Chapter 4: Saving Natasha, and Making Friends

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Fury stared at the girl, they had spent hours trying to get her to talk but she wouldn't. The mystery girl laid in a ball in the center of the clear glass prison with chains tied to her neck, legs, and wrists. SHIELD needed her to start talking soon, Natasha was getting worse. The red head had a fever, sweats, infection and slowly her heart was failing, as well as her paralysis, Natasha was officially in a wheel chair as of an hour ago. Fury says to her again, as the girl's stomach growls loudly, "If you tell me who you are I'll give you some food."

The small girl didn't even twitch, suddenly Tony stormed in with Natasha in her wheel chair he yells at the shifter, "What did you do to her!?"

Grey, and bluish eyes look over at the slowly dying red head, Steve was standing with Tony trying to calm him. The shifter listens in on Natasha's slowing heart, and begins to panic, the toxins in her claws will kill her soon if she isn't let out. The shifter moves to the glass as far as she can go, she doesn't want to scare the humans by easily breaking out of the little chains they put her in. With a weak voice She supplies, "I can save her, I didn't hurt the woman on purpose, bring her I can heal her."

Steve pulled out his gun and as Tony opens up the cell, the she wolf simply sits up. She waits patiently as they wheel the poor woman who looks afraid towards her new fear. Black ears, a long tail, and a set of claws and long teeth came out of her mouth everyone stiffness, and she waits for them to relax before going slowly to the Avengers to wanting to upset them, as she neared though, the chains stopped her. She give a small tug, more of a twitch and the chains snap. She waits again her own fear out as Steve points the gun at her head, it can't hurt her, but she really doesn't want it pointed at her, she whimpers as Natasha's heart stutters. The raven haired girl darts to her the last foot, and removes the bandage on her arm. Three stitched long vicious cut lay on her arm, all three were bleeding red, black, and green blood and puss. The shifter asks the men in a raspy gentle voice as she pets the girls hand with her filthy one gentle to soothe her, "How long since the fight?"

Natasha finally speaks, "Four hours ago."

The wolf girl whimpers softly to her, "I never meant to hurt you, when the Hulk tackled me I was trying to grab the ground you were standing to close, and I got you instead. I am sorry can you forgive me, Natasha?"

The red head replies, "Yes, I forgive you," she did to an extent forgive the girl, but the pain was excruciating, Natasha says to her, "I'll forgive you more if you heal me."

The wolf opens her mouth and her long wolf tongue, uses small precise licks to heal the cuts, the scent is disgustingly familiar of poison and death and a dash of pain too. She uses one long lick up the girls cuts, and more people enter to stare, the scents are familiar of the Avengers, one slightly changed, meaning Banner was human her nose told her.

The assassin's arm was now starting to close so the girls cut the stitches gently with her claws, as everyone tensed, she was extra carefully as she pulled them out, she healed her patiently with the tense and worried family behind her held their weapons at her head. She still had her blue eyes out shinning a bit wet in regret, sorrow, guilt and a bit of fear. Her naked body shifted to get some better licking at the girl before she looks at her and the last wound closes with out a single scar to mare the pretty human's body. The girl backed up, and sat eyes closed for a minute waiting for the hit, it never came, as her grey eyes open the woman is reaching a hand to her hesitantly. Does she believe that the shifter is just a wild animal? That made the wolf girl flinch but move to let the girl scratch her matted furred large black ears. Her stomach growls and she coughs, throat dry as she coughed hurt more, how long ago was it she had eaten and drank, too long, that pain was in her gut and her throat. Natasha stood and left wordlessly. The team watched her leave the room, as the wolf woman padded on all dirt caked fours to the center of the cage and curled in a ball tail rapped around her body like a defense shield. She didn't move even with the cell door wide open and the team of heroes starring at her oddly. She looks at the tall human blonde that has the gun pointed at her, watching him lower his gun and put it away, he says to Tony, "Check her health will you Tony, Bruce you as well please, I doubt she'll harm you or even move that much."

The large doors slamming open has everyone turning to look as Natasha walked in with to large trays of food. The grey blue eyed girl looked right up at it, tail thunking gently on the metal floor, ear swiveled to be only on the food her nose picked up no chemicals that could harm her not that anything they had could harm her anyways, but you never know.

Natasha put a tray of fruit and another of meat for the girl, and was that fish too? She smiled at the woman in thanks, as she also put down a few bottles of water for the starving, dehydrated female to drink. She switched all the way to human and ate as fast as she could with out getting her self sick. She ate everything, months of very little food, and the water that she got only after being torchured if she whimpered for it fearing her dying on them, would she get a small fucking dog bowl, the monsters thought she was the animal no she wasn't, but then again she put all the animals down, for good. She doesn't feel joy from it or even relief just anger that their death didn't help her wash away her scars and past from her mind. Tony says to her as she gets some water down her throat, "What's your name?"

She blinks, most of the team left only Natasha, Tony, and Steven remained in the room, the girl tries to think if she ever had an actual name, no she didn't, but the master had given her a nickname in his papers, "I..."

She clears her throat, coughing a bit looks up at them and says to them, her voice soft as silk, and still a little raspy even after three water bottles, "No, I don't have a name, but maker once called me Grey. Grey for my eyes."

Steve loos at her and smells of sadness he says to Tony a bit angry, "She was made like this?"

Gesturing to her dirty naked body, Grey says to him, "Maker didn't do this to me, he tried to save me, but people came and took me, I killed them all, blew up the base they had and ran back to Maker's home, then you appeared, and took me here."

The three heroes stare at Grey but she doesn't really care much about it. Grey looks up as the Archer, she believes his name to be Clint Barton, also known as the Hawkeye, she thinks. the man gives her a robe, it's black and soft, Grey pulls it on immediately, then she's being pulled down hallways and then she's in a large conference room. A small brunette and a tall red head women stand there smelling of anger, did Grey do something wrong?

Suddenly the brunette yells, "You heathens the poor girl, look at her, Fury you disgust me!"

The red head says to them, "Come one sweetie you have rights and legally you did nothing wrong, come on."

Tony says to Grey with a smile, "Well come on, we got a lot to show you kid."

Grey looks at them and seems uncertain then Steven says to her walking past her with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, we're your friends your safe with us."

Grey doubted it but followed the Avengers anyways not seeing a sign of Fury anywhere.


This chapter is dedicated to @JasmineHutchinson8

Pick a character you want to her to have a romance with, and comment, I enjoy reading feedback. See us later pups! :)

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