Chapter 6: A lady's disagreement

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Elle had to admit, Mias had  been quite the gentleman all day long now. The gazebo, the slightly burned pizza, the make-shift cola, .... It sure did impress her. Still she couldn't help but feel like there was some kind of motive behind it. Surely the sex-crazed devil was still after her honey.

"Is it to your liking?", he inquired swirling his glass of wine.

"It's amazing, I wonder how did you come to find the recipe though? I'm sure internet is not a thing here"

Mias arched one brow, looking very much intrigued.

"What is this internet you speak about?"

Elle couldn't help but laugh. How was it that this powerful cocky sorcerer that scavenged her world for young girls to kidnap not knew what simple things like internet or pizza were.

"It's like this giant book, but online. And anyone can put stuff on it", she murmured chewing on a stray mushroom.

"Hmm", Mias replied lost in thought.

Elle did her best not to, but it was hard not to stare at Mias. His back-combed deep raven black hair, his dark brown eyes, the mysterious dark squared around his eyes, but most remarkably the way he carried himself. He always sat or walked lost in thoughts, as if he carried around this giant secret. 

Maybe he does have a giant secret......


Honestly Mias felt quite content. She was eating the food he made and that without complaining or growling to leave her alone. He was sure that she would melt like wax in his hands tonight as he would coaxed her into his bed.

"Allow me to show you another suprise", he said after she had finally finished her plate, "I'm sure you will find this suprise just as thrilling as the previous one"

He stood up, stretching out his hand as he was sure she would willingly take it.  Great was his suprise when she stood without taking his hand. Instead she clenched her book to her chest, following him in his tracks, with a little alright.

Mias' confidence only grew as he lead her down the corridor.

"Mias I swear to god if you are trying to-"

"Shush my dear, you will spoil the suprise my dove"

He ignored her rolling her eyes, as he did not even contemplate not calling her that any longer.

"Close your eyes"

"Mias no"

"Elle please, just close your eyes"

With a little heaved sigh she closed her eyes, warning to smack him with a book if he tried anything funny.

Gently Mias grabbed hold of her wrists and led her into his bedroom. With a quick wink all candles in his room lit up, providing a romantic atmopshere.

"Open your eyes", he whispered huskily in her ear. 

His lower regions were already taking over, but then again he realised that you didn't your brain when taking care of a lady. Surely as she saw the rose petals and the candle lit room she would willingly lay down and finally surrender.


"You pompeous ass!"

Mias stood shocked for a moment as Elle's little hand had made contact with his cheek. A strange mix of anger and arousal took over and he quickly grabbed Elle by the waist and threw her on the bed. Her struggles meant little too nothing to him. Her body pinned down by his, he angrily growled at her. 


Elle stopped her fighting as an animalistic growled escaped Mias' mouth. Her heart raced and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. She was petrified. Was he really about to rape her. She fought back her tears as she pushed back that thought. Surely he wouldn't...;He couldn't.....As much as she tried to convince herself that he wouldn't, the more it dawned on her he would.

As he hovered above her he resembled more a fierce panther then he resembled a man. His comb-backed hair had fallen forward, making him look even more crazed. She trembled underneath his touch, even when Mias' face got less hard.

"Elle", he said slowly and with deep voice, "When will you see that I mean only the best for you? I shall get you the best clothing , the best house, anything!"

"I don't want anything!", she retorded, "I want to be free"

Elle was quite suprised that she managed the form an entire sentence.Nevertheless she was still more scared then anything else. Mias' weight weighed on her.

"Get off me"

Mias squinted his eyes hearing her demand. For a moment he contemplated getting off of her, but then he realised yes means no and get off of me means take me I'm yours. With a little smirk he pressed his lips hungrily against hers. Keeping her wrists locked down with his one hand, he snaked his other underneath the bodice she was wearing.

Elle started fighting again, when she hated to admit that the kiss was pretty decent. Mias' kiss radiated passion and lust, something many kisses lacked. Elle! Stop it! This man is sexually assaulting you and you like it?! What is WRONG with you?!

As Mias shifted a little to find more acces underneath her bodice Elle found some space to manouvre. Thinking quickly she pulled up a knee and hit Mias right in the groin. Mias collapsed letting out a loud growl, before rolling over to his side. Elle took this opportunity and quickly got off the bed before Mias came back to his senses. 

"Don't EVER touch me again you fucking pervert!", she sneered before quickly exciting and running over to her room. After thorougly barricading her door and taking some very throwable object  to throw in case he would break in, she sunk in her bed.

"Who does he bloody think he is....."


Elle's manouvre had taken Mias by suprise and he had to admit , it had been a long time since he had felt this kind of pain. After the hardest pain had subdued he whispered a quick healing incantation to take away the rest of the aching in his groin.

"That vixen....", he growled.

Mias was already half-way on his way to the door when he realised that seeking out Elle now would only end in more struggle and biting. Sighing a little he grabbed his cloak and gloves before storming out. The spell would keep Elle in the domain and he made a silent promise that he would return tomorrow afternoon to dine with her like they had agreed.

But right now he was aching for some female company and Tilenry was a four hour drive away. Quickly he jotted some stuff down on a piece of parchment before sliding it underneath Elle's door.

"Behave!", he warned her from the other side.

"Sod off", she replied.

Mias and Elle ((UNDER COMPLETE REWRITE))Where stories live. Discover now