University feels

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When you return back to Wattpad a university student 💁🏽. I'm back guys!!! So I'm back with a new story. I would update The Misinterpretations but honestly I'm not in the same place as I was when I started that book. I started that book when I started sixth form and now there's only one more term left of my first year of university. Can you imagine? Time is really flying. Next year I will be starting my third year (literally next year i.e. 2018 not academic year)

Obviously times have changed and I'm not the same youte I was when I started writing that story. I would like to think that I have grown 🙄 it's been a while so my writing maybe a little rusty but this is just my intro. I hope you like it. Comment and let me know 😊.

Ohhhh yeah I want to say a big thank you to everyone who supported me with The Misinterpretations. Like you guys are my babies, I love you guys 💖.
I dragged my suitcase off the coach and walked towards the train station to catch the second leg of my journey. I turned around and started laughing.

"The same girl who said it was light. You even said it with your chest." I said laughing at my younger sister who was struggling with one of my suitcases.

It was Sunday morning and instead of sleeping in, me and my sister were struggling with the majority of my belongings, as we made our way to the next chapter of my life: university. The word made me sick to my stomach as I thought of the reality I would be facing in a couple of hours. After helping me unpack, my sister would leave and I would be left in my empty ass room in a completely new city. Just the thought was making me feel emotional.

"Shut up man. You're laughing now but as soon as I leave you will cry." She retorted making me shut up. Her response was no word of a lie. As soon as she left I would cry, but it was understandable. I'm an emotional bitch and it's an emotional ass day.

My mum was unable to drop me as she had to attend a colleague's funeral, so I had to catch her before she left for the funeral which was in Bristol.  I had awoken to her praying which was typical in an African household. I listened outside of her door as she cried grateful tears as she thanked God for giving her the strength and the blessing to raise a child to university level without any help. I had immediately burst into tears and cried the entire morning as it hit me that I was really leaving home and leaving my mum and sister. It was weird because I was so excited to leave home and leave the stress of extra plates that were placed in the sink when I was nearly finished washing, the anxiety that filled my body when I realised I hadn't taken the meat out of the fridge and the constant responsibility of my sister's stupid actions despite that she was grown and not a little child. But as I packed my bags and done my makeup for the last time in my bathroom I couldn't stop the uncontrollable tears that seeped from my eyes as I left my two bedroom home in South London.

"Shut up man." I said hiding the fact that I lowkey wanted to cry again. I don't even know why I'm being extra emotional today, maybe my period was coming early.

My sister looked at me and smiled sadly. "I'm gonna miss you." She said holding in tears and reaching to hug me.

"Move man, we don't do them tings." It's true. We didn't. We weren't really emotional towards each other but we knew the love was there. The most we would do was spud each other.

"Always ruining the moment." She said.

"Whatever Anita." I replied, helping her pull my suitcase onto the train.
"Cute." I said pulling in my suitcase into my new room.

"It looks dusty, what the fuck are you talking about Halima." My sister said. Yes I have a Muslim name despite the fact that I am Christian. But my mum's late best friend and my Godmother was called Halima who was the most selfless woman in the world. I never got the chance to meet her but she had helped my mum through so much so she named me after her.

"It's always you. Some any Bitter Betty." I retorted, causing me and my sister to laugh.

"It's bare cute, it looks nicer than the picture. Reminds me of the rooms we stayed in for NCS." She replied. NCS was a national summer challenge students who had just finished secondary school partake in. I don't know why she said 'we' like it was me and her who went together when it was her friends she was referring to but....

"Big woman yeah. University and that!" My sister said panning her phone towards me and doing the most for her dead Snap 🙄.

"Okay so welcome to my crib." I said dramatically walking around the room and talking in an American accent. "Okay this is my cute ass bed for you know..." I said laughing like Joanne the Scammer and winking at the camera.

"Errrr man."

"My en suite bathroom." I said prancing towards the bathroom door. "Nahhhh wozzz di meaning? Anita why is my bathroom so small?" I said switching from an American accent to a Nigerian accent before settling back to my normal British accent.

"You really believed it would be like how it was in the prospectus init?" Anita said laughing at my shocked reaction. I don't know what was so funny. Deceit is something I don't advocate.

"Yeah. It's even dirty. These times they said they would clean it."

"Come let's get the cleaning stuff and groceries before Tesco closes" she replied, dropping my suitcase on the floor.

We dropped my stuff and went to Tesco since none of my flat mates had arrived. We bought the necessities I needed such as food, bottled water, toilet roll, bath mat, dustpan, soap bar, bath soak, cleaning products etc. Basically things that I hadn't brought from London.

When we arrived back at my flat, one of my flat mates had arrived. He was a weird skinny boy who had come from a very small neighbouring village. We didn't really talk much as he didn't have much to say, especially with his parents there. He just said hi and then barricaded himself in his room like a bludclart weirdo. We shrugged and focused on cleaning, unpacking and decorating my room before it was time for Anita to go back home.

"Anita don't leave." I said pleading dramatically. *Sigh* I don't know how people deal with me and my dramatic self.

"You're a big woman you know. Man up. Acting like your man and your best friends aren't here." She said looking amused.

I smiled remembering my friends who were basically family were here.

"Ohhh yeah." I said smiling "K bye." I said opening the door so she could leave.

Her jaw dropped "Are you rude?" She asked in shock.

I cackled "I'm joking man ahh. Let me take you to the station."

My flat mate had appeared out of nowhere and decided to accompany us. We walked in silence as we made our way to the train station. My heart was really hurting as I hugged my sister goodbye. She was really my best friend, we were really close, she was only two years younger so she was my g and partner in crime.

"I'm gonna miss you prick. Take care and make sure you get home safe. Call me when you get home." I said hugging as I saw her train approaching.

"Okay mum." She said rolling her eyes "I'm gonna miss you Halima. Have fun, twerk in the club and finesse those Balenciaga boys." She said hopping onto the train.

"I've got a man!"

"And so?!" She retorted causing me to laugh.

"Bye babe!" I called as her train finally left the station. I wanted to cry but a WhatsApp from my bestie turned that frown upside down.

"Freshers rave. Come mine so we can get ready. Time to fuck it up sis."

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