Why hello little piggy ^^

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[I= reader,but there will also be Y/N soon]
Hello! And I hope you like this fanfic I made of the reader X Ryoga Hibiki.Any Who, lets talk about you! In the story you have a younger brother named Karu, but it sounds like Kauro.You and Karu live alone in the L/N Dojo and a few years ago your parents passed in an accident.But after about a year of the accident you and your brother went on a trip to the Jusenkyu springs.While you and your brother where training you both fell into a cursed spring.Your brother Karu fell into the drowned black piglet the same as ryoga and you fell into an other spring. When you are in your curse form you are still human but what type?
Continue reading to find out your curse! And thanks for reading ~!  ; )
-Y/N pov-
I had just come from the supermarket,and I had been kinda pleased with all the deals! "well at least these should last me a week,hopefully B/N will want some Curry tonight".As I continued my way home I couldn't help but look at the beautiful sunset.'mom and dad would always watch the sunset together..' I thought to myself,then I'd stumped upon an cute little black piglet with an yellow bandanna around his neck just in the middle of the sidewalk."Are you lost little guy? " I asked the piglet,then he noticed me and sadly nodded his head 'yes'. He awfully looked so similar to Karu's piglet form, but I was certain that this couldn't be a person whom also fell in the Juseknyo springs, theres no way that could happen."Why don't you come with me? and please don't be scared, I'm not gonna eat an adorable thing like you" I must have been crazy but I thought I saw his cheeks turn pink a bit...oh well I've experienced to much crazy in my life .Anywho back to reality,I put the grocery bag down and gently put my hand out to the little piglet."I promise I won't hurt you..." I said ,then the little piglet walked onto the hand and I put him on my shoulder."My house isn't so far from here" as I smiled at him,I picked up the bag and went on home.
~Time skip~
"Karu~! I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the door." oh hey your finally back" then he noticed the little black pig on my shoulder "who's the pig" he said while pointing at the pig."I don't know I found him on the way home from the store" I said as Karu took one of the bags out of my hand." Thanks" , I took the piglet off my shoulder and put him on a cushion "wait here,I'm sure your hungry so just wait after I'm done cooking dinner k?" I said while smiling at him. In response he made a few cute noises,"Karu could you please watch the little pig for me?" "Sure" he said kinda annoyed . I walked into the kitchen as Karu walked out.

-Ryoga pov -
Yet again I was lost..no surprise with my stupid no sense of direction.Then I got splashed with cold water,great just what I needed! "Are you lost little guy?" I heard as I looked up to see an girl with H/C hair which had been tied with an blue ribbon and E/C eyes that sparkled when I looked directly in them.She looked kinda pretty... GAH?! What am I thinking only Akane has my heart,not some stranger who might want to cook me for her dinner but yet I can't help but think how kind she was being to me at the same time.. No one else has really been nice to me before.So I just nodded my head yeah sadly.."Why don't you stay with me for a while? I heard her say to me.I blushed a little then she held out her hand to me and said "I promise I won't hurt you.." Other than Akane....no one else has been so kind and welcoming to me before, so I gratefully walked onto her hand and she put me on her shoulder.Its nice to be at least up to see the view,other than being a pig and being held in Akanes arms."My house isn't so far from here" she said.
-P-chan pov while the time skip-
She called someone named Karu when she slides the door open and puts me down.After a while the boy kept glaring at me for who knows why? But one thing that caught me off guard was when he asked me "Did you fall into the cursed spring of the black piglet in Jusenkyu?" IM DOOMED?!?!? How Could He know?!? Oh it's the end of me... I gave him a nervous look and tried to avoid the question. "I'm not dumb, ya know! You must have been to Jusenkyu!" I got scared and ran into the kitchen and hugged Y/N's leg (even though he doesn't know your name yet) ^^;

-Y/N's pov-
I was almost done cooking dinner when the black piglet hugging my leg."Karu ! What did you do to the little guy?"I said while picking the piglet up and holding him in my arms."THAT PIG MUST BE FROM JUSENKYU!! HE LOOKS TO FAMILIAR AS TO ME!!" Karu shouted as I grabbed a cup of cold water and Splashed it in his face,Turing him into A black piglet which looked just like the one you found earlier."You ever think he might just be a small little .I sighed deeply as I got the kettle with hot water and poured some on who turned back into a human.And as I held the kettle the little piglet started to kinda panic and jumped out of my arms while squealing and running away."Where are you going little guy?".. Hmm.. Now I'm very curious." anyway dinner is ready.." So I set the table and put the food down,then went to go look for the piglet. I finally find him in my room and he holds up a note that says 'my name is P-chan and my owner akane Tendo who lives in the Tendo dojo'. How can a pig write Japanese?! ... Maybe he's a talented pig?." guess he wishes to go home "alright p-chan..after dinner and a good nights rest I will take you back to your owner and home" ^^. Then he squealed in joy and I picked him up ,walking to the dinning table. "Hey Karu tomorrow we have to go take p-chan home..k?"Then we all started our meal Karu was practically scarfing it down like a pig(cause he is 1/2 pig 😑) and I fed p-chan some rice and pickles.It seemed like he was blushing  a little as I fed him.Which was really cute...Knowing that he had an owner who is probably looking for him but as a kind human I always tried to be I had to get him home.

-After dinner-
"Grrrrr! Karu !! ILL KILL YOU!!!!!" I yelled at B/n since he splashed cold water on me ....and turned me into my curse.... Karu was running and squealing(I also splashed cold water on him)trying to get away from me. "I SWEAR ILL MAKE YOU INTO A PORK CUTLET BOWL NEXT TIME YOU DO THIS!" As I shouted then ran to the bathroom,and pored hot water on me.I sighed in relief since I was back to being a girl , I hated my curse...I hated everything about it ..That people would chase me...That my body changed......But worst of all...I WAS ATTRACTED TO MYSELF !!!!.I clenched my fist and punched the wall. Just thinking about it ticked me off a lot! I snapped back to reality as I saw p-chan sitting in the doorway of the bathroom," Hey p-chan,you can sleep with me tonight if you want" as I bent down and held my hand out to him.He made a cute noise and walked onto my hand and I put him on my shoulder.
-During the night-
That night I couldn't fall asleep for some reason so I got up put on my martial arts robe and when to the dojo.(yes they have a dojo also) Usually a good work out will make me tired, So I started and flew some kicks in the air and punches for a while. Whenever I would train or fight I always thought of something to keep me going and going until I felt like I won the battle,that was my battle style.As i was still Training I felt like I knew Akane ....Oh how could I forget...She's the girl at school who all the guys fight in the mornings...I can kinda understand why most of the guys in school want to date her..she is very pretty and strong ,and her fiancé named Ranma Saotome lives with her... I also have few classes with her and Ranma.While trying to do a kick I slipped and fell on my side on the ground,still in my thoughts I layed there
thinking about The Tendo dojo...and I fell asleep right there on the spot.

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