I have nothing else to do

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It's Corey. I'm kind of late to this thing so sorry about that. I didn't think this was a good idea but Lucy said it was fun and I trust her so.
Our band name is now officially called 'Youth' It sounds kind of cheesy but we like it. I really miss Percy. He's all I can think about. I can't believe that mom is sending me to that place to be "cured." What's there to be cured? It's not like that's gonna keep Percy and I apart. I can still write in here though so I'll have some kind of thing to do. Percy actually snuck me out last night and we met up with Casey. Lucy came with us to meet her. It was really fun. And Lucy said she would find some way for me to talk to them while I'm gone. She said she would try to talk to mom too.
The thing that makes me really mad is the impact this is having on Lucy. I heard her crying last night (and Lucy doesn't cry) and when I went to talk to her she said she was afraid for me to leave because I'm the only one that really understands her and likes her. She said she was afraid to come out because of what was happening to me. That made me so furious i almost passed out, because you know something is wrong when someone is afraid to find love because they might be disowned bye the people closest to them.
And I swear to God, if mom or Kelly hurts her because she isn't straight I'm taking her to live somewhere with me. I don't know where it would be though. Maybe with Percy or Casey. I have to go, Percy is knocking on my window. See ya.

Heather The Soccer Mom and her "Wonderful" FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now