Something about...eggs?

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Ok, I want you all to put your cliche teenager romance story heads on for a sec whilst i tell you this.
So, typically, in romantic books how do the boy and girl meet?
I'll let you think about that whilst I speak...write.

Go on...

Take all the time you need...

So, I was leaving math and I stopped for a second to ask my friend Sam if my best friend (cos they were in the same class) had already left (she's on crutches so leaves early). So my best friend had left so I was like: ok, I'm going to casually walk to the lunch hall now to see her.
So, like ya do, I turn around and start walking. HOWEVER, this is me we're talking about here, and I physically can't do ANYTHING without it being extremely awkward. So, I turn around and one of the REALLY popular guys was stood behind me. So yeah, I collided.
Well...I'm not sure whether it's a good thing he's taller than me? I walked into his chest/neck area (cos he's like 6"something and I'm 5"11) which kinda beets most boys in my year: most boys my year are like boob height so... yeah, probably a good thing!
So (thank god) we didn't fall over, I apologised and walked off quickly.
It just got more awkward though...
His girlfriend saw this (not that I realised). So I go up to my best friend laughing my head off cos I'm such a fail and told her what happens -baring in mind she has been trying to get me to get in a relationship my whole life she was trying to make this more than is was... thanks for that...- we were laughing together. So I'm doing my exaggerated impression of my massive hair flick (relevant to a different story I haven't told you... it will appear somewhere eventually) when mid hair flick somebody says my name. So I look behind me (where I just flicked my hair) and see one of the popular girls in the year and realise I just gave her a face full of hair.
Turns out she's interrogating me about her walking into her boyfriend so -me being me- I just go with it. My friend was ruining my serious face by laughing, like:
You may be my best friend but IM TRYIN TO BE DRAMATIC HERE!!!!
Yeah... then I finished lunch by separating egg whites and yolks... I don't even do food tech...

Well...That was a DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now