Chapter 8

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Willow's POV

It's now been a lovely month with Ryan.

It actually hasn't been that bad, apart from being here. But seriously Ryan has hardly ever been around. Correct that, Ryan has not been around.

Apparently Ryan had business to attend to and I was left in the hands of, you guessed it Justin.

I've learnt that Abbott and Julian are Ryan's second and third but they attended the important business as well. Because Justin is Abbott's brother, he's got to keep an eye on me while everyone is gone.

As you can probably work out, I wasn't listening very well when Ryan left.

Unfortunately he wanted to make out last night rememberable. And I remember it very clearly but for all the wrong reasons.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by someone banging on the door.

I locked myself in the bathroom ten minutes ago and now people are noticing.

"Willow get your fucking ass out of the bathroom!" Glen roars.

Not going to happen. I'm not getting out, ever again.

More banging, followed by silence. Silence? They wouldn't give up that easily, would they? What's the catch here? What are they doing?

I nearly have a heart attack when I hear Daniel's voice.

"Willow. Unlock the bathroom door."

I slowly get up and unlock the door. The door swings open, revealing Glen, Scott, Justin and Daniel. If you haven't guessed, I'm completely terrified of Daniel. I can deal with Ryan, Abbott, Glen, Scott, Justin, anyone really apart from Daniel. And Steven as well. I've completely lost trust in both of them. I'm just terrified of them both now.

"Care you explain why you just locked yourself in the bathroom?" Daniel quizzes, while he takes a step towards me.

"I um- I just needed some space." I lie.

"Really? That's why there is a pregnancy test in your pocket?"

"What? How did you know that?"

"I didn't. You just told me."

"What!? What are you talking about?"

"I took a stab in the dark. You wouldn't have a mental breakdown and lock yourself in the bathroom. That's not you because you have too much balls. Literally nothing will make you break. On the other hand, your biggest weakness is children. You love them too much to be brave. You'd rather break and protect the child instead of having the child being killed. Am I right, Willow? You're pregnant."

I sigh in defeat and look down at my feet. The pattern in these socks are so pretty. Socks. They are one of the best thing to think about. Clouds are obviously first but if there's no clouds or your inside, socks are the next best thing.

"Glen take a look and then Justin get her to call Ryan."

Daniel gives me a smirk and then leaves with Scott.

Justin grabs my arm and follows after Glen to his office.

"Alright Willow, I need you to cooperate and take your shirt off." Glen says, as he grabs something off the bookshelf.

No way. I'm not taking my shirt off in front of him again. That's just not going to happen. Already happened once and I'm definitely not planning on a second time. I'm just drawing the line at that.

Glen looks up and shakes his head. He nods towards me and next thing I know, my shirt is in two pieces.

I turn around to see Justin giving me a smirk. The bastard! I liked that shirt as well. That was one of the only decent shirts, I had been given.

"Sit on the bed," Glen snaps while pointing to the bed.

I slowly make my way to the bed and lie down. Glen gives Justin a nod and he walks over to me. He stands next to me and gives me look saying, 'don't misbehave'.

I try to picture myself somewhere as Glen does his examination.

I'm sitting with my real dad and Owen, drinking coffee at Starbucks. Yes that's exactly what I'm doing.

"Alright Willow. Congratulations you are pregnant. Of course it's too early to tell the gender but you're about four weeks along."

Great! Wonderful! Super! Superb! Excellent! Dandy! Spectacular! Awesome! Perfect! As you can tell, I'm just so happy to be pregnant with Ryan's baby. Beaming with joy.

"Alright Willow, I believe you've got an important phone call to make." Glen smirks.

I roll my eyes and get off the bed. That's when I remember my shirt is in half. Well this great. Perfect. Splendid. What do I do?

Justin grabs my hand before I could protest and pulls me out the door. He pushes me against the wall and looks down the hallway. What is he doing? He's really weird. Really, really weird.

He moves backwards and pulls off his hoodie. What is seriously doing?

It finally clicks when he hands me his jumper. He's giving me his jumper? He really is weird. Really, really weird.

I cautiously slip on his jumper and give him a puzzled look. Why is he doing this? He doesn't have to be nice. He's the brother of the second in command of a gang. He's not nice. Gang members aren't nice.

Come to think of it, he is nice. He doesn't go to bed. He hasn't tried anything.

Before Ryan left, Justin was to take care of me. That included making me sleep in his room. Because Ryan and I haven't been 'married yet' I apparently still can be used by the gang. But I don't remember him ever going to bed. He's always awake before me in the mornings. Something's not right here. Why is he so nice? This isn't making any sense. What is going on?

Justin bursts my thoughts as he grabs my forearm. He drags me down the hallway into his room again.

"Sit on the bed," he commands and I obey.

He pulls out his phone and types a message to someone. His notifications go off and his face drops for a second. It's quickly covered by a smirk. What is going on here? Why is Justin so different? Is he up to something? Or am I just being paranoid?


Hey again.

Short chapter again.

I'm really sorry but I'm pushed for time.

Until tomorrow, comment & vote.

- Bethany x

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