Therapy at Zonko's

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That night Harry had been chosen as a TriWizard Champion for Hogwarts, as well as Cedric Diggory. Most of the school had probably gone against Harry because they thought that he had cheated and that he wanted attention even more attention than he did now.

Anyways the weekend became a very tough time as the Hogsmeade field trips had started to begin. Hogsmeade was especially busy this year with all of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students running around the grounds of Hogwarts. Alice and George were going on their date today, leaving only Fred and Giselle to the prank shopping.

Zonko's was filled with students this year, the sounds of chatter and excitement filled the shop. All of the colorful boxes of merchandise lining the shelves.

"I remember the first time you two took me into this shop when I was a first year." Giselle said to Fred as she picked up one of the boxes, examining it and then placing it right back on the shelf.

"Yeah that was a fun time wasn't it?" Fred chuckled as he walked to another shelf.

A smile spread across Giselle's face as she went over to a basket filled with Dungbombs. She and the twins had once bombed Filch while he was mopping up the Great Hall. She then peered out the window to see happy students walking past all the shops, browsing the windows as they went about their business.

Then she saw George and Alice walking along the cobblestone walkway smiling and occasionally laughing as the time went by. She frowned at this sight, a part of her wanted to be out there, in the place of Alice.

Reality came back to her and she shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking like that. Alice was her friend and so was George! If they were happy in a relationship then she was too. Even if it was painful for her to watch. To feel an uncomfortable pang in her chest when they shared a laugh together, when they smiled genuinely at each other.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked her, Giselle jumped slightly at the sudden statement.

"Merlin! Fred you scared me half to death!" Giselle hit him in the arm playfully.

"Sorry. Anyways are you alright?"

"Yeah. Why would you ever think otherwise." she laughed nervously.

"You're looking nostagically out a window." a blush creeped onto her face. "Don't try to hide it Giselle. It's pretty obvious. You may think that your happy with this but you're not." she sighed in defeat.

"You're starting to sound like a therapist." Giselle huffed walking towards the exit of the shop.

"What? Those muggles that take care of peoples feelings?"

"Precisely." she turned back to point at him for effect.

"Well then I am now your official therapist or whatever." he said proudly and Giselle laughed.

"I don't need one of those."

"Oh believe me! With what's going to happen between you and George this year, you'll need one."


Hey everyone! So I'm back I hope you like the plotline so far. Sorry this one is like super duper short! I just came back from finishing a book and doing tons and tons of English and Maths homework so my writing meter has been very very low on creative chapters.

Anyways I'll probably be focusing on this one story mainly and then The Unknown in the side and I will for sure be continuing Truth or Dare! So stay tuned its almost summer and I'm getting all hyped up!


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