Trap x Freshers week

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Don't mind me just dropping another chapter even though I've got coursework to do 💁🏽.

After leaving my sister I finally decided to look at my phone. I had been receiving messages from friends and family wishing me luck on this new journey but I refused to look at them. I knew I would burst into tears but I had now calmed down.

I opened my WhatsApp messages and the first message made my heart smile. My boyfriend Niko never failed to put a smile on my face. We had known each other since birth. He was the son of my mum's best friend so we were forced to be around each other. I couldn't stand him when we was younger because he was always pulling the heads off my barbies so we was always fighting. Plus he was a boy so he had lurgies which made matters worse because I didn't want to be around him, but our parents were always forcing us together. We went to the same school and lived in the same area but we still didn't like each other. But one day in reception my bully ripped the head off my barbie doll and threw it out the window. I was in tears. Niko had saw what had happened so he fought my bully. At break time he got my doll's head back for me. Even though it was covered in mud I was so thankful. He was officially my hero. That day he promised that he would fight for me. And since the age of 4 he had done just that. He always had my back and as we got older I just fell deeper and deeper in love with him. We had been together since we were 14 and although we were young I could honestly say we was in love, no one made me feel as happy as I was when I was with Niko. He warmed my heart.

"Baby girl I miss you 😘." The message read. You know that feeling when a guy calls you baby girl. It's actually magic like you get so gassed. My smile stretched from ear to ear as I read the message. He was currently in Amsterdam. He was an upcoming Dj and worked with a couple well known artists. Hence why he was really bait on Twitter and Instagram. Everyone gassed him but it was understandable because the boy was gonna be a star. He was really talented so he was always getting booked for major events. He was currently on tour with a couple well known artists and the last leg of the tour was in Amsterdam, meaning he was missing the first half of freshers week.

"I miss you too baby." I replied. Immediately he appeared online and started typing. That's another thing I loved about him. Even though he was a very busy guy he always made time for me. He was never too busy for me, he could be in another country shutting down shows and he would still WhatsApp me a good morning message in the morning. He never failed to make me feel like a priority. Girls get you a man like mine.

"I'm gonna FaceTime you yh."

I whipped out my mirror to check my hair and makeup was still in tact. Although I was very comfortable with him, I still wanted to look peng to remind him that his wifey was the baddest girl in endz. He attracted girls on a regular basis, not just because of who he was but because of how attractive he was. He was a 6ft5 tall glass of chocolate. He had impeccable clear dark brown skin with really bright brown eyes that contrasted beautifully with his skin tone. His trim was always perfect, with waves that could make an experienced sailor seasick. The most crispy beard graced his defined jawline and pearly white teeth that was framed by fully plump juicy lips. My man was beautiful on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside.

His face appeared on my screen and my heart fluttered.

"Baby." I said gushing. He was in a grey tracksuit relaxing in bed. He looked so cute.

He smiled that cheeky smile that could even warm the heart of an ice queen. "Baby girl." His deep voice seeped through my phone "You good?"

"Yeah. It's just weird being here. I lowkey just want to go home. This place doesn't feel like home."

"Have you unpacked yet? Have you met your flat mates?"

"Yeah, I even hung up a picture. And nahh just one. He's some weird boy from some random village. And I haven't met the others."

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