Chapter 5

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     I scowl as they walk behind me.

     I bet you've never been the least bit uncomfortable. I snort.

     "Please, my life is the definition of uncomfortable." I mutter.

     "So what's the plan?" Cindy asks Blake. I stop and turn around, wanting to know the answer to that too. Cindy's eyes flicker to my face amd she blushes deeply. I get butterflies but keep an annoyed face on.

     "Well we need to keep driving until we reach Chicago." he says and I roll my eyes.

     "And we can't fly there, why?" I ask.

     "Too dangerous." Cindy replies and my heart skips a beat as I remember how not twenty minutes ago I was envious of the attention she gave Blake.

     "And because he'll be expecting that." Blake says. I nod and turn away. Cindy's already getting me distracted and I can't do anything about it since she has a boyfriend. I want to laugh at myself for being so ridiculous.

     We walk around and I explain to them the history of certain buildings and the secrets they hold. Every time Cindy tries to ask me how I know so much about the buildings I give her another thing to think about instead.

     My plan is to take them to Zarathos's place and make them lure him outside in some way, and as soon as they kill him I'll disappear. No matter what, I'm not going back in there and I'm not getting involved with anyone. I don't want any part of anyone else's problems, not even a beautiful girl like Cindy.

     "This building has a secret door in the back that used to lead down to a..." my voicr falters as I forget what it's called. "During Prohibition, people created these places where people could go get drunk and they sold alcohol. This building was a big part of that." I say, embarrassed that I don't know what it's called. They don't question me though and instead they look interested. I don't mention that the room it leads to is one of my favorite spots to sleep on cold nights.

     "You're really smart." Blakd says and I fight the urge to laugh.

     "Thank you." I say unsmiling. Cindy winks at me and my stomach flips. Why does she have to be so irresistible?

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