Law X Misaki?

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Sorry for not updating! Admin fell sick and was too tired to do this. Plus, my fanfics are a secret from my parents... So it's really hard to write except in school. Don't tell them about this, kay?


I woke up the next morning to a consistent banging on my front door. I quickly washed up and brushed my hair. "Coming coming..." I yelled as I hurriedly put on my fave Billabong shirt and my green-colored jeans. Then, I slid down the railings on the staircase to the door and opened it. Oh, it's Ace. What is he doing here? Wait... How does he even know where I live?!

"Yo" said Ace. "Time to go to school Misa-chan~" Luffy called from the car in my driveway. "Okay, I'll be out in a sec... " I rushed back into the house and grabbed my bag and put on my awesome blood-red high cut combat boots. After that I got into Ace's car. "Hi Misaki!" Luffy shouted as soon as I got in. He was munching on a hunk of meat, as usual. Since the back was filled with meat, I had to sit shotgun.

Oh. My. God. Ace has such a HUGE car! It's a LIMO! Where does he get so much money?! Oh Kami-Sama(god)! Ace must be like, the perfect guy. He's rich, he looks good, he can cook (for his brother) and he's not stuck up! He's actually quite nice...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized that Ace was talking to me. It was only when we stopped at a traffic junction and he tapped on my shoulder that I snapped back to reality. "Are you okay Misaki?" Ace asked with a worried expression. I nodded, smiling. Before he could ask any more questions, the light turned green. Soon, we arrived at school. We got out of the car and helped Luffy get all his meat into his locker. We met the rest of the crew (that's what Misaki thinks of them as: a Pirate Crew!) and then we went to homeroom just as the bell rang.

Law and Kid were already there, and as always, they were fighting. I sighed. Seriously? When will these boys ever grow up? Luffy and his 'crew' sat together in the middle of the room while I plonked down in my space in front of Kid. Ace took a seat beside me. Law and Kid stopped fighting almost immediately. "Hey" I heard Law's voice behind me and I turned around. "Thanks for the ride yesterday. I'll treat you to lunch later." I nodded. "No problem" I replied smoothly.

And then... Miss Robin came in~ OMG Miss Robin is awesome! She looks like some professional... Person! Well... At least she's better than Nami.. Nami was like, glaring at me the whole time this morning.. Just because I came in the same car as Luffy! Did she not realize that Ace was there too? She is seriously way too..... Ugh I don't know how to describe her!

<Lunch Break>

Ahh~ It's finally lunch break! Wait.. Law's treating me right? Aw man... He's kinda creepy... Oh well.. At least I got free lunch~ I hummed my favorite tune as I skipped down the hallway of the Academy towards my locker. After unlocking it with my fire powers, I dumped my bag inside and got out my wallet and my lucky dagger, which I slid inside my boots. Just in case! You never know... I slammed the door shut and turned around...... Only to stare into a pair of stormy grey eyes. I let out a surprised squeak and backed away until my back was against my locker door. "Wha-" I started, but Law cut me off with his stare. His usually expressionless face (finally!) had some sort of expression on it. But! I couldn't figure out what he was thinking! This guy is hard to read... *sweatdrop*

Suddenly, he put his left hand on the locker door beside my face. Da hell?! This is SO like a scene in an Anime! He lifted my chin up so that I was looking right into his eyes. I could feel myself stop breathing and my face started getting hotter and hotter. Not because of my fire though! Thank goodness everyone was in the canteen having lunch. "Let's go, my princess" Law suddenly said, with this amused smirk on his face. Then he let me go and started walking towards the student parking lots. I followed him there, and he introduced me to his crew:

Shachi--> Brown hair, wears a pink and green hat

Penguin--> can't see his eyes, wears a blue hat with "PENGUIN" on it


Bepo--> Talking Polar Bear! So cute and fluffy EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Anyway, we all got into Law's car, me and Law in front, the rest behind, and the first thing they asked was: "Captain, is she your girlfriend?" Beside me, I could see Law blushing slightly. "N-no.." He replied. "He's just treating me to lunch since I drove him back yesterday" I explained. "Oh.." I noted a hint of disappointment in their voices.

<After Lunch>

We went back to school, and lessons continued. This is gonna be a long day.... I can feel it.


Admin: Hi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! But nobody's commenting so maybe not... /(_ _)\ My Fanfic sucks...

Robin: See? Told you. Admin is a really sensitive girl. Somebody comment pls? I bet 1000 beli she'll be super happy if she gets even 1 comment~

Misaki: Hi, be nice to Admin, all of you! Or else... *fire fist* oooh~ I can do the same stuff as Ace! Cool!!! X3

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