The Talk

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Gumball's POV

(W A R N I N G : This chapter contains Robball in a flashback, so if you don't like that ship, skip the flashback part!!! Alllllssso! There's another quick Chiball sketch ^^ XD)

When Rob and I ended our enemy-ship, I didn't really feel that offended until I realized he was now invested with Joe. I tried to make him hate me again, then I actually wanted him to like me... which was weird. But that was 3 years ago when I was 12. Ever since then, I figured out that I liked guys more than girls and that was hard to explain to Penny.

~Le Flashback~
(3rd Person POV for now)

It was in the middle of summer and had been a week since Gumball patched up his 'relationship' with Rob. Everything was back to normal with them... well at least, almost normal.

The cat had a strange desire to be around him not even he could comprehend. He started caring more about Rob than his own girlfriend, and Penny noticed that. Gumball had a feeling she noticed that too but didn't know what to do about it until he asked Darwin.

"Uh Dar?" He asked.


"I kinda have a problem..." He messed with his tail.

"With what?" The fish asked concerned.

"Promise you won't judge?"

"Of course I won't!"

"Okay... well lately I've been feeling kinda weird with Rob." He started. "And I've wanted to be around him and for him to like me recently too."

"Maybe you want to be friends with him?" Darwin suggested.

"Maybe, but I dunno. I actually care about him more than P-Penny" Gumball faded out. "And I don't know what that means..."

"You like him more than you're girlfriend?" The younger boy whispered.

"I uh, I think so" he replied at the same volume.

"Then, I think you like-like him..."


The next day, Gumball broke up with Penny. It wasn't too easy but he managed to do it somehow. He knew it would be hard to go back to school after summer break with Penny in so many of his classes considering they weren't on speaking terms anymore but that didn't matter too much to him. Once Penny angrily left his house, the cat talked to his brother.

"How'd it go?" The fish asked.

"N-not so good,"

"What happened?"

"She's really mad now, and violent..."

"Well at least you got it over with"

"Yeah I guess," There was a pause.

"Hey guess what!?" Darwin said excitedly.

"What?" His brother smiled.

"I invited Rob over~!" He smirked.


At that very moment, the doorbell rung and Gumball nearly screamed. Darwin went down and answered the door while Gumball made sure he looked presentable enough for his crush.

After and awkward encounter, the two boys somehow ended up dating. The relationship started off slow at first but soon enough they were doing everything together (avoiding Penny of course) and they were practically inseparable. They dated for about two years surprisingly, so Gumball was only one year out of the relationship when he met Chi Chi. Darwin and Anais thought that they were perfect together but it just didn't work out...

~End of Flashback~
(Gumball's POV again)

So I spent like 10 minutes explaining that to mom and she seemed to understand more, but I guess she still wanted me to like a girl, and that was understandable. But she accepted it I guess.


Mom and I walked back into the room where Dad, Anais, Darwin, and Chi Chi were. Chi Chi seemed to be relived that I was okay and not sad about anything, so he blushed a little and smiled. I smiled back of course.

"So what happened?" Darwin whispered.

"I just had to explain to mom a lot of stuff. But she's fine with it"

"Actually," mom said overhearing us. "I'll need to talk to both of you alone."

"O-oh okay" Chi Chi responded nervously. I helped him get up without his crutches so we could follow her faster. Then others had gone there separate ways to leave to four of us alone.

"If you two are going to be dating or something... then you can't just be making out in random places!"

Well we weren't making out..." I mumbled as we both blushed.

"Either way, you have to be careful around the rest of the family. The MOST you guys can do is kiss... in private, but if I catch you doing ANYTHING else, I'll be forced to separate you, got it?" She said sternly. We both nodded and left to warm up the now cold breakfast we had finished making a while ago.

We ate with the rest of the family in silence apart form the occasional appraisal of our meal that mostly Chi Chi made. I was too busy thinking about what mom said. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that she's okay with us being together, but she's also really uptight about it and that kinda scares me. At least she still let us be around each other though, right?

(Oh hey there! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and leave a comment if ya want! (^^) Also, based off that flashback, do any of you think you might like a Robball prequel to this book that's about their relationship? You'd probably only like that if you ship Gumball and Rob too, but it's just a thought, so tell me if you think you'd like it or not! Anyway, that's all for now thanks!!! ✌🏽)

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