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Jisung's POV

The next day in school , I saw Somin . She's wearing a thick sweater but apparently got scolded by the teacher .

" TAKE OFF YOUR SWEATER , KANG SOMIN ! " Mrs Jung screamed but Somin just suddenly broke down in tears .

" I-I-I CAN'T ! " She screamed and ran out of the class . Mrs Jung seemed surprised at her outburst and asked Me to follow her but i looked at Jinyeon and she gave me the ' you die ' look .

" Sorry but i can't do that since she'll be in the girls' washroom . " Mrs Jung sighed and asked Yoona to find her .

After about an hour , Somin finally came back with Yoona . Somin has puffy eyes and she's still wearing her sweater .

What happened to Somin ?

That's when I realised that i saw her crying yesterday . Did something happened ? I wanted to ask her but how would Jinyeon feel ?

Somin's POV

" I-I-I CAN'T ! " I exploded and ran out of the class . I ran to the rooftop and cried . I felt ashamed of myself , I felt disgusted of myself . I wanted to just cut myself away from the world .

" Somin ! " I heard Yoona's voice from the rooftop , her voice got nearer and soon , the door was forced opened and i saw a panicked Yoona standing infront of me .

" Are you okay ? " I nod , She sat beside me .

" What happened ? " I told her everything even though i was hesitant . She smiled at me , " If your not ready to tell others , I will keep the secret for you . "

I hugged her and she smiled .

By the time we went back to class , it's already Lunch break . I saw Jisung and Jinyeon hanging out in the class alone and i felt weird . I didn't realised it before but Jinyeon is wearing contact lens and she changed her hair style .

" You look nice , Jinyeon . " I said and smiled at her and she smiled back but something about her smile made me suspicious .

" What do you want to eat ? " Yoona asked as she cling onto my arm . " Bibimbap ! " She did the 'ok' sign and we queued for Bibimbap .

We sat alone since the rest went to the cabin to play games and all .

" Do you feel that Jinyeon became very different lately ? " I heard someone from behind talking about it . " Yeah , After dating Jisung , She changed 360 ! " I looked behind and it turns out to be her best friends , Hana and Rayoon .

" Do you think it's Jisung's doings ? " Hana asked and Rayoon shrugged , " That's not the problem now , we should change Jinyeon back to her previous self . She doesn't even hang out with us anymore since we are nerds . "

What , Jinyeon ditched her friends ?

" Geez , Does Jinyeon thinks she's not a nerd in the past ? How can she ditch her friends just like that . I can't even . " Yoona said as she played with her food .

" I guess people do change . " Yoona suddenly choked on her food , I passed to her a bottle of water and she drank it .

" It reminds me of something . " She cleared her throat , " When Mrs Jung asked Jisung to follow you just now , he rejected her . " I was shocked but yet disappointed .

" I thought there's something wrong with him since his usually very close to you , till the point me and Chaeyeon thinks he likes you . " I felt my face turning red .

" H-He doesn't . " She nods and shoots me a weird smile . " Anyways , I think there's something wrong with Jisung . " I nod .

Just then the bell rang and we went to class . Having to face the J love birds again .

Jisung's POV

Jinyeon sat on my table as we were talking .

" Oppa , Can you believe it ? The good , Teacher's pet , Kang Somin actually broke the school rules and burst her attitude at Mrs Jung ! " She laughed .

What is she laughing at ?

" I couldn't really believe it though , there's something wrong with Somin . She wasn't usually like this . She even cried somethi- " I got cut off by Jinyeon .

" Stop talking about her and start talking about your beautiful girlfriend here AKA me . " She smiled and started talking about her bags , Makeup and clothes . Even her family background .

On the other hand , I was thinking about Somin . She wasn't usually like that , something is wrong with her .

" So yeah , Basically i was born in the family of the famous Cleopatra from the Egypt . " She smiled proudly .

To be honest that's the past , why did she bother knowing so much about her past when it doesn't even affect her ?

" Oh . " She frowned , " Are you even listening ? " I nod . She smiled , " Well then quiz time ! "

What in the world .

" When is Ryu Jinyeon born ? "

" 22nd June . " She nods and did the Popular weekly idol ' correct answer ' sound .

" How old did Ryu Jinyeon learned to walk ? "

" 2. "

She smiled proudly and gave me a pat on the head .

" What is Ryu Jinyeon's mother's name ? "

" Sang Hyejung . "

I didn't even know how i know all of these . I guess it's from all the ' Talking about Ryu Jinyeon time ! ' Yes she have that in our Dating Schedule .

Believe it or not , we have a note book filled with our dating schedule where Jinyeon planned out the whole schedule for our date .

Just then I saw Somin and Yoona walking into the class . Somin stared at me while Yoona stared at Jinyeon .

" Excuse me ? " Jinyeon said and both of them continued to do their own stuff . Jinyeon rolled her eyes at them and she looked at me .

" Oppa , Next time , look at me . Okay ? Only me . " I nod and gave me an uneasy smile which she frowned at .

After a few days , I gradually got distanced away from Somin . We stopped talking and hanging out , And i was controlled . My whole life is controlled by my overly obsessed girlfriend . Except she's obsessed about herself .

" Oppa , Look at me . "
" Oppa , am i pretty ? "
" Oppa , Am i fat ? "
" Oppa , How do i look ? "
" Oppa , Is this nice ? "
" Oppa , Time for ' Ryu Jinyeon's Quiz ' ! "
" Oppa , Do you love me ? "

That's what i hear everyday . Without fail .

I felt a sense of regret dating her , and the worst nightmare is when i break up with her . Since she wouldn't agree to it and would haunt me even after i moved on from her .

Ryu Jinyeon , Please understand me .

11th March 2017

Guys ! You guys should check out Chuu's Clothings ! Chuu is a korean clothing brand , the sweater at the media is one of their sweater ! Their theme is really pastel and cute ! ITS SO NICEEE AND IM IN LOVE WITH THEM ! AND ITS SHIPPED WORLDWIDE ! :D

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