Chapter 1

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Willow's POV

I pace up and down the porch nervously. My first proper party. Calm down Willow. You'll be with Abbie and Abbie's brother. You've got this. Nothing bad will happen.

Oh how I was wrong.

My mind keeps traveling back to today. My busy work shift. What if I could have done something? What if I could of done something else to support that family?

I work at a counselling group for siblings of children with cancer. Today one of the girls took her own life. Cancer does have a big affect on the siblings but no one really notices. Everyone focuses on the parents and the sick child.

Before my mum disappeared, she told me I lost two of my aunts to cancer. Although I never meet them, I want to help other families with the grief and shock of having a sibling or child with cancer. I couldn't imagine if my step siblings or my brother, Owen was suddenly just diagnosed with cancer. I would chose myself over them any day. If anyone in my family got cancer, I would wish it was me. I wouldn't want to see my family suffering. I would put them above myself any day, any time.

Sammy's car finally pulls up in the driveway. I run over towards the car and hop in the backseat.

"You girls ready to party?" Sammy exclaims, backing out of the driveway. "Get drunk, have fun, let lose."

"I won't be getting drunk but I'll have fun." I say. "There's-"

"Oh you're such a party popper. You've got to get drunk to have fun." Abbie interrupts me.

"Maybe just one drink won't hurt."

"That's my girl," Abbie says. I can hear the smile in her tone.

Abbie and Sammy are twins and are two years older then me. I meet Abbie at work a couple of months ago and she introduced me to Sammy. We've been great friends ever since.

"We're here!" Sammy yells, pulling up.

I can already tell I made a bad decision agreeing to come. I never wanted to come but Abbie and Sammy were both very persistent. They wouldn't really take no for an answer.

We walk inside the house and I can already smell the alcohol. Why did I come? Oh come on Willow. You'll be fine. Sammy won't let anything bad happen to you.

The night starts in a blur. I dance with Abbie, I play a few games and I drink. I drink a bit more then I wanted to.

Everything after that happened so fast. I can't remember most of it.

All I remember is waking up the next morning with arms around my waist. Why are there arms around me? What happened last night? Why do I feel like I've been hit by a bus.

Then everything that happened comes crashing down on me.

The man that forced me in the bedroom.

"Come on sweetie. I know you want this. Everyone does."

"S-stop. Don't do this! Please don't!"

"Too bad. I'm not going to change my mind over some slut begging. Begging just makes this less fun for you. It's going to happen whether you like it or not."

I was a virgin last night. That sick pervert didn't care about that. He just needed someone. Why did I get drunk? Why did I even come to this party? Where are Abbie and Sammy? Oh god. This is terrible. I wanted to leave my virginity for my husband. To someone I loved. Not some sick stranger while I was drunk at a stupid party.

He straddled me, loosening my dress of my shoulders. He starts trailing kisses over my neck and breasts. I don't want this. I try to squirm away but the man just growls. "Don't make this less enjoyable for yourself. I'm guessing you're a virgin, so I can make your first time, very painful. Just give up. It's going to happen."

He lustfully glances over my body and I want the ground to shallow me up. I want to be anywhere but here. I'd rather be in Antarctica, freezing my ass off.

I was a virgin until last night. He just took it away. He took advantage of me. He just disgusts me. 'Real men don't rape'.

I blink last night's memories away and get up. He stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake up. I just want to kill him. How could he do this to me?

I attempt to smile when a memory pops into my head. I reach into my purse, grab my permanent marker and leave the pervert a message. On his forehead where he'll remember what he did last night. I just write a simple little message, the date and my initials. 

I hurriedly find my clothes and get out of there. Not looking back. Never looking back.

I run downstairs and past all the drunken bodies. I don't see Sammy or Abbie anywhere.

I just give up on finding them and decided I'll walk back home. It's only a twenty minute walk.

I finally reach home to be greeted by an empty house. Steven and Daniel must have gone out. I immediately head upstairs and into the bathroom.

I run myself a shower and keep scrubbing myself.

And scrubbing.

And scrubbing.

I use nearly two bottles of body lotion and wash my hair twice. Anything to get that pervert off me.

I finally wrap myself in a towel and walk back into my bedroom.

I change into some sleep pants and a baggy sleep top.

I collapse on my bed and pull out my phone. Twenty past ten. I put my phone on my bed and lie down.

What do I do? Do I tell someone I've been raped. But it's my fault as well. I was drinking underage. Who can I talk to about this? I have no one. My brother won't understand, would he?

My brother and I have always been very close but I can't talk to him. He's a man. He wouldn't understand. And how would I contact him?

Owen had always wanted to serve overseas in army and he did it. He left earlier this year and we can only communicate by letters.

How would I write it? 'Hey Owen, I was taken advantage of because I was stupid enough to go a party and get drunk'. No it wouldn't work. And what if it doesn't get to him? What if it goes to someone else? And by the time I write the letter to him, send it and wait for his reply. No it just wouldn't work.

I have no one. I couldn't tell the police. They'll bust me for underage drinking. What do I do? In situations like these, I really wish mum was still here.


Halo friends!

I'm so, incredible sorry for the wait of the squeal to His Girl.

Life's been insane at the moment. I got some heartbreaking news a few months ago but I'm still in shock.

And then schools started back from the Easter holidays which I didn't want to happen. I needed another four weeks, at least just to recover from everything.

Anyway. I was also running on lack of inspiration for the story. I've had so many writers blocks it isn't funny.

I have planned out the next few chapters but I do need to edit and add some more detail.

I was also very clever to drop my phone, so my screen is completely smashed. This is making editing a little harder, but I think I'm managing. Please let me know if you do find any mistakes.

But how did you like chapter one of His Child?

- Bethany x

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