Chapter 19

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Willow's POV

Thank god he isn't going to kill anyone. Why? Why did he have to wake me up in the scariest part of my nightmare? Why did I hit him? Why couldn't I control my arm? Why did it happen? What if he punishes me in a different way? But it wouldn't be a bad as having another death on your hands.

I bring my legs up onto the couch and sigh. Apparently we're still waiting for a few other guys to arrive. I honestly didn't know they were this many guys in the gang. I have seen them all before, but I haven't been paying much attention. I swear there is at least thirty guys here. And apparently more are still on their way.

And sure enough, a few more men and a couple of girls walk in. I look around the room and don't reconsider half the people. Ryan did briefly introduce some of them but I wasn't paying much attention. Never really am paying that much attention.

"Alright now that we are all here, I have some bad news. We received a threatening note by, we're guessing another gang. Julian said he saw a car leave and then found the note at the front door. We're increasing security and don't leave your girls by themselves. By the note, he's pissed off because of the way the girls are treated-"

"But it's true!" Lizzie interrupts. "I would be pissed off too. You are treating us like shit. Have-"

"Elizabeth! Shut the fucking hell up!" Julian cuts her off. He leans over to her and whispers something in her ear. He face immediately goes pale and she mutters an apology.

"Well," Ryan starts. "I guess we will continue. That is if Elizabeth has finished her two year old tantrum."

Lizzie remains silence and Ryan smirks.

"As I was saying, just keep your eyes on your girl. I think that's about it. Actually no, I want the lowdown on everybody. Julian?"

"Your sister is so hard, Ryan. I've been trying to break her but it's almost impossible. She's almost impossible. She is about eleven weeks pregnant which is good. I'm hoping for an heir but her attitude hasn't died yet. I'm still working on it but as I said, she's almost impossible." Julian replies.

"Alright. Thanks Julian. Lizzie, you better think about behaving. Mason?"

"Alana and I are getting there. She's still not pregnant but she's lost most of her fight." Mason says.

"Alana, I suggest you keep behaving yourself and also get pregnant. There's no better way to please your husband then telling him, you're pregnant with his baby. Theo?"

"No problems. Callie's nearly five months pregnant. We haven't found out the gender yet, but Callie wants it to be a surprise. Yeah there's no problems." Theo replies.

"Great. Cade?"

"There's a bit of fight here and there but normally Stephanie is pretty good. She's nearly seven months and we're having a boy." Cade answers.

"Congratulations. Jackson?"

"Liv's almost three months pregnant but she can still fight. She's got someone hard elbows and knees. She's basically impossible." Jackson says.

"Come talk to me after. I think I've got some ideas to make her behave. Olivia I suggest you stop fighting your husband. There's no hope. You're stuck here forever. Peter?"

"We're having a baby. Sarah got pregnant again and she's about three weeks along. There's no problems. Everything is pretty good." Peter replies.

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