The Girl in the Red Cap

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Fred and George were sitting in their tent at the Quidditch World Cup. Their tent was house sized, it had fully furnished rooms, a kitchen, and a fully functioning bathroom. "There must be people from all over the world here!" Ginny exclaimed excitedly, this was the first time she was at a professional Quidditch Tournament so how could she not have been excited. The twins looked at each other and smirked, they knew what each other's thoughts were.

"Well, let's go out and see then!" Fred exclaimed jumping out into the living area. "Yeah! Dad can we go?" Ron pleaded their father.

"I guess it's alright."

"Yes! Come on then!" George said eagerly pushing Ginny and Hermione out the tent's entrance. "Who knows Ron. You could meet someone!" Fred laughed. "Like that's ever going to happen!" Harry snickered at this comment, as Fred and George ruffled Ron's now shoulder length hair. 

"Get lost." Ron muttered and the six of them set off into the huge crowds. The hot summer sun was pounding hard on their faces. You could hear the sound of fans chanting in the distance, people were flying on there brooms. There were many wizard vendors in the crowds, "Cool face paint!" Fred exclaimed and ran over to one of the vendors.

"Brilliant! Let's paint our faces green and silver!" George said going over to Fred.

"I don't get why you wear that red cap Giselle." George stood up straight at the sound of that name. "We're at a Quidditch Tournament Sylvia! I don't need to make a fashion statement!" another voice said, it was getting closer to the stand where Fred and George were.

"What's up?" Fred asked George, he handed the vendor four sickles. "N-nothing." he replied, "Look Irish scarves!" George said changing the subject. "Excuse me how much for the scarf?" a girl with strawberry blond hair asked. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail, sticking out of a tattered old red cap.

"Six sickles." the vendor said grabbing a green and silver scarf. George stared at the girl, she looked vaguely familiar. "Thanks!" she said as the wizard handed the scarf to her. Another girl looked over at George and smiled, turning back to the blond, she whispered something in her ear.

"Are you sure Alice?" the blond looked over at George, they locked eyes. They stared at each other for about a minute, then the girl broke the gaze looking at the ground and blushing. "Let's go." the girl said and pulled her two friends away.

"George, let's go and find the others." Fred said, he then saw George standing in a dazed state. "George? What happened?" Fred asked waving his hand in front of George's face. He shook his head and pushed George's hand away. "Let's go."

He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. There was no way, no way that she could be here.


Fred and George attempted to Irish step dance, playing their flags as if they were flutes. It was after the game and they were ecstatic considering the Irish had won the Championship.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron preached, standing on the coffee table his eyes were lit with passion and the firelight from the furnace made it seem even seem more dramatic. "Dumb Krum!" Fred shouted and threw a hat at him.

Ron further made a speech about Viktor Krum. Suddenly there were ear piercing screams coming from outside the tent, George thought it was the sound of excited Irish fans but then he heard someone yell a curse.

Mr. Weasley pushed them outside the tent, the camp grounds were in ruins. All the tents were on fire, and wizards and witches were screaming and running for their lives from Death Eaters. "Fred! George! Ginny is your responsibility now! Get back to the Port Key and stick together!" Fred, George and Ginny ran ahead going in the direction of the clearing where the manky old boot was.

George bumped into somebody, it was the girl from before, there were tears in her hazel eyes, her red cap fell off as she bumped into George, before she could pick it up she had run off. "George!" his father screamed for him, worry etched across his face. He quickly picked up the tattered old hat and he sprinted back to the Port Key.

'It's her.' he thought, he couldn't believe he would have seen her ever again. But she was there. He had seen Giselle Davison at the Quidditch World Cup.

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