Chapter 4

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Ryan's POV

"How can this happen? What happened? Where were you?"

"I'm sorry boss. I really am. I walked out of the room to grab a glass of water and when I came back she was dead. She must of found my gun. Headshot. They was nothing I could do."

"Unbelievable! This is stupid. This day sure has been eventful. It's fine Glen. Don't blame yourself. She was the one who took her life. It's fine."

"Why were you needed?"

"Oh we've been given Willow. Daniel's stepsister."

"Any reason?"

"She killed her baby. Steven thought we could have her now."

"Who's baby was it?"

"Apparently she was raped but I'm not sure."

Glen nods and taps his pen on his desk. "Are you going to give her away or keep her yourself?"

"To be honest, I don't know. She's really feisty, spat all over me. I suppose it would be fun to get the job of breaking her."

"She sounds fun. You'll have fun if you take her."

"Yeah she's not bad. Needs a lot of work though. She's really got fire inside of her. Actually no I'm going to take her."

"You do that. Please let me know who it goes."

"You'll probably hear her screaming. Actually after the meeting tonight can you check her over?"

"I can do it now if you want?"

"Yeah ok."

I walk out Glen's office with a huge smirk on my face.

"Hey Ryan. What's got you so happy?" I look over my shoulder to see Abbott.

Abbott's my second in command and best mate. He's been with me since the start and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Got myself a new girl. Got fire in her as well."

"Really? What happened to Meghann?"

"She's yesterday's news. Took the coward's way out of things."

"Oh. Wow. Ok. Gee. I never thought she would have the guts to."

"Yeah. It's not that much of a loss though. I've been really struggling to get her pregnant."

"She could of been pregnant but deliberately killed it when she found out. I heard some rumours that's happened before."

"If I find out anyone else is killing their husband's baby..."

"...I wouldn't want to be them," Abbott finishes off.

I smirk. "Do you want to help me?"

"What are we doing?"

"Bringing my new wife up to Glen's office."

"Of course I'll help with that. Was she screaming before?"

"Yeah. Did you hear her?"

"Who didn't? I swear the whole country must of heard her."

"And that's why there is no houses around for fifty kilometres. And even they know to keep their mouths shut."

"Talking of which. Someone is getting a bit nosy. While I was pulling up, I saw a different car around. I've never seen it before and as soon as it saw me, it took off. Unfortunately I didn't get a license plate but it's just a bit odd."

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