Who's that bitch?

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*Drops a chapter for you guys to read after carnival*

My entire body was aching, my head was throbbing and my throat hurt. It was at this moment I knew the true definition of migraine. My vision was blurry and I wanted to throw up. The sound of constant beeping was irritating me and intensifying the pain.

"What the fuck is that noise?" I muttered to myself trying to wake up properly and look around. I could just about make out objects that resembled a clock and a vase of flowers. I rubbed my eyes again hoping that my vision would clear. That's when I clocked that I was not inside my room. The strong smell of disinfectant was an indication of the room I was in. I was in a hospital room.

That's when I began to panic. The combination of my blurry vision, unsettled stomach and throbbing headache led me to question what exactly happened last night and how I ended up in hospital. All I could recall was talking to a guy at the bar. I think it was Michael from college.

"She's awake now." I heard a female voice say. The doors swung open and a nurse came in. She was an older white lady who reminded me of my aunty (family friend) who had passed away a couple years ago. She had a motherly aura to her and I immediately felt calm.

"You're awake now sweetie? Good. I was getting worried here."

I was drained and confused. She looked at my expression and chuckled. "You have no idea how you got here do ya?"

I nodded my head. I couldn't trust myself to talk because I knew my voice would sound scratchy and nasally.

"You was brought to A&E by your friends. You had lost consciousness at a club which was why an ambulance was called. When you was examined we found that you was experiencing alcohol poisoning and the combination of alcohol poisoning and MDMA in your system had caused you to lose consciousness. Sweetie, you are very lucky that your friends had come just in time. The combination of MDMA and alcohol is dangerous, it can easily lead to death. Now I know you young kids like to party but Halima, the amount of alcohol you consumed last night was fatal. The addition of MDMA could have seriously done damage to your liver. It is not safe which is why it is illegal. You are a beautiful girl. Please don't lose your life to drugs and alcohol."

It was as if my soul vacated my body. Alcohol poisoning? MDMA? Ohhhh hell nahhh what the fuck happened last night. I could just here my mum now. "DRUGS?! HALIMA YOU WAS DOING DRUGS!! BABA GOD WHY?!" Her reaction alone would transport me back to Port-Harcourt with the quickness. I just pray she doesn't find out. But I was shocked. It was clear that my drink was spiked. I had no recollection of what had happened past talking to Michael at the bar. I was scared, confused and concerned that I had gotten so drunk and basically so high that I had alcohol poisoning and I couldn't recollect the rest of my night.

My jaw dropped "MDMA was in my system?" I said shocked.

"Yes. You had your stomach pumped last night. So I'm assuming you wasn't aware that you took it. You were in a club setting right?" I nodded my head "I guess someone spiked your drink. But please take this as a lesson, please drink safe." She said getting up. I felt a sickly feeling as I had a sneaky suspicion that Michael was responsible for my current state.

MDMA and alcohol poisoning. That explains why my head so much and why my stomach hurts. But what about my vision "Wait Nurse! When will my eyes stop being blurry?"

She paused and looked at me "Blurry vision? I think you have had a really bad reaction to the MDMA. The side effects should wear off but just to be safe and for your peace of mind I will send someone to examine your eyes. But you will be here for a while whilst we continue to monitor you and run some tests. You cannot eat any solid food but any liquid should be fine okay sweetheart?"

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