REWRITE Chapter 2. Testing 1, 2, 3

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"So who was that guy, anyway?"

Katelyn asked. I sighed, too tired and in pain to really bother arguing.

"His name is Jin. I knew him from a job a used to have. We were good friends at one point, then he did some illegal stuff, blamed it on me, and we meet up at the 6th of every month and try and kill eachother."

I said, looking out the window. Katelyn laughed.

"We all got one of those friends, don't we? Well, next time he shows up, I'll beat him so hard into the ground, he won't dare bother you ever again!"

Katelyn said, slamming her fist into her open palm as a sign of aggression. Appreciating the gesture, I smiled slightly.

"Thanks. But well... he's not exactly an easy opponent to beat, trust me. You'll need a little more than just your fists to take him out."

I said, remembering the damage he could do. Jin's soul... the soul of hatred. Pure, pitch black. I was confused when he came down to the underground, and when his soul was revealed, it made things even more difficult. He stayed in the shadows, not communicating other than his actions. He would kill. Murder. Steal. Anything just to please himself. He was the basic definition of an asshole. But we could never catch him. Hatred comes in many forms. And that free-range gave him the most trans-formative power of all of us. He could turn into something, or someone. But there were a few conditions. He needed a soul- someone had to die. He needed to know who they were, an accurate reproduction. And lastly, he needed to limit his own souls power so he wouldn't be spotted. Those conditions, for Jin at least, aren't very hard to meet. 

Katelyn groaned, and fell backwards, the couch almost sucking her in whole.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go head off on a job. Kawaii~chan should be back in about 20 minutes, and if you need anything, just call! Got it?"

Katelyn asked, getting off the couch over to the kitchen. She grabbed the bandages and threw them over to me, which I easily caught.

"Y-Yeah. Got it."

I attempted to get up after her, but a sharp pain in my gut rung out, causing me to sit back down. And so I just sat there, not bothering to get up. I watched the news, not expecting anything to happen. As I sat there, I began wondering more on what Jin said. I was officially free of charges? The charge I was convicted with was a murder, but it was a murder I never did. When Jin met with me after the trial, it was painfully obvious he was the true killer. That was when he told me of the circumstances of my newfound life on the surface. The 6th of every month, Jin was going to come find me and see if I was still alive. If I was, he'd come and try to kill me. But now since the charges were gone, what would happen? Would he still come after me? Who would come after me now? Since Jin said people were coming to grab me that is. But then again, why should I believe anything he says?

My train of thought was interrupted by knocks on the door. Groaning loudly as I got up from the couch, I wobbled over to the door only to find Lucinda on the other side.

"Lucinda? What are you-"

"Katelyn told me that guy came again. I watched your fight, and oh my goodness, we need to talk about your magic. Sit on the couch please."

Lucinda ordered, walking herself inside and shutting the door behind her. I fell back on the couch, Lucinda still standing and looking me over.

"Alrighty. Now, I've always been interested in how your magic works. It isn't witchcraft by any means. However, it's unlike any magic I've ever known. Normally, I let you have your secrets. I've been meaning to go after Garroth and Laurence for some abilities they have... but yours does interest me quite a bit. So... mind telling me how it works?"

She asked. I sighed loudly, once she was on to something, there was no getting her off it. She wouldn't probably understand some of the finer details, but then again, even I hardly know all the physics behind it.

"Well... I guess it just comes down to the concept of a SOUL."

I said. Lucinda sat down beside me and nodded profusely. 

"A SOUL... I see. You're referring to Toby's theory of SOUL magic, correct? It's quite an interesting theory, but the parameters... monster and human magic working in tandem? It's quite difficult."

She said. I held out my hand, and took a deep breath. Upon exhaling, a small projection of a heart appeared over my outstretched hand. Mine was dark blue, a signature color of those who specialize in INTEGRITY. That being said, traits aren't something you specialize in like a job. You're born with a trait, and upon contact to monster civilization, you learn to create and harness that power.  Lucinda seemed quite fascinated by the concept of the SOUL currently floating above my open palm.

"This is... Aphmau, you're able to manifest a SOUL?! This is incredible!"

Lucinda exclaimed, running around to poke and prod it as much as she pleased. 

"I wonder what power this SOUL holds... you will let me test it, right?"

She asked me frantically. I shifted slightly away from her.

"What tests are you referring too?"

I asked, scared for my own well being. And I had a right to. Lucinda, energetic as if it was her birthday, jumped up and down before summoning her staff.

"Well, I wish to know what you can do with this power! I've seen basic things, like increased movement and weapon summoning, but never up close! This could turn into something incredible!"

She said, hoisting me off the couch and into a standing position. I grunted loudly, the pain in my chest didn't seem to like the idea of me standing. Lucinda understood this, and presumptuously dumped me back on the couch.

"Well first... mind if you summon a weapon? I'd like to see what you're able to accomplish with this power."

She asked. Well, clearly I'm not getting out of this. A quick snap of my fingers and the image of my soul vanished, replacing itself with a delicate spinning blade, like the kind you'd find on a saw. Lucinda took note of this, touching the edges and holding it like a lab subject.

"Your soul turns into one weapon?"

She asked. I giggled slightly at her misunderstanding.

"Oh course not. Projectile weapons are easier to summon. They take less strain on the SOUL, which is why..."

A quick wave of my hand, and 6 more spinning blades appeared, surrounding the two of us. Another wave and they all started spinning. Lucinda dropped the one she was holding with a slight screech. I laughed loudly, before calling them all away.


She yelled. I was still in a laughing fit, so I didn't bother to reply. She groaned, and fell back on the couch.

"Well I... well let's go on some other abilities. More particularly, the ability you showed off against that man earlier today."

"The grab one?"

I asked. Lucinda nodded.

"That one. Mind telling me how it works?"

She asked. I reached my hand out towards Lucinda, hoping to find her SOUL to grab on to. But alas, she hadn't made contact with monster magic, so I wasn't able to find anything.

"It's... strange. It only works on those who had contacted Monster magic. I can't use it on you, or anybody on Mystreet because nobody has had contact with monsters. That man and I have a history, and since he had contacted monsters, I was able to grab him."

I attempted to explain. In all honesty, the truth is I've never tried it on people who hadn't been in contact. I don't even know if it is possible. However, if SOULs only come out when monsters and humans interact, then it's highly possible I can't do it. Lucinda seemed to take what I was saying seriously, and began to cast some sort of spell.

"What are you-"

"Testing physical attributes. Hopefully I don't break anything!"

The souls in us all. Aphmau x SkyMedia x UndertaleWhere stories live. Discover now