Water park!!'

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So! I've gone on holiday to Tenerife and we spent the day at the water park about five minuets away from the hotel!
So, we've gone on all the water slides but two!
One of those inflatable two person ones and one which holds personal value to me (I'm half debating doing this story over two chapters... we'll see...)
So! Firstly, in the boiling hot weather, we have to climb up LOADS of stairs in the boiling hot weather! Now, sure , from this you probably imagine my brother, sister and I dragging our feet on the ground, panting, or plain out dragging our bodies over the ground in full pelt zombie mode-
But no... that was not the case.
Firstly, the stairs. These stairs had clearly never been chained since first built as razor sharp stones stick out the concrete with one soul purpose... to tear into my poor innocent feet!
It gets worse. This ground is SCALDING! As in my feet were being burnt like ground cooked eggs in Australia! So NO!!! I most certainly was not zombie walking!!!! I was leaping up the stairs, ripping my feet and looked like I was doing some psychotic leprechaun in my crazed DASH for shade!!!!

MOVING ON!!! So we're on one of those two person inflatable ring ride things and we have no idea what's going to happen whilst we're on it (as in we hadn't even seen the ride yet!) so my brother and I are on the inflatable (heaviest at the front) and it starts and goes around the corner to the place that nobody can view it - which is why we didn't know what was going to happen- when suddenly, we do a vertical drop.
No, at this point in time we weren't going slowly. Noooo! We were zooming down it thanks to the fact that we're both heavy and slender (slender as in he is strong but not like steroids strong, like just strong and me... yeah.... I'm just me so...)
What didn't help us that after having a solid few moments of air, legs flying in the air and everything, the inflatable slams back down onto the slide where the ground is designed with lots of gaps for water which hits your legs.

Finally, we reach the last two drops. It goes drop, water splash, drop. Thing is, the speed we're traveling is so fast that we shoot off the first drop but rather than going down, the inflatable flys. It shoots OVER the first jump and water splash before landing on the second drop! Now after this comes that finishing area where you wait to stop. But oh no! This does not want to stop. Insead, water splashes up as the inflatable skiffs across the water and SLAMS into what was supposed to stop anyone from going further (though you shouldn't reach it I. The first place!!!
So that was... interesting...
Anyway! I'll post the second story after I write it!

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