looked down at the gown that tightly fitted around her body. She couldn’t say that is was ugly but then again she would give Mias the satisfaction of praising his choice.

“It’s a fine change to see I’m dressed” , she sneered.

Elle took a quick glance out of the window. Night was starting to fall and her stomach was giving subtle hints of being in need of food.

“I dressed you to dine with me, maybe afterwards we can see how quick I can take it off?”

Elle felt disgust rising up in her body. This pig really thought he could leave her dressed for once and she would jump in bed with him?

“I’m not hungry thank you very much”, she sneered, “and you are sure as hell not taking this dress of of me”

As if on cue her stomach gave a loud groan. Elle’s eyes widened as her right hand clutched her stomach.

“Let’s get you some food you silly twit”, Mias laughed, “I can’t have you waisting away after all”


Elle found herself oddly pleased with the food. Mias turned out to be one hell of a cook. He made a killerplate of pasta and something that resembled spinach but didn’t taste like it.

“I want you to dine with me every evening”, Mias said as Elle had just taken her last bite, “You may wander the mansion and garden at day, but I will have you dressed at your best to have dinner with me at seven”

Elle pulled up one eyebrow, scooting a little back from the table.

“Who says I want to have dinner with you? And who are you to tell me what I may and may not do huh? You kidnapped me, undressed me and locked me up in your frigging magic castle!”

Mias was slowly getting quite tired of Elle’s behavior. Had he not been courteous to her? Had he not fed her and brought her to a place of magic?

“You will do as I say!”, he growled, his deep voice rumbling through the room.

“Kiss my ass!”

“That is what I am trying to!”

Silence fell over the room as both of them realized the comical value of that conversation. Elle suppressed a little giggle as she averted her eyes.

“Dine with me tomorrow Elle”, he commanded again, yet his voice a little softer this time.

“Fine”, she murmured, “But don’t expect me to be happy about it”

Still giggling quite some bit over what Mias had said Elle left the room, going back to her own quarters as she had no intend of sleeping in his chambers.


Two weeks passed and Elle semi-adjusted to her new restricted life. She had given up hope that Mias would take her back when she asked for it. Her best hope was to wait for him to tire of her and perhaps then he would bring her back. She took comfort in the giant library she had found, the books brought her more marvel than any other book in the world she knew. It where all informational books about the world she found herself in and its inhabitants.

And of course as agreed she would dine with him every single evening. Sometimes they even managed to have some polite banter, but since Mias would quickly turn it around with sexual innuendos Elle would storm of to her room.

This night was no difference. Elle lay curled up against her headboard, a book pressed her chest, as she vacantly stared out of the window.

“You look lovely in your nightgown”, Mias said from the doorway.

“Go away”, Elle muttered, looking away from him.

“Elle “, Mias clicked his tongue walking further into the room, “Why do you make everything so hard?”

“You’re the one making things hard”, she growled.

“Well there is indeed this thing I’m trying to make hard, but I need a fair honey haired maiden for that”

Elle rolled her eyes, rolling over to her side.

“You and your hand must be the best of friends”

Her sarcastic and snide remark did little to Mias ego apparently. He sat down on the edge of the back, his hand trailing over her side.

“I am sure my hand won’t be jealous of you”, he smiled before leaning down and pressing a tender kiss to her neck.

Elle gave a growl before planted a pillow against Mias’cheek.

“Sod off!”

Mias had more than enough, he needed release and she would provide it. She had been tempting him for two weeks now and he had run out of patience.

With a swift movement he grabbed both her wrists and flipped her over to her back.

Her face looked hot and flustered as he looked down at her. With quick movement his lips crushed down on hers, savouring the sweet taste that lingered around them. As she gasped in surprise he took his chance deepen the kiss, claiming her mouth with raw passion.

Elle wriggled underneath him, trying to get away. Mias took her struggle as a sign of lust, afterall she was pushing her hips up against him.

She hated to admit it to herself, this kiss was not entirely unpleasant. It had been a while since anyone had kissed her anyway and Mias surely didn’t lack passion.

“What the fuck are you doing Elle?!”, her mind screamed, “This man is manhandling you and you enjoy it?! You twisted mind!”

Making up her mind she bit down on his lip, before giving a firm knee to his stomach.

“DON’T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!”, she growled backing away from him.

Elle stomped off taking her book and blanket along with her. She had made up her mind to sleep in the couch tonight, Mias could have both fucking rooms for all she cared.

Mias and Elle ((UNDER COMPLETE REWRITE))Where stories live. Discover now