Chapter 5: A turn of heart

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Elle walked through the hall, eyeing every single corridor. It had been days since Mias had launched an unwanted attack on her and honestly she was starting to feel uneasy. Some little part of her feared his unwanted advances an other part of her wanted to feel his passion filled lips on hers again. She had found some peace of mind in the books she had found in his giant library, as she realised she wouldn't be going home anytime soon.

She had just taken seat in a chair near the window as she heard Mias call.

"Ooooh Elle"

"Sod of Miiiiaaaas", she growled mimicking his voice.

"Elle get down here or I'll make you", he called again, his voice demanding yet still light.

Reluctantly she slumped down the stairs, clenching her book to her chest. She had a book and she wouldn't hesitate using it as self defence.


"I have a suprise for you beautiful", he smiled cocking his hips to one side, "And you'll love it!"

Elle rolled her eyes, slumping down in a nearby chair. "I don't need a suprise from you"

"Just wait until you see it"

Mias' entusiasm was unbreakable. You could almost see him bounce up and down.

"Not interested", she muttered before making her way back over to the chair.


Before Elle realised it Mias had closed up the gap between them and hauled her over his shoulder.

"MIAS PUT ME DOWN!", she growled hitting his back with the book.

"Keep doing that and your book will be unreadable"

Elle looked at the book, finding it a shame to waste such good literature.

"Mias put me down now!"

"Not until you have seen your suprise" 

The great wooden doors of the mansion flew open and for the first in some weeks Elle felt the sun light up her face once again. She wondered where he bringing her, if she remembered correctly the spell on the gate still kept her in.

"close your eyes"

"No cause the moment I'll do you'll do something perverty to me again"

A deep sigh escaped Mias'lips as he put her to the floor.

"Elle, just trust me for one time will you please?"

Her blue eyes peered into his dark chocolately ones. The addition of the word please was a welcome change to her.

"Fine", she muttered closing her eyes.

She stumbled a little as Mias lead her few steps forward, as she felt twigs snapping underneath her feet.

"Alright", he smiled dropping her hands, "Open them"

Elle tentivalely opened her eyes and could barely contain her excitement. In front of her stood a white metal gazebo, stuffed with pillows and an armoire filled with books.

"Oh my", she marvelled stepping into the gazebo, "This is AMAZING!"

A cocky smile slide over Mias's features as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was sure he could read her like a book. Not long before she is all mine.

"What's the catch?", Elle quickly said eyeing him with renewed suspicion.

Mias smiled walking up to her.

"What makes you think there is a catch? I know you love to read, I thought you might need some fresh air and vitamin D, so I made this for you"

Elle eyed him until he stood right in front of her.

"I hope you like it", he whispered against her lips.

Almost instictively she closed her eyes, expecting him to steal yet another kiss.

Mias looked at her, his brow furrowing in confusion. Was she so sickened by him that she couldn't even look at him. He shook of the thought, tenderly pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Enjoy your time here Elle", he said softly, "I expect you inside for dinner at 6"

Elle watched in confusion as he walked away. Somehow her lips felt empty without his unwanted kissing.

Turning back around to the gazebo, she sought out a nice place in between the cushions to read.


Mias had watched her from his study for the last four days now. She had spend every single day reading out in the garden in the gazebo, but yet she still managed to always join him for dinner. 

"Mias what is wrong with you!", he muttered to himself. 

He had been acting so foolish lately. He watched her from his study, making sure she drank enough of water and food during the day. And when she went to bed he checked up on her almost every three hours to see if she was still breathing.

He had never felt such sentement before. Was this love? His eyes turned the size of saucers as that word flew through his mind.  Maniacal laughing escaped his mouth as he ruffled his hair.

"Don't be an idiot Mias, we don't love", he growled looking at his portrait over the fireplace.

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

"Ah six o'clock" 

Mias strolled outside, as he saw Elle was not yet in the dining hall.

"Elle, did you forget our pro-"

He halted mid-sentence as he found her asleep surrounded by her giant pillows in the gazebo. A fond smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He gently leaned over her, his face just few inches away from hers.

She looked so peaceful as she slept, so relaxed and almost angelic. Mias was a little dumbfounded as she suddenly opened her eyes.

She stared at him, with sleepy light blue eyes.

"M-Mias", she whispered the book clenched to her chest, "What are you doing?"

"It's time for dinner", he whispered in return, "Care to join me...I made this illustrious pizza you told me about..."

Elle gave a little faint smile, but still he noticed. Getting back to his feet he offered her a hand, which she for the first time accepted without any hesitation.

"I'm curious to see what you made of it", she whispered.

Mias and Elle ((UNDER COMPLETE REWRITE))Where stories live. Discover now