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Somin's POV

" Let's go to Myeongdong to lighten up the mood ! " Chaeyeon said and we all agreed . I felt bad towards Jisung , i was planning to be close to him but i've started to like him for who he is .

We saw Hotteok and Went crazy over it .

" Let's find a seat . " Chaeyeon said and we went to the benches area . Little did I know , that's the area that brought the biggest stab in my heart .

Park Jisung and another girl .

I made a slight eye contact with Jisung , his eyes seemed cold , unlike the past Jisung , to be more exact , Unlike the Jisung , A few hours ago .

" Let's go to another place . " Yoona said but i insisted that we stay here . " No , let's stay here . " They gave up and we sat at the bench a few benches away from Jisung and that girl .

" Are you sure your okay ? " I nod with a slight smile , " Which part of me says i'm not okay ? " Jihyun blurted out , " Your eyes , Heart and emotions . "

Yoona and Chaeyeon smacked Jihyun and i chuckled . " I'm really fine . "

Fine - That's a lie .

" They are leaving . " Chaeyeon said and we followed them . Are we stalkers ? No . We are just interested in our friend's life .

" Why are we following them anyways ? " Jihyun asked and we shrugged , " We are concern about our friend . " I said and they were giving me the ' don't lie ' look .

Jisung's POV

I Felt someone following us and I turned around to see Somin , Chaeyeon , Jihyun and Yoona following us closely from behind .

Why are they following me ?

I hated it when someone follows me , it made me felt like my privacy isn't important to them .

" Do you want to tell them to stop following us ? " Hyuna asked , I nod and turned around to face them .

" Guys , " I saw them having shock expressions on their faces , " Can you guys stop following us ? it's so irritating . " I stared into Somin's eyes , " Let's talk . "

I pulled her to a corner .

" Why are you following me ? " I tried not looking at her but i failed so bad , " I - I don't know . " She looked down on the floor . " You know that it's over for us right ? " She nods .

" I'm really sorry for not telling you about chanyeol , i was going to tell you , but - " I cut her off , " You were going to tell me ? That's a lie . You should have told me before hand . You had so many opportunities to say it but you chose not to . "

She held my wrist as I got up but i sweep her hands off .

" Jisung ! " She screamed and I ran to catch up with Hyuna . " Jisu- " That's when i heard the car honking , followed by a loud bang .

" Somin ! " I heard people from behind screaming .

I slowly turned around to see Somin lying on the ground . The man in the car came out , " A-Are you okay ? " Somin smiled slightly and nod .

He called the ambulance and brought her away to the hospital .

I stood at the corner , not knowing what to do . I was shocked at the scene , is it my fault ? She Chased after me , that's why it resulted in her getting into an accident .

It's all my fault .

" Jisung-ah , are you okay ? " I shook my head , " It's my fault . " She shook her head , " Its not your fault . It's no one's fault . "

Chaeyeon walked towards me , " It's not your fault . " Yoona went with Somin while Chaeyeon and Jihyun stayed behind .

We took a cab to the hospital and Jihyun called Somin's mother . I waited for the emergency room's light to turn off . But it didn't .

I've been sitting in the hallway for a couple of hours , But they are unable to reach Somin's mom yet . I felt so useless , i'm mad at her for something so useless .

" Somin-ah ! " I heard a lady's voice screaming as she ran nearer to the emergency room. " Oh , Jisung-ah , what happened to Somin ? " She asked as she turned towards me .

" I-I'm sorry . " That's all i could say , I felt so useless . Because of me , Somin hurt herself . Good Job Park Jisung .

" It's okay , It's not your fault . " She said as she comforted me . That's a lie .

Suddenly the once red light , turned off and a man in white walked out . He smiled to us and said , " She is safe . " And he walked off with his pearly white teeth .

We ran into the ward Somin is transferred to and she's just lying on the bed with tubes connected all over her fragile tiny body .

She shifted a little and her eyes opened gradually .

Somin's POV

I Opened my eyes slowly , Bright lights shine into my eyes and damn , it's brighter than my future .

" Somin-ah ! " I heard Mom screamed and I smiled , " Are you okay ? " I nod , " How are you feeling ? " I'm actually fine so .. not sure why are people worried . I'm Female , Fe stands for Iron while male stands for man so i'm ironman.

" Somin-ah , " I heard a boy said , I made eye contact with him and it sends shivers down my spine . I'm scared .

" J-J-JiS-Sung .. " I said and he smiled slightly , " Are you okay ? " I didn't answer him , I have this fear towards him . I don't know why . Looking at his face made me felt scared .

" Somin ! " Three girls ran in , and hugged me . Aw . Friendship hug ! " Are you okay ? " I nod , " I'm ironman . " Chaeyeon looked at me , " Let's find the doctor . "

" EXO ! " I screamed and Jisung just flinched . Oh yeah . We fought because I didn't tell him about EXO thing . Proof that i'm Iron man , Despite going through such tough incident , I'm able to remember and i am healthy .

A few days passed and i'm back in school .

People shoots me weird looks .
Why ?
People stared at me weirdly.
Why ?
People whispers about me .
Why ?

I didn't remember what happened before the accident though , Am i not Ironman anymore ?

I'm still a female though so , I'm still ironman .

What really happened ? Someone , Save me !

19th March 2017

End of holidays tomorrow , bless me .

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