REWRITE. Chapter 3 Streets are fun to fight in

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Lucinda was aiming a magical power at me, and I did not want to figure out what that magic did. Summoning my magic, I threw myself into the air as she fired off three bullets.

"Aphmau nice height from your jump! Now let's see how long you can keep it up!"

She said, aiming her magic higher, and firing off three more. I summoned two spinning blades, one in each hand. I cut through the first two on my decent, and threw both of the blades to defeat the third one. Lucinda seemed to be quite impressed with my skill, and she jumped backwards as I made my epic landing, using my magic to soften the fall. I may have used a lot of magic fighting Jin, but I still had quite a bit left, and as long as my trait remained strong, I was always in a sure supply of more power.  Lucinda held her staff close to her chest, staring at my small display of power. She seemed to get back to her senses, and began to chant something. However, I wasn't going to let her use it. I ran towards her just as she finished chanting, and I found myself frozen in place.

"Not even you can break out of my freeze spell!"

Lucinda gloated. Oh really? Who said I needed to move in order to do what I needed to do? Her spell froze only my legs in place. I could still move my arms. I summoned two spinning blades in my hands, and slammed them both together. In my hands was now a chainsaw. Lucinda stared at the new weapon with awe. While she was staring, I sawed through the ice surrounding my legs. Lucinda laughed.

"Alright, I get the idea here. Aphmau, your magic is downright incredible!"

She said, putting her staff away and sitting on the couch. I looked around the living room.

"Yeah. We also made a pretty incredible mess."

I said. Lucinda snapped her fingers. Immediately, everything was back to the way it was before any of this ever happened. I made the chainsaw disappear, and sat down beside her.

"Yeah... Sorry I never really talk about it. It's kinda of personal."

I said. Lucinda nodded.

"It's alright. We all have things we'd rather not speak about sometimes. We've all got a past that's beating us up somewhere."

She admitted. I smiled.

"Thanks Lucinda."

"No problem."

We sat in silence for awhile, watching the television. Eventually, the news showed a man talking about Mt. Ebbot. Lucinda grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

"-nd as such, we are preparing an assault on Mt. Ebbot in order to find the bodies of those men and women who fell down the peak, and to exterminate those infestations who live under it, once and for all!"

The speaker roared. The crowd roared with him, and a panic fell unto my chest. Lucinda picked up on this very quickly.

"Aph? You alright? You look like you've been stabbed."

She said. I was breathing heavily.

"The people under the mountain... they're all going to be murdered?"

I asked. Lucinda nodded.

"From what I hear, yes. Why? Do you... know someone under there... oh my goodness. Aphmau, did you fall down that mountain at one point?!"

She asked. I nodded.

"There's innocent people under there. I... I can't let the people just aimlessly kill them!"

I sputtered out. Lucinda grabbed my hand.

"I see why you're angry. But, what exactly can we do? These are federally licensed authority figures. If we oppose them, we're bound to be killed, or imprisoned at the very least!"

The souls in us all. Aphmau x SkyMedia x UndertaleWhere stories live. Discover now