So much thought into something that wasnt real..

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We went back to their house and dried off from the cold rain.Me and Ranma poured some hot water and transformed back into our original forms.Mr.Tendo and Kasumi told me and Karu that it would probably be best if we stay the night since we live across town.I went to akane's room before I went to the guest room,when I reached her room I knocked on the door with my knuckle."Come in!" I opened the door to see her sitting on her bed with p-chan on her lap,"Hi Y/N","hi  Akane and p-chan~!" I walked over to them and scratched p-chan behind the ear.He was so cute!!! Cuter than Karu in his pig form ==; "Did you need somethin?" she asked me cheerfully."Nah I just wanted to say goodnight to you guys..." She looked at me with a puzzled look,and said to me"You still thinking about that accidental kiss?" That came out of nowhere ..."W-what?!?! " my face felt like it was on fire.I looked at p-chan who was blushing and his eyes wide open looking at me... Weird why is he blushing at me? "Oh well, if you look at the time I-um gotta go to sleep ehehehe...g-goodnight akane and p-chan.." I quickly walked out of the room and speed walked to the guest room. Why is this so embarrassing... I just plopped onto the futon with my face in the pillow but I want to see why she asked me such a random question and .. she was right I have been thinking about the accidental kiss....I question myself Of why I put so much thought into something that was just a accident....It was just an ...Accident...and not on purpose ....So just forget about it...I could feel my vision get blurry with tears...and eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in a field of my favorite flowers (ur fav. Flowers) with the sun setting or rising but when looking at the sun there was two looked like Ryoga? A-Akane? I ran towards them and tried too yell there names but nothing came matter how much I ran I couldn't reach them but then...They hugged and eventually kissed on the lips...I stopped running..and everything was black. There was no akane there was no Ryoga there was no sun. Just me.Standing in the middle of darkness.Then the feeling of falling swelled my mind and body.Falling deep into darkness I saw Ryoga hugging some girl with a giant spatula and a purple top and leggings who's hair was tied up with an white cloth(Ukyo).Falling deeper ,I saw Ryoga hugging a girl with a mossy green hair(Akari[or whatever]) my tears leaving my face and floating up.I saw Ryoga all alone looking blankly into my eyes and a wave just like the ocean splashed him.After the wave was p-chan...Wait...was Ryoga ...p-chan? Did he fall into the spring like karu? I looked at him with a dead expression if I had been killed by the feeling of my heat getting crushed by your hand....I had been played...
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hands
And you played it, to the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
But you played it...You played played played played it played played it..played it to the beat..

-end of dream/Nightmare-
I shot right up gasping for air as tears kept flowing down my face.Something felt weird..Looking at my body and I was a guy?! someone must have splashed water on me or was it my tears? well that isn't important right now.Looking at the clock it was 10:27?! "I must have slept in..." I got up and went downstairs to see Ranma and Ryoga fighting in the backyard... Thinking about the crazy dream/nightmare I had of him...But why?! WHY AM I EVEN DREAMING ABOUT SOME GUY I BARELY KNOW!!!Damn it! It's like When you see a celeb and all u can do is fall for them when knowing that they can never pay back what you feel.Thinking that you know everything about them but in reality you know nothing about the person. Man I really need to go on a long journey..."oh your finally awake y/n!" Snapping out of my thoughts I look at who had called my name...It was akane!"heh...yeah,sorry if you guys had to wait for me.." I looked away from her and looked down to the ground." alright? You kinda look down.." Her eyes looked worried didn't want someone to be worried over you.."yeah I'm perfectly fine!" You made an pretty Impressive fake-happy face. And she fell for your trick...

Hey guys sorry AGAIN if this chapter is short^^; I just got a lot of cool ideas I can't wait to make stories out of! And recently I watched a few episodes on a cool technique that Ryoga and Ranma try to use! And with the life that Reader~chan has I think the technique would probably even surpass ryoga a super strong one! Any who see ya next chapter and thanks for reading!!✌😊

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