Chapter 1

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Hello lovelies!! Here is another collaboration for you all to enjoy! The shippings are caste, tender, puzzle, and bronze. This is an alternate universe, and we own nothing but the plot, so please no klepto!!! This was written by myself and MobiumDragonWolf. Hope you all enjoy!

In the lands of Egypt there are two kings and a Pharaoh. The two kings being rival thieves. They've been trying to beat the other for a long time. The Pharaoh has been watching, amused by their antics.

It was one evening, after many rivalries had kept the Pharaoh's attention that the tricolored doppelganger of the Pharaoh walked in, white priest robes trailing behind in the light breeze. Looking with poorly concealed disgust at the Pharaoh the twin looked at the Pharaoh, bowing slightly, dropping his eyes, his rich baritone voice wafting in the silence. "My Pharaoh? May I speak?"

You may, little brother," Atem replied, glancing over at his look alike. "Is there any news?"

"Yes." Turning, he looked to a guard, nodding. The guard brought in a muscled, silver haired male, shirt torn, anger simmering off of him.

The Pharaoh smirked, "Ah, I see you finally caught him. Good... Did you catch him, Yami?"

"Yes. He was trying to sneak in, mumbling something about Ryou."

At the name Ryou, the dark eyed silverette glared, spitting at Yami. "Fuck you, I know you have him you bastard!"

"Good, you will be rewarded for this," the tricolored haired man with dark amethyst eyes assured. "If we did have a slave by that name I would've known by now, thief. He isn't here unless Yami encountered him before bringing you here."

"The only other slave I encountered was your present, Pharaoh. As you know, I dare not look upon the royal gift. However, I was told the slave's name was Yugi."

The Pharaoh gave his brother a sly smile, "Oh? Then Yugi is yours as a reward for bringing me one of the thieves."

Crimson eyes remained cool, but studied the Pharaoh not trusting this "generosity." "You are giving this slave to me without even seeing him?"

"Mmm, true, but I think I have a better one right in front of me," he replied simply.

"I'm nobody's fucking slave, you self-righteous prick!" The silver haired man spat, earning him a kick from the guard in his rib, spear pointed at his neck.

"Too bad, you don't get a choice," Atem hissed, rising to his feet. "You may leave, guard... I'll deal with him myself."

The guard bowed and left, backing out. Yami bowed, rolling his eyes after his head was bent. "Do you wish me to stay, my Pharaoh, or do you wish me to take my leave?"

"Do as you please," he replied, delivering a sharp slap to the thief's face. "You'll learn your place soon enough."

Yami rose up and walked out. He didn't want to be around the Pharaoh any more than he had to. Sighing, he walked towards where the gift was left. He didn't really appreciate slavery, but who was he to try to stop it? As he was leaving, he heard the thief..."Fuck you, false god." Yami smirked as he heard the thief spit...

"By the way, my name is Akeifa, you prick in a dress." The hand slap stung, but Akeifa would be damned to let the pain show with this self-righteous, egotistical ruler.

"Oh, I know your name very well," Atem murmured.

Yugi was in chains. He was pissed off at being caught and brought here of all places. He has pale skin, tricolored hair, and amethyst eyes.

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