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Somin's POV

I Went home and laid on my bed . I laid my arm on my forehead , People my age are debuting , what am I doing with my life ?

I sat up , " I'm going for an audition. "

But the next second i'm like , " No , I'm too scared but I want to , but .. " All the Buts and I want to and stuff . In conclusion , Kang Somin is a coward.

I Watched Auditions videos , Damn . My chance of being an Idol is negative Percentage . I don't even have a chance . Kpop is spreading worldwide , Despite me being from korea , Chances are , I can't be an idol.

Why ?

I don't have the looks , nor the talent . Sadness .

I've decided , I'll decide once I reached the age of 18 , i'm too young to decide now .


I realised that It's already 10.15 pm , but where am i ? I'm on my bed , Not showered , No homework done . I took out all my homework and i swear , My homework is like Mount Everest .

Once i'm done with my homework , I laid back on the chair . I missed my hometown. I'm not from Seoul actually , I'm from Busan actually .

Having to Move to Seoul , Changing Dialect , It's tough but My Parents are always full of information . Kids in school bullied me because of my pronunciation and the slangs in Seoul dialect that I know are very limited .

Sigh . Society .

" Omma , Can we go back to Busan for a holiday ? " She turns to me , " Why so sudden ? " I shrugged ,
" Suddenly I felt Homesick . " She smiled , " If you want , Grandma would be more than glad to see you . "

" When Can we go back to Busan ? " She smiled ,
" When is your next Holiday ? " I thought for a while , " Next week ! " She smiled , " Next week it is then ! "

I Squealed and Ran up to my room to pack my bag pack since i'm Overexcited .

I lied on my bed after showering and it feels so good . I cuddled with my soft toy Unicorn , I named it Corny . It's my favourite soft toy , it's my last toy I got from my Grandfather.

" Corny-ah , We are going back to Busan next week ." I talk to my soft toys like a maniac , i'm weird like that . But scientific research shows that people like me have another name , we are known as ' Genius ' .

My eyelids gradually closed and i've entered Corny Land , where no one is judgemental and what's good is that my neighbour is EXO and BTS !

Sunlight hits me . ouch . I opened my eyes and saw a scary creature infront of me , I Screamed . My Mom ran in hurriedly , " What's wrong ? "

I laughed cheekily , " I realised I slept with a mirror infront of my face , and i saw my face the moment i woke up . " She seemed shocked .

" That is why .. " She said , " Why what ? " She seemed hesitant to say it , " You woke up yesterday night , calling out to me . But you called me like how your dad used to call me . He told me to go back To Busan before it's too late . "

I felt scared , me ? Me ? ME ?

She rushed me to the washroom to wash up , I looked into the mirror and saw another creature . I was getting ready to scream .

Oh it's just me .

I Took a quick shower and changed into my uniform which is so warm since it's summer now . What is summer ? Summer is the time of the year that i hate the most .

I Love Autumn .

Spring cause me to get sick easily , with all the bees flying around with pollen grains . What could be worse than that for a sensitive person ?

I walked down the stairs and laid my head on the table . My Mom placed a bowl of rice in front of me along with some side dishes , " Quickly Eat , It's getting late . "

I sat up , ate my food and walked to school .

Yejun's POV

I Saw Somin walking into the school with droopy eyelids . I smiled at the sight of a cute , sleepy puppy . Don't get the wrong idea , I have no interest in her .

" Kang Somin ! " I screamed , She looked at me sleepily and walked to me . " Ya , Cha Yejun . " She said , " What are we ? " I suddenly remembered our promise yesterday .

I hugged her , " Your my girlfriend . " People surrounded us and she seemed uncomfortable , this Puppy better get ready for more stares .

" Oppa , You and Kang Somin are dating ? "
" Oppa , What about me ? "
" Oppa ~ "

People kept screaming those questions out and i just wrapped my arms around Somin . Shinhye must be glad since she trust Somin .

We walked to class and we sat at our own individual seats . I messaged Shinhye about our scenario now and she seemed happy with it .

Something is off .

Would you be happy that your boyfriend and another girl is caught up in a relationship scandal ? I looked around and saw Somin , We made eye contact and I told her to come to my seat .

She walked to my seat and I told her my thoughts .

" What is the meaning of it ? " I asked , " I don't know , not all girls think the same ways . Girls are complicated . Really Complicated . "

Mrs Kang came in so we have to stop our conversation . She continued with our lesson and I swear , Park Jisung is glaring at me .

What's that dude's problem ?

Jisung's POV

The moment i stepped into School , I heard about the major Rumour going around .

Kang Somin and Cha Yejun dating ?

Apparently both of them revealed their relationship in school . When i was at my locker , I heard girls gossiping about their dating rumour .

" Apparently , Yejun hugged Somin in school today. "
" Really ? That's so sweet ! "
" Yeah , I heard That Kang Somin asked what are they and Yejun said Somin belongs to him ! "
" Aw ! " They said in sync .

I Rolled my eyes and walked into class . I rubbed my eyes to confirm and I saw Somin standing beside Yejun's Desk .

I tightened my grip on my books . Kang Somin will never be Cha Yejun's . She belongs to Park Jisung.

This is getting dramatic .

It shouldn't Be !

21st March 2017

I felt alot better that's why i'm updating !! I'm performing tomorrow ! Wish me luck !! And i Love reading all your comments !! It made me smile :) Stay safe , Healthy and Happy Y'all !

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