Chapter 13

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Willow's POV

I'm rudely awoken from my deep sleep by someone shaking me. "Willow. Willow you have to get up. Willow get your ass out of bed."

Someone pulls me out of my nice, warm, comfortable bed and drops me on the floor. "What the hell," I mutter. "What's going on?" I ask, more loudly.

"Nothing. I just needed you to wake up." Someone replies.

Who is this person and why are they waking me up? It doesn't sound like Ryan, Daniel, Abbott or Justin. Who would rudely disturb my beautiful sleep?

"Why?" I finally ask.

"Because Ryan wants you downstairs right now."

"Why?" I ask again.

"Oh my god, Willow! I didn't know you were an annoying two year old. I don't know why he wants you downstairs. He just does! He also seems pretty angry so I suggest you get down there pretty quickly."

I sigh and nod. I fumble with the lamp on the bedside table and finally turn it on.

I turn around to see Cade, at least that's what I think his name is, and Stephanie standing in the doorway. Stephanie has tears threatening her eyes and her left eye is clearly swollen and bruised. What happened to her?

"Hey Stephanie, are yo-"

"Uh-uh. Ryan wants you downstairs right now. Now move," Cade cuts me off.

I hold in a sigh and nod. I flash Stephanie an apologetic smile and walk past her.

I walk down the stairs, taking my time of course. I reach the end step to be met by Daniel.

Great. Marvellous. Wonderful. Superb. Excellent. Joyful. Amazing. Just the person I wanted to see right now. He's my number one bestie at the moment.

As Daniel see me, he frowns. He motions me to come towards him and I oblige. Once I'm next to him, he slaps me. He slaps me so hard I fall to the ground, holding my burning cheek.

Well that hurt. What did I do to upset him now?

But Daniel doesn't stop there. He sends his shoe into my face, repeatedly. I scream but that just seems to anger him further.

What did I do? I thought Ryan needed me down here not Daniel. Wouldn't Ryan dish out my punishment not Daniel? What did I do to upset Daniel? I though I was pretty well behaved. Apart from punching Justin, I've been on my best behaviour. Why would he punish me? What did I do to him? What did I do to anyone? Well apart from Justin, nothing. I haven't done anything, to anyone.

One more kick from Daniel is all it takes for blackness to take over.

Darkness and blackness.

Ryan's POV

I hear a girl scream somewhere in the house, but I don't pay much attention. I kick my feet up onto my desk and sigh. Why do I have to deal with these imbeciles? Why is everyone so hard to work with?

I hear another scream and sigh. Can someone shut their girl up? I don't need a fucking migraine right now.

Another scream is when everything clicks in. That's Willow, isn't it? Why would Willow be screaming? I swear I'm going to kill her. I'm honestly done with her attitude.

I get up off my chair and fling my office door open. I walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. I see Abbott and Justin, talking at the table. When Abbott sees me, he stands up.

"I was just about to call you. Why is Willow screaming like she's being murdered?" He asks.

"I don't know. I thought you were giving her a punishment."

"I thought you were punishing her."

"Well I'm clearly not punishing her."

"Then who is?"

"How am I suppose to know?"

"Can you guys just stop arguing like a married couple?" Justin cuts in. "It would be easier if you follow the screams and find out yourself."

"Shut up Justin!" I sigh and roll my eyes. The kid is right though. I should just follow her screaming. Would be a whole lot easier.

I nod at Abbott and he follows me into the lounge room. As I head towards the stairs, my breathing stops. What the hell happened to Willow?

I turn around to see Abbott staring at Willow. He immediately snaps into action. He pulls out his phone and starts tapping in numbers.

I turn back around to see Willow. What happened to her? Why would someone do this? Who would do this?

I walk over to her and kneel down. Her face is a bloody mess. Her eyes are closed and she looks gone. She doesn't look like she's with us anymore. She looks dead. What happened to her? I will kill whoever did this.

Unless they have a good reason. 'Bros before hoes'.

Someone gently taps my shoulder and that snaps me out of my thoughts.

I stand up and move away so Glen and Scott can do their job.

My eyes never leave her. Why? It would of had to be an inside job. Who would do this?

"Ryan! Ryan, I need a hand."

I immediately rush over and scoop Willow up. I carefully follow Glen down into his office. I lay her on the bed and move away. Glen starts going through cupboards and Scott checks her injuries.

"Uh Ryan."

I spin around to see Abbott standing next to Justin.

"We think we know who did this. We found Daniel's watch behind where Willow was laying. Daniel isn't in the house and isn't picking up his phone. We can't find him at all and can't contact him." Abbott says, slowly while looking at the ground.

Daniel? Why would Daniel do this? This isn't making sense. Why would Daniel do this to Willow? He knew that I wanted to keep Willow. Why would he just beat the shit out of her? What's going on here? Did she do something to him? But if she did something to him, he wouldn't just vanish. What is going on? Something isn't right. What is it? This is definitely not making any sense. What am I missing? What have I overlooked? Have I even overlooked anything?

"Why though? Why would he beat the shit out of Willow and then disappear into thin air." I finally ask.

"You guess is as good as mine. Do you want me to see if anyone else knows anything?" Abbott replies.

"Yeah. Ask everyone in the house."

Both Abbott and Justin leave. I turn back around and walk over to Willow.

"What's happened?" I ask.

"Well," Glen starts. "She's in a coma from the head injury. She's obviously been kicked around in the head and her body has shut down. The baby is still alive and fighting. I'm not sure how much we can do."

"Keep her alive," I yell. "That's my only order. Just keep her fucking alive!"


Hey again!

I didn't know how to end this chapter... so it just ended.

Sorry for this chapter being short as well... but as always rushed off my feet.

Why Daniel beat up Willow?

Where is Daniel?

Why did he disappear?

Is he up to something?

Vote & comment

- Bethany x

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